Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/454700-The-death-of-the-day
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#454700 added September 14, 2006 at 8:19am
Restrictions: None
The death of the day.
Have you ever woken up raring to go? Bubbled through the day? Everything seemed perfect, the weather was beautiful, the traffic lights were all green, you ran early for every appointment, etc.? That was today for me and it doesn't happen offen. But today was incredible and I felt charged and ready to face anything.

But now, hours later now the sun has set and the beautiful day has turned into a lovely night the energy is gone. I don't know where it sapped away to but I search for some because I was hoping to get some reviews done tonight. My plan is to raid John~Ashen 's port but last night and tonight my mind turned to flop. I don't want to review when I'm in such a dismal mood because my opinion and thought processes will both be effected.

So I'm reaching the stage where I just want to log off and that's why this blog entry comes in here like this. I've dedicated myself to a blog entry each day and I don't feel right about logging off without having written it, even if I just want to mope off and tune out.

I can't understand my change of mood. I was feeling so wonderful and then over the last three or so hours it's just disappeared. I feel like I've accomplished nothing but I look back over the day and lots got done. My daughter went to and from school. The dog went to the groomer. We got the shopping done. Ohhh, and my mother and I WON THE LOTTO!!!! *grins* Not the first division win that someone else in my suburb won but a fifth division which covers the cost of next weeks tickets. *Smile*

Anyway, I look back and I did accomplish a lot of RL chores. The trouble really is that I didn't accomplish any writing ones and that's where my heart is. If I'm not writing and producing work, if I'm not reviewing, not learning, etc. I feel terrible. Of course, now I have a few hours before bed when I COULD sit and write or review or even read and I just don't have the energy or inclination to do any of it. I'd rather turn my brain off, have a long hot bath, and get to sleep early.

I'm not going to force myself to work. Not tonight anyway. A hot bath and bed is a good option because I have another full on day. Tomorrow is Sports Carnival at my daughter's school so we'll be up early and getting them ready. Then spending the day out there in the sun cheering her and the rest of her school on. Should be lots of fun and I'll have to think about taking things to keep Josh entertained and hopefully I can settle in with some of the other Mum's I know.

But even that is too much to think about just now. And so with a ramble in here that was almost totally pointless I'm going to get out of here. Hopefully this strange mood will have lifted by the time I get home tomorrow. But if not then I'll pike out then too and get some work done on the weekend after resting instead.

*ponders* It's just strange to feel like this at the end of a great day. Doesn't anyone else find their day dying like this?

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