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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/865373-Expert-or-not-Last-place-Letting-Go
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#865373 added November 7, 2015 at 11:21am
Restrictions: None
Expert or not; Last place; Letting Go
Prompt: Do you think it's better to be a recognized expert for one thing, or known to be really good at lots of things?


Either way is good enough, for me. As long as a person is not recognized as a total loser or a criminal.

One can be recognized as an expert, but is any expert really an expert? My opinion is, the expert has become the person who has paid attention to only one thing in life and has learned all that can be learned at the time. Since knowledge changes through the ages, even that expertise will be passé through time.

Yet, being good at lots of things makes one’s life richer for himself or herself, even if he or she doesn’t have the clout the expert does.

All in all, it comes to personal choice, doesn’t it!


Prompt: What is one place you need to see to feel like your life is complete?

For my life on earth to feel complete (i.e finished), I’d like to see Heaven.

My younger son, after his second day in Kindergarten, announced: “I learned enough!”

Now like him, I learned enough, also, after being to a few different places on this planet. I discovered that backgrounds as to scenery, food, and customs change, but only in nuances; however, I found people to be the same everywhere and people matter to me the most. People don’t change when you really look into them, when you look into why they do anything.

The way I see it, their ways and thoughts that drive their actions I can easily file into certain groups. This is the same everywhere. For example: Some act with the thoughts of, “I am the greatest. I am so hot, I can do anything, get away with anything, and no one can ever reach to my heights.” Another group thinks and acts on the premise, “I feel low some of the time, but this okay. I am not the greatest, but at least I can do a few things passably well and hopefully help some along the way, if I can.” Then there’s another group with the mindset of, “I can be good or bad. It doesn’t matter. This place is ruled by something divine (a being outside of the planet, person, or any other element), and what or who I consider divine rules.”

From this point of view, like my son, I learned enough, too. So, now, I’m wondering about the denizens of Heaven: How good can they get?

As to the opposite of Heaven, no, thank you! That kind of knowledge, I have no use for. *Laugh*


Prompt: Like Elsa of "Frozen" sings: "Let It Go." What things in your life have you had to let it go?

A person cannot live without letting go. I’ve let go of just about everything: places, people, things. I have such a long list that I couldn’t even begin to count.

It matters, however, how much the element we let go means to us and how much this letting go hurts us. With this in mind, what affected me the most was letting go of some people.

I've let go of people, some to death, some for their own good, and others for my own good. When we live long enough, many people pass through our lives. Some just come and go easily; others we get attached to and is difficult for us to let them go. Then there are a few others that, we find after many decades, although they have passed through our lives, we have never let them go, and this hurts the most.

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