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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #976498
Zee Journal!
#369068 added August 27, 2005 at 10:03pm
Restrictions: None
I love when people send me things about my blog! It makes my day!

So for those still tuned let's go back to the drama that is already unfolding in the previous entry. Sheryl, the B-Day girl, and I had quite the tiff the other day. Life has been really stress heavy the past couple of weeks, with the death of a friend's mother, my own family problems, and with now starting school, the last thing you want to do is really get in my face about anything, especially when it is trivial.

So, I was supposed to go to Sheryl's fiance's sister's wedding(everyone say that 5 times fast) and I decided on Thursday that I wasn't really cool with going all the way to Winslow(a 5 hour drive) to go to the wedding(I hate weddings) of someone I don't know and spend the weekend in a house with a bunch of people I don't know. Two of my other friends were gonna go too(mind you we would have been sharing a small Hyundai the whole way up) and we all pretty much decided that we really didn't want to go and would much rather just spend the time at home hanging out.

Jinx(one of the two other friends) was going to be seeing Sheryl on Thursday and so I just told her when I saw her previously in the day to tell Sheryl that I wasn't going to be going either. Normal enough, right?

Well, I get a text message a few hours later from Jinx. It reads: "Sheryl won't take it from me, you have to tell her." I have to tell her?

A little back story on this. My friend Sheryl is a bit controlling. She'll tell you to your face that she doesn't care if you don't come to one of her functions, but if you don't you are enemy #1. She'll spend the whole time you are not there talking about what a jerk you are, much less the incredible guilt trip she'll give to you in person.

So, knowing that something like this was already brewing like storm clouds on the horizon, I tell Jinx to just leave me alone and take what I had told her as what was going to happen. It is never that simple.

She begins to dial my phone incessantly. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times it rings. No message. She just hangs up to turn it back on and call me. At the time I'm playing an on-line game and Jinx gets on too over at Sheryl's place. She sends me a message: "Sheryl will not give up until you talk to her."

I reply, "Tell her I'm really not in the mood to talk to her."

Jinx says, "She says she has to hear it from you."

I, again, reply, "I really, really am not in the mood to deal with her. If she starts to give me a lecture I'm going to give her war."





"This is Sheryl. If you couldn't tell me to my face you weren't going...(this is where my rage begins boiling over: Hulk Smash style and I actually don't read the whole thing, only snippets)...You could have a.) done this, blah blah...what have I done to you to make me do this, blah blah...

To be very honest, I can't remember reading the whole thing. I had reached my boiling point. I replied something to this effect:

"Can't you take a hint? I said I didn't want to talk to you about all of this right now. And what do you mean you didn't do anything to me? What about the cheap shit you pulled last week. You wanna know what Sheryl? Go fuck yourself."

[You have succesfully logged out of World of Warcraft!]

Suffice to say, she is about as mad as any one entity could be. She unleashes her anger upon my friend Jinx, telling her exactly what kind of slease bag p.o.s. I am.

The night passes into day, and sitting in my mailbox is a bunch of random e-mails she has sent trying to invoke her holy wrath upon me. I will share with you all some snippets from said e-mail:

"When you stop acting like a childish little dick head you can call us."

"Also , heres some advice. Go see a fucking doctor , you need help."

"I'm sorry if you decide we can't continue to be friends. If that is the case then farewell and hopefully you will eventually learn how much you hurt the people around you . "

That about sums up her anger. I'll admit, flat out telling someone to go fuck themselves can be a bit much: but it was worth it. I've wanted to say it for so long.

What's worse is that everyone she is friends with feels pretty much the same way. We really only put up with her so we can hang out with her fiance Jeff. I am really sad about having to lose a friend like Jeff over all of this, but the girl only makes me more insane than I already am.

I sent her back 3 e-mails which read as follows:

E-Mail # 1: "I won't give you the courtesy of reading the whole thing. I'll just give you two words: Good bye. You are more than welcome to come see your ferret. Have a good time ;)"

E-Mail # 2:"Don't care."

E-Mail # 3: "And just so you know: I'm cool with Jeff. Your just as loopy as I am. Psycho bitch. You would be suprised how many people feel that way too. Bye!"

Granted, calling her a Psycho bitch was a bit much, but I had to throw at least one punch: I'm Irish. These e-mails spawned two more e-mails which I refuse to read. My friend Jinx, always interested in the daily gossip asked me to forward them so she could at least see what Sheryl had to say.

Jinx would then tell me that what Sheryl said was nothing short of 100% mean spirited and that she was honestly trying to rip my heart, soul, and mind out of me. So, alas, I won't even expose myself to those e-mails for fear of further aggrivating myself.

After this I swear there won't be any more drama. At least not from this specific set of people.

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