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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/868683-Could-It-Be-Magic
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#868683 added December 16, 2015 at 11:00pm
Restrictions: None
“Could It Be Magic?”
Megan’s Prompt: Christmas is a spirit that flows from one heart to another. It is more precious than rubies and better than gold. How do you feel about this?


You put it so poetically, Megan, that I don’t think I can top that.

On the other hand, to attribute such a fantastic spirit only to the Christmas season feels as if we are all short-changed. Shouldn’t that kind of a spirit be flowing from heart to heart year-round, whatever religion, denomination, or even non-belief we hold? After all, this is one earth and we’re all in this together, even though some misguided people act like misguided missiles. In spite of them and in spite of our own greed, we need to rescue this spirit from becoming an endangered species that only dwells on getting or giving material things.

This spirit requires a generous heart. Those who possess it shine with clarity in the lives of others. How does this spirit evidence itself? Surely, there are many ways. What pops up to my mind at this time are these:

• Showing compassion to someone who is hurting

• Forgiveness of the wrongs done to us

• Encouraging a frustrated or discouraged person

• Giving the gift of our time to someone who needs to talk to process his or her worries

• Accepting with humility what we cannot change in our lives

Emotionally this is a difficult time of the year for so many people, when short tempers, suicides, and domestic violence incidents are on the increase. Stress destroys the holiday’s cheer for many. I think this is because we let rampant commercialism and the outwardly rituals of the season get the best of us. Nothing is wrong with celebrating, but we must always embrace the true spirit year round and remember that we have been given the magical gift of our own power to bestow loving kindness on others.

I don't know why but all this musing brings to mind the first three lines from a Barry Manilow song.

“Spirit move me every time I’m near you.
Whirling like a cyclone in my mind…”

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