Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1056283-Wonder-Woman-and-cartoon-porn
Rated: ASR · Book · Comedy · #2304034
Mom believed the Zion would come from the English Royal Family.
#1056283 added September 27, 2023 at 5:31am
Restrictions: None
Wonder Woman and cartoon porn...

I had a lot of sex in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
But I have next to none now...
I thought my stroke had erased my sex-drive.
However, cartoon porn of Wonder Woman has restored it!

I like old style cartoons of Bugsy and that pesky hunter.
But I never thought I would find cartoon porn of Wonder Woman.
Xnexx has it!
And it is wonderful...
I loved Linda Carter as Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman comes from a psychologist.
Wonder Woman is not human.
She is made from clay from the island Themysica.
The clay child of Queen Hippoycta is given life by Zeus.

I wrote a long letter to Linda Carter about this.
She sent me an autographed photo...
I thought my letter was more important than that.
But I still watched the show and bought the videos.
Wonder Woman is not human!

Wonder Woman did have a way with Col. Steve Trever.
Did he know she was made from clay?
Probably not.
Gal Gabot is the new Wonder Woman.
She is no Linda Carter!

I could have married Linda Carter...
It was not to be...
Nevertheless, I had an erection with the cartoon Wonder Woman!
I thought I was a eunuch.
Thankfully that is not the case.

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