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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889830-Road-Trips
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#889830 added August 12, 2016 at 6:14pm
Restrictions: None
Road Trips
Prompt: Tell me about a road trip you've taken? Would you do it again?


My husband and I took many road trips together and plus a few with our children. I always loved road trips. We usually shared the driving between the two of us. Once I drove alone from NY to Florida. I was so proud of myself as if I conquered deep space single-handedly.

My favorite thing was stopping at unplanned locations. It felt like finding free candy in a county fair. Most of the folks were very friendly and showed us their wares and wanted us to stay a few days in their towns.

There was only one nasty experience. We had stopped at a motel, which we didn’t know had been through a fire scare. The rug on the floor was soaking wet. When we complained, someone came with a vac which sucked most of the water but the rug was still damp. We could have gone to another motel, which we could see one from the distance, but we felt bad for the owners. So we stayed there for the night and slept with the windows open. Luckily, it was summer.

We took so many road trips that I can’t even begin to choose any single one of them as a favorite. Among my favorites are the trips on East and West coasts, such as from San Diego to San Francisco, from Florida to Chattanooga to West Virginia all the way to Ohio and back, from NY to Maine, from NY to Montreal, from NY to Toronto, from NY to PA and once to the Poconos, a round trip from Long Island to all around Northern NY and back, from Long Island to Massachusetts, From NY to other New England states, lots of trips from NY to FL and back, then a whole bunch of trips inside Florida since FL is about 600 miles long from its northern tip to Key West. Then there was one memorable trip we took with our children I don’t recall how we mapped it, but on this same trip, we visited NY Montreal, Cape Cod, Hyannis Port, Boston, Thousand Islands, New Hampshire, and back to Long Island. I am sure I have this trip in one of my trip journals (a notebook stashed somewhere).

Would I do all that again? Sure, why not, but only if someone would give me back my younger body. *Laugh*

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