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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/270135-Fun-day
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#270135 added December 21, 2003 at 2:05am
Restrictions: None
Fun day
Well, woke up around 11 and started my day off with a shower. Then I called Colby to see if he was ready for going to the party and he didn't answer. Called a few more times and still no answer. Finally called again at 1:20 and his grandfather said he was working, but would call me back. So I went to the party and awaited a call.

At the party, no one really showed up. I got to see Scott's new spear, axe, sword, and knives. Very decent and very sharp. After that and him showing me some games, we went downstairs to mingle with the rest of the crew. Still, no one really there. Then I got a call from Colby and he wanted me to pick him up. Right then, people started showing up. Went to get Colby and came back and waited for the grab to begin.

I got this cool little phone with a head set, amazing little gadget. Cousin Ed loved my screaming rubber chicken that I got for the grab, it was the life and annoyance of the party. Well, after the grab, I figured I'd go snce Sills kept calling me because we were supposed to go see Kim at Chili's. I found Colby, dropped him off at the mall, and went to Stop and Shop to go with Sills to Chili's.

I had never had so many girls on me at one time before, hehe. Immediately when I came, Amy gave me a hug and pulled me down to her lap. I stayed there for some time. I pulled out my shock lighter and everyone had a ball with that. Later on Amy decided to give me a massage. Although it wasn't "orgasmic" as Amy said, it was still good. Then I gave Kim a massage while Amy gave others a massage. A bunch of girls on the other end of the table kept glancing over to me and smiling and taking my picture. Hehe, I love being the ham.

It was decided after that that some of us would go to the movies. Sills couldn't because his parents cut his curfew short. He still gave us a ride there. Kim was in my lap for the ride. Then we went in and saw "The Haunted Mansion" really shitty movie, but I had my arm around Kim and we just joked about the movie a bunch. Full out and all around smacking the spider forever and ever, hehe.

After the movie, I walked to Stop and Shop to get my car and called Danielle to see where she was, she was at Al's. I asked Al if he wanted me to come over and he said sure. I stopped at 711 first and saw a new flavor of Piranha and got it. Didn't drink it though. Anyways, went on my way and got to Al's. Apparently Danielle left 2 minutes before I got there, always avoiding me whenever she can. Al was pissed and yelling in the phone to someone the entire time. I just watched TV with Bean, his girl and Erin. It lasted 1 Smirnov Ice Triple Black and then I decided to get going. Al apologized for being on the phone and I told him not to worry about it. I said bye to everyone and then left for my house. Talked to Jess a little bit about my day, and now I'm going to sleep.

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