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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/556508-Twists-and-Turns
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1219658
Another plate full of the meat and vegetables of my life.
#556508 added April 26, 2013 at 7:37pm
Restrictions: None
Twists and Turns
I was never a very exceptional or willing student of biology. I never had the heart or stomach for dissecting frogs or pickling organs in jars. The inner workings of the human body are something I prefer not to think about, particularly as they age, but whatever we are wired up to do, I swear my wires are crossed somewhere.

Take sleep for instance. An hour ago I went to bed. The minute my head hit the pillow the adrenaline started flowing, the pulse rate rose and the brain activity went into overdrive. Tomorrow morning when the rest of the world kicks into action I'll be a slug on valium and just want to turn over and sleep for England. It's not easy being an owl.

I've not gained a lot of knowledge during my time on earth, but one thing I have learned is never to make definite plans. Fate will always intervene and whether we like it or not, we are forced to follow the paths we're given, rather than the ones we'd choose.

I thought I'd got off to a good start this month and may possibly have Humbug done and dusted early for a change. Parcels were in the post, cards were written and a purge of online shopping completed. I'd even started on the Blogville News earlier than usual. But experience has taught me never to take anything for granted.

First came the tooth ordeal. Not something I'd looked forward to, but little did I realise just how much pain and sleep deprivation one little implant could cause. This swiftly followed by another hospital ordeal for my dad and another session of dashing between parents in seperate locations. Then the onset of the bug from hell which left me flat on my back for two days. But you know me; never one to complain. *Wink*

Dad is now home with a new pacemaker fitted, but things are not going to be easy. Despite the concerns of the nurse who expressed her opinion that I can't continue to run myself ragged and am entitled to a life of my own, social services can offer nothing, as my dad reaches their sole criteria for assistance in that he can wash and dress himself. So, it's back to business as usual.

It's a funny old life isn't it? Last humbug hubby and I spent alone, despairing and anxious over a son who'd made a decision very few would find hard to believe. This year, we'll have the evidence of his bizarre actions sitting round the table for dinner. Well, they've lasted over a year now and despite all the traumas seem determined to prove us all wrong. Maybe fairy tales do happen after all. And there won't be many who can claim to have a real Angel in their midst for the season. I don't think there'll be any need to stick her on top of the Christmas tree either. I'm pretty sure the huge amount of gifts Santa will bestow upon this little sweetheart will keep her occupied all day and possibly into the night. I know, I know, I may not know much about human anatomy but a soft heart is something I'm burdened with.

So, as usual I find myself all behind with everything and about to disappear up my own posterior. Do biology teachers ever give lessons on that one? But, it will come and go as all things do and I'm not going to lose any sleep worrying about it.

Just a minute - I am losing sleep. I should have been snoozing ages ago but maybe a blog entry will settle the brain and I'll wake up bright and early tomorrow, raring to go. No, I don't believe that either.

Before I climb the stairs again, many thanks for the very appropriate snowman -

** Image ID #1363790 Unavailable **

This image was gifted to me by the ever-generous and extremely funny bugzy is baaaccck!! and was created by the lovely and oh-so-talented terryjroo at "Invalid Item.

Nighty Night my friends. See you in the morning...or possibly much later. Anyone know how to transform an owl into a lark?

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