Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866499-Live-Life
by Miyo
Rated: GC · Book · Dark · #2065873
Life's a party. Come on in and join us. Trust me You'll have one hell of a time...
#866499 added November 19, 2015 at 3:14am
Restrictions: None
Live Life
It's dark when she opens her eyes. She's also overly warm as if someone's covered her with something. Slowly she tries to sit up, but a pain she's never felt before races along her body forcing her to toss that idea aside momentarily. Instead her eyes scan the room she's in as best they can. Every inch of the room is bare, no decorations, just the furniture to make it feel less empty. Well at least she knows it's not her room, but where in the hell could she be?

"Hey! Look who's up! Well now that we know you're alive we can relax a little."

She gives the blonde male a peculiar look as he enters the room and sits at the foot of the bed. As far as she knows she doesn't know anyone who is blonde and a guy. So who the hell is he?

"I'm Alex. You took quite a hit last night. Lucky Mitchell's a safe driver. Next time you have a death wish toss yourself off a bridge into the ocean or some shit, spare the lives of others."

"Alex, shut up and get out. You're being an ass. I'm sure she wasn't expecting to be run down. Go be useful or something."

Alex scoffs, casts his blue eyes on her again, and then gets up and leaves. He slips right past her new intruder without so much as a glance at him.

"Sorry, about him. He's normally friendly. But like he said, because of you we all almost died last night. It's a rather scary ordeal. On top of that you also almost got us charged with murder. Oh, I'm Bryant. Not that it matters right now."

She only stares at him with wide eyes. Her mind races and silently she's hoping they'll keep their distance from her. Of course her hopes are dashed when four new faces force him further into the room. Bryant has always thought that describing someone's eyes as being wide as dinner plates was a bit over the top, however, the look on her terrified face is exactly how he has always pictured it and when Eijinn his red headed friend who follows no rules moves to sit beside her, Bryant does the one thing he can think of he: trips him.

"The fuck Bry!"

"I didn't do anything. I think we should give our guest some space. After all she is just waking up."

Eijinn turns his glare on Bryant more as he rubs his throbbing nose, thankful that it's not broken. As he saw it this girl had nearly ended his life, he had a right to interrogate her, didn't he? He'd come back later when no one was throwing their feet in front of him to knock him on his face. Like everyone else he files out quietly, letting Aaron close the door behind them.

"Stay out of there. She doesn't know us and we don't know her. Last thing we need is a body."

"Aaron, you're the violent one not me."

The other male's palm connects with the back of his head in agitation. If there is anything Aaron hated about his friend it was his need to try and be humorous, in which case he was not. Then again if Aaron recalled the man had dropped out of high school.

"Seriously, stay out of there. She's terrified of us. And I doubt she'll just let one of us near her without a fight."

All eyes turn towards the quietest member of their group. He rarely talks and the fact that he's just spoken not one but two sentences astonishes them.

"Jason, shut up you talk too much."

"For the record, Jason is right. She looked freaked out at the sight of us. She may look innocent, but we don't know what she's capable of. Give her space and when she's properly recovered we can send her on her way. Anything else?"

Now they're all looking at Mitchell as if he's grown seven extra heads in the past five seconds. He merely sighs and walks off to go do whatever it is he normally does: read. Eijinn on the other hand turns his attention back to the spare room. The only obstacle in his way happens to be the drummer. He knows for certain that the whole reason Aaron was put on drums was for everyone's safety: More specifically, Alex.

"Don't even try it. Walk your ass in the opposite direction or there really will be a body to carry out of here. And it sure as hell won't be mine."

Eijinn shrugs and as he's been told walks off. Normally he's all for invading people's privacy. Thankfully, today just isn't one of those days. Especially since it meant pissing off Aaron. No today is one of those lets go lay our asses out in the living room kind of days. That's exactly what he is going to do. After he kicks Alex out for being Alex.

She stares at the closed door eyes never wavering, panic still in her chest. There isn't just one or two of them, no she's seen six of them. Six different guys who can easily overpower her. Her mind tells her she can't stay here, that she needs to get out and as far away as possible. And that's what she starts doing. With as much strength as she can muster, she climbs from the bed, forces her way to the window, and starts undoing the locks. Her fingers fumble several times and by the time she's gotten them undone the door swings open, revealing one of the men from earlier.

Mitchell looks at the her for the first time since he's run her down. Dark brown hair wild around her face making her eyes brighter and skin paler. What strikes him as odd is the fact that she's trying to climb out the window.

"I was going to ask if you were hungry or anything. You don't have to climb out the window to leave you know."

He's a little hurt that she doesn't trust them but figures she has her reasons.

"How long have I been here? Who are you people? Why are you offering me food?"

"You've been out for a couple hours actually. It's almost 4 in the morning. I'm Mitchell. The others are Bryant, Alex,Eijinn, Aaron, and Jason. I'm offering you food, because we did hit you with our van and it's polite to offer guests things."

"Can I really leave whenever I want? No one will stop me?"

"No one is going to stop you. It's not our place to do so. At least let me get you something clean and decent to wear."

She visibly relaxes and nods. He exhales a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding and steps out of the room practically ramming into Aaron.

"I'm taking her food while you find her clothes. She's awful thin and it's terrible to see."

"That's fine."

When the door opens she flinches and tenses. Aaron isn't stupid, he knows the signs of abuse and fear, he's made people that way on occasion. He's so used to the petrified look she's giving him that he places the food on the bed where she can reach it, but remains on the other side of it.

"I know Mitchell told you who we are, and you met Bryant and Sass master Alex. I'm Aaron since Mitchie is vague on his descriptions. Remember I'm the one with the beautiful to die for green eyes and awesome tattoos. No one else. So, what's your name?"

She smiles a little at his self description, before moving towards the bed and taking the sandwich from the plate. This makes him feel quite accomplished.

"My name's Marie Elridge."

"You sure it's Marie? You look more like an Anya. I'm just going to call you Anya. No one else can call you that."

She nods again and he smiles triumphantly. Now he just had to ask her why the hell she was out there at two in the morning running into oncoming traffic. He was also sure that he didn't want the answer to that.

"You don't have to answer me, but it'd be nice to know why the hell you were out at two in the morning running across the street like a mad woman."

"I was trying to get away from the cops."

"Well I figured that, but why?"

"It's nothing."


He isn't going to push it further, her silence was more than enough to give him the answer he was looking for. The fact that someone had put their hands on her was clear when he'd seen her dash across the street. In fact he figures it's not really the police she's running from, but whoever is causing her physical and obvious emotional pain. With a silent nod, he sighs and runs a hand through his black hair pushing it back from his forehead. His eyes watch her as she eats waiting until she finishes to take the plate and leave her be. After he's gone Mitchell comes back in with clothes to which she gladly accepts.

"You can come sit with us if you want or if you plan on leaving one of us could take you home."

"What if I don't want to go home?"

"We can take you wherever you want to go."

She's quiet and unsure, surprised at such generosity. One thing is clear to her, she has no where to go, her brother was the only place, but that idea didn't turn out so well. Still she knows that staying in a place with people she doesn't know is dangerous.

"Why did you help me?"

"I nearly killed you for one and for two, every one deserves to be treated kindly. Like you I'm trying to live life to the fullest. It's something to think about."
© Copyright 2015 Miyo (UN: miyoko at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Miyo has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866499-Live-Life