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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/279930-Good-Weekend
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#279930 added March 1, 2004 at 2:22am
Restrictions: None
Good Weekend
On Saturday, I didn't have any work, but I did have a mission. Ozzfest Tickets at noon. I woke up at 12:20 and the first thing I said was "Fuck!" and went to the computer to get my tickets. Got decent ones, cost me $75 plus $10 for service charge, but hey, still good.

After that, me and Steve went to Bickford's for breakfast. It was funny cause I said six people were coming, but that only delayed us getting to order because they kept looking for others to show. After Bickford's we drove around for a bit and then went to Stop and Shop, actually cleaned my car, and then drove Kim to her house so she could get changed and we could go to the mall.

At the mall I got Kim an early gift for our 2 week anniversary. A silver necklace. I used all the money I had to get it, but I was just in the mood to get her something. My love for her will be the end of me, hehe. Anyways, she loved it.

Afterwards, me and Kim went to Uno's with a few of her friends which was a fun time. I like Christine and Jen, they're fun people. I'll get to see them again at the party on Friday. Me and Kim left a little early because she "got a call."

When we got back to my house, we had the most romantic evening we've had so far in our short relationship. Definately one of the most romantic evenings in my life. We were lying together, holding each other as close as we could. For the longest time it was just that. Soft little kisses and each other's arms gaining grip on the other. I wish it would've never ended. Sadly enough, it did and I drove her home.

After that, me and Steve met up at Bickford's again. We decided to get lost in Quincy and got on the highway. Got off at the Quincy T Station exit and then drove around till we found 3A and then went back on 53 which brought us back home.

On Sunday, I discovered I didn't have too much money on hand. I went to the bank and saw I was $12.75 in the hole. Oh shit, Ozzfest has taken it's toll. Anyways, I took $30 out of my saving adn put it in my Checking and I was all set atleast for now. I went over to Kim's and we watched National Lampoon's Vacation and Caddy Shack. I found out from Kim later on that her Dad's doesn't hate me and her Mum feels bad for me because I don't have home cooked meals ever. Maybe I'll get in good with the family via sympathy? Hehe. Anyways, we went to work at 3 and had a hectic day.

I could barely stay around Kim because it was so busy. I did manage to get her a card for our anniversary. I get the important stuff done! After that, me and Steve went to Bickford's and talked about the Renee and Laura situation. Things seem to be settling now. Steve might have a girlfriend that actually likes him! Boo ya! Anyways, when I got home, me and Kim talked for two hours about random issues. Basically, we learned some things about each other, but we'll keep those things secret. I love her so much.

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