Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/773754-A-Little-Green-Dress
by Aelyah
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1917015
The year is 1456 and the son of the Dragon prepares to seize what is rightfully his...
#773754 added February 3, 2013 at 7:41pm
Restrictions: None
A Little Green Dress

The years passed but Niklaus' obsession with the green dress and the identity of its owner remained.

Niklaus scanned the windows and not finding what he was looking for headed for the entrance. Tamas' castle was lit with colorful lanterns. Music seeped through the doors, and the smile on the guests' faces witnessed the party's grand success.
He kept his eyes on the crowd, and mechanically went through the ceremony announcing his presence. A lesser noble, the loud announcement didn't stir much interest. He finally saw the mass of brown curls he was seeking and made his way through the thick crowd. He stopped before her and bowed deeply:
'I trust you are having a great time, lady Erzsbet. Would you do me the honor of the next dance?'
Erzsbet smiled and measured him. Her smile didn't reach her eyes, but she answered coquettishly:
'Maybe, Sir Niklaus, maybe'.
Niklaus started to frown; his eyes darkening his already sun-kissed face.
Erzsbet extended her hand and answered: 'Let's dance, my lord'.
Niklaus expelled a deep breath and took her hand. He led her to the dancing floor and cursed inwardly his tendency to stumble. He must not squander his only chance to impress the beautiful Erzsbet.
He was already taken with the green dress she wore, in perfect harmony with her curls and the chocolate of her eyes. He stopped himself from raking her shapely figure, only augmented by the perfect cut of the dress. Was he imagining, or was she swaying her hips in an inviting call, above the property of the dance?
He held her hand and squeezed it gently. She answered with a stronger than proper squeeze of her own and a direct look. All was going well, and it gave him a heady sensation. Too well, a little voice in the back of his head whispered. He muted the voice, and they parted and met again with the music.
'Green dresses are becoming on you, Lady Erzsbet' Niklaus tried.
She smiled again the smile which didn't reach her eyes.
'Why, it is my favorite color, Sir Niklaus, since I was a little child.'
Niklaus stilled for a moment, enough to miss the step and stumble. He cursed inwardly and murmured a humble apology.
'Could Erzsbet be the girl of long years past?' he mused silently.
Erzsbet took his arm and lead him to the open doors. He gratefully accepted; despite the fresh night air, the doublet was tight about his neck and cold sweat trickled between his shoulder blades.
Niklaus wasn't sure how they arrived at the green maze behind the castle. Alone with the much sought after Erzsbet, he tried to convince himself her wealth and position had no connection with the excitement engulfing him.
The cold sweat on his back reminded him of her revelation. He must know if Erzsbet was the girl he wondered about all these years. 'What were you doing twelve years ago in Ioannis' castle' was out of question, so he hung onto the only thread he had: the green dress.
'My Lady, and yet this is the first I see you in a green dress' he continued their previous conversation.
'I must be careful what I wear at court, my lord, and you have seldom seen me in my castle.' she answered with an almost disappointed look.
'How I long to repair this, Erzsbet.' he said, a brooding darkness descending in his eyes. He pulled her close and kissed her with a longing gathered for twelve long years.
He must have done something right, as Erzsbet warmed to his touch and responded to his invitation. He struggled to get control of himself, of his honor but failed. Guilt and need threw him in a haze that left him struggling for air. The salvation came in her unexpected proposition:
'I know a better place, my lord. Follow me.'
'I... can't' he stammered. He knew if he followed there will be no turning back. He wanted Erzsbet. He would marry her if God allowed, in a church and with Tamas's blessing.
'Oh, my lord, I was merely suggesting you see the dresses you show so much interest in.', she blushed.
She seemed appalled of the implication and continued: 'My father will notice my absence, you may call on me tomorrow.' She stomped away leaving Niklaus breathing heavily with an anger he could only turn on himself.

The hours dragged, and Niklaus got little sleep. He dressed and was at Erzsbet's receiving quarters as early as etiquette allowed. His hope for a private apology was crushed when he found her solar buzzing with guests. He barely dared to look at her when she offered him her brightest smile. It still didn't reach her eyes, but he was too enthralled to notice.
'Sir Niklaus is a lover of the color green and admires my green dresses a great deal.' she spoke with mirth.
'Let's look at my green dresses and remember the old days.' she laughed. Hand clapping and laughter met her suggestion. She signaled the servant at the door to push the big trunk in the room.
'Miklos, pick up a dress and tell me what your remember.' she smiled at her brother.
Miklos pulled a dress and looked at her: 'You wore this when you were presented at Dragon's court. He looked at Niklaus: 'I remember, Niklaus and that puny spawn of Ioannis were presented to the Dragon that day too. They were both shaking and solemnly gazing at him, as he was God or something' he guffawed.
Niklaus frowned, trying to recall the moment; he would have never missed brown curls and a green dress.
'You didn't think Tamas's daughter would be presented with the likes of Bade and Ioannis, didn't you?' he smirked.
'Look what I found.' one of the giggling ladies exclaimed. She pulled what it seemed an old child's dress. 'Is this yours, Erzsbet?' she wrinkled her nose.
Niklaus stilled, and he made a good effort to keep his eyes from growing the size of small platters.
'Er... yes... I almost forgot about it.' she frowned and gave Miklos a warning look.
'A child must live with the mistakes of a dowdy governess.' she laughed. 'Poor thing, she didn't have one fashion bone in her.'
The young lady dropped the dress back into the trunk as it burned her.
Niklaus advanced to Erzsbet, took her hand and kissed it gently. He then turned and left the room. He would make Erzsbet his wife, now that he found her, or die trying.

The day was young and Niklaus waited outside Tamas's office. Lord Bade was accompanying him, and he seemed none too happy. A servant opened the door and motioned them to enter.
Lord Tamas sat in his chair before the fire. He signaled both to join him on the opposite bench. Lord Bade bowed curtly and sat. Niklaus offered a smile, a deep bow and dared a handshake. Tamas returned it, surprising both Niklaus and Bade.
'Please sit, son. What brings you here?' he asked, although, Niklaus guessed, he knew well.
'My Lord, I am most honored to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.' he solemnly announced.
His figure was grave and Tamas didn't seem to notice the white knuckles drumming on Niklaus' thighs.
'You are in luck, my son. The difference in wealth and status stands firm against this union, but in my old age, I find I cannot stand against the happiness of my only daughter. There are several conditions. You must convert to our Catholic faith, and pledge your fealty to our house.' he answered with a tone which precluded any negotiation.
Lord Bade blanched and raised.
'It is time to go, son.' he announced, heading for the door.
Niklaus' pleading eyes begged him to stay, but Bade would not be swayed. He strode out of the room
Conflicting thoughts warred on Niklaus's face. Tamas bid his time. He poured wine into a goblet sitting on the small round table near his chair and sipped it slowly.
Niklaus raised his head and said with a voice of steel:
'Very well, Lord Tamas, you will have my oath after Erzsbet, and I speak our vows. '
Tamas needed no other proof for he knew the foolish loyalty of the pup. He just hoped Erzsbet wasn't as taken with the lad as she seemed.

Niklaus made good on his promise. He joined Miklos and Tamas's army on their raids
The horses were breathing hard on the steep slope. The raiding party advanced slowly, in a single file on the narrow mountain path. The man in the front of the line seemed tense, and focused on keeping control of his horse. Niklaus sighed and rolled his shoulders to relieve some of the tension and maybe frustration.
It was unusually cold, even for a mountain pass, and Niklaus tightened the cloak around him. The steam was rising from horse and man alike and the knights hunched, trying to keep warm.
A screech and a loud noise startled him, and his horse reared. Struggling to keep control of his own horse, he watched helplessly as Peter's horse skidded on the rubble.
'Peter, jump now!' Niklaus yelled and looked horrified at them sliding down in the deep ravine.
Niklaus dismounted and looked down the crevasse. The horse lay broken in a pool of blood on a ledge about 20 feet below. At his feet, Peter lay precariously over a ledge protruding from the ravine wall.
'Fast, bring me a rope!' yelled Niklaus
A long faced knight dismounted and took the rope out of his saddle bag and threw it to Niklaus.
Niklaus wound the rope against a sturdy looking stone on the edge of the path and looked meaningfully at the long-faced knight.
'Ianos, I will need all the help I can get.'
Ianos shoot a furtive glance towards Miklos and nodded. Niklaus deftly swung the rope, and its end coiled around Peter. They drew ragged breaths when they finally dragged Peter up on the confined path.
Niklaus pulled Peter's helmet and looked at his closed eyes and the trickle of blood oozing from his mouth.
'Peter, wake up! Niklaus called. He gently shook his face when he received no answer.
Niklaus startled when Miklos kicked Peter with a loud thud.
'You are delaying us. He's dead. Let's go. His horse is gone and this sorry knight... ', Miklos underlined with another loud kick in Peter's armor '…is useless.' He motioned at both Niklaus and Ianos to mount their horses and follow him. Both knights nodded curtly and were grateful for their helmets hiding the scowl on their faces.
Niklaus waited for Miklos to turn around and dropped fast on his knees.
'God be with you, Peter." He slid the wine skin in the crook of Peter's arm and put a couple of coins in his hand, closing his gloved hand around it. He mounted and with a last glance at his friend, he spurred his horse forward.

Niklaus looked up at the sky. Big snowflakes were dancing in the sharp wind. He glanced furtively at Miklos and then turned and looked back with a sigh. His eyes tried to pierce through the dense streams of snowflakes. Helpless, he tightened the cloak around his body with a barely visible shiver. He looked in Miklos' direction and met his eyes. Miklos motioned him to approach, and Niklaus could barely hide his surprise. He rode his horse near Miklos.
'You grew up on these lands. Does it always snow in October?'
'No, my lord, it never snowed at this time of the year.'
The cold sipping through his armor gave him an unusual boldness.
'Might I suggest, my lord, to stop and weather the snow storm in a covered place? The knights need to remove their armors to avoid frostbite."
Miklos' steel countenance didn't falter.
'We ride.' gritted Miklos under almost chattering teeth.
'My lord, I know of a cave within a mile distance, large enough to fit the knights in our party. We could tie the horses behind a ledge for the night.' added Niklaus.
Miklos turned to the white-bearded man riding to his left. The man partly turned and nodded.
'We will stop and remove the armors. The padded gambeson and the thick cloaks will protect you enough.... ladies.', he grunted.
'You can return to your place, Niklaus.', Miklos continued, stressing 'your place'. Niklaus frowned and gripped his sword.
'I mean... Sir Niklaus,' Miklos added with a smirk.

Huddled in the cave, the knights warmed their hands at the small fires dotting the floor.
'This is harsh weather, my lord. It might be hard living up here I'd say. I wonder how our Lady Erzsbet will fare once she is wed.' Ianos said, obviously not aware of the deal between Niklaus and Tamas.
'I believe she is familiar with the weather. She visited Ioannis' castle as a child.' Niklaus answered.
'You mean my sister Erzsbet?' Miklos sputtered. 'What made you think my parents would ever allow my sister to go in that Godforsaken place?'
Niklaus froze, and heat crept through his body. The look on the white-bearded man's face made Miklos swallow his words, and Niklaus see through Erzsbet's betrayal.
He was grateful he stayed behind and didn't remove his armors. He strode out of the cave without heeding Miklos' threats. He mounted his horse and rode him hard through the night, mindless of the dangers of the mountain pass.

The white lather on his horse brought him back to reality. His anger subsided and when he could think clearly, the questions pounded until only one remained: 'Why didn't _she_ trust him with the truth?'. The white expanse of snow and the cold sipping through his armor spurred him to seek refuge at the inn several leagues down the road. If the road led him to the Dragon prince's army, it was as well. He had an oath to keep.

The winter turned into spring and the spring turned into summer. The armors weighed heavily on the drenched bodies. Armies of brothers faced each other, fighting for princes of the same blood, bearing the same name. Niklaus felt his heart beating hard under the coiled dragon tattoo. There will be no forgiveness today, only revenge, the look in his prince's eyes said while leading the charge.
Niklaus pulled his helmet off, and his dark hair fell to his shoulders. He raised his sword and charged forward with a bitter laugh.
Damn Dochia for giving him love but not her trust. Damn Erzsbet for giving him hope but not the truth. Damn his father for expecting him to be who he is not. And goddamn himself for letting them drag him into this mess.

He parried a sword, dodged a lance, but he couldn't avoid the ax that fell hard on his back, piercing through his armor. His eyes were wild with fury and startled the ax wielding knight when he turned to face him. Just a the fraction of a second, allowing Niklaus to drive his sword through his middle. With a cry, he swung his sword in a large arc, watching with satisfaction the widening gap between him and his enemies. He will die this day, taking with him as many enemies as he could manage.
Someone was bound to tell this story, and he will have her trust.
Niklaus looked at a stunned Miklos and laughed. Erzsbet will know now the truth. He lounged and Miklos's men who didn't run at his laugh fell on his sword. Erzsbet will feel the sour taste of treason. The Dragon prince's army railed up, and he felt the victory inebriating close. He looked at his fellow soldiers and raised his sword: 'we fight... until the end' He was finally the son his father wanted. His revenge was complete.

© Copyright 2013 Aelyah (UN: aelyah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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