Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1057092-Is-it-the-end-of-civilization
Rated: ASR · Book · Comedy · #2304034
Mom believed the Zion would come from the English Royal Family.
#1057092 added October 9, 2023 at 8:30pm
Restrictions: None
Is it the end of civilization?

"Jesus! I keep these tanks clean." Muzzy removes his dead fish.
It was a Red Tail Shark... Now, a carcass under a driftwood with a pleco.
"Why must my favorite fish die?" Muzzy silently removed the fish with his net.
"It was three years old." Sarra remarked as Muzzy flushed his fish.

"I hate death!" Muzzy exclaimed as he flushed his Red Tail Shark.
Sarra looked at Muzzy in the eyes, "Will get another one."
Muzzy sighed, "Okay... But not right away."
He looked at the toilet and flushed again just to be certain.

Another two cents...

Bob Country
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1057092-Is-it-the-end-of-civilization