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Rated: GC · Book · Supernatural · #2138250
Life is not a fairytale. It's like a nightmare & for immortals it can be fucking endless.
#922411 added October 19, 2017 at 7:06pm
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Chapter Five – My legs are weak
I walk over to the bar and toss a couple of hundreds to the bartender. “Another round of bottles for the table” I slur for our table. He glances at the table of guys, and raises an eyebrow. “What? You don’t think I could handle all of them?” I say with a devilish smile on my face. I watch as the look of shock appear on the bartender’s face. “Oh, you’re a naughty boy. You just get a mental image of something nasty, didn’t you?” I whisper just loud enough for him to hear.

While waiting for the bottles, one of my favorite songs comes over the sound system. I motion to Fredrick that I’m going to the dance floor. All around me are couples bumping and grinding. I glance at them enviously reminded of what I’ve lost.

I close my eyes and as the alcohol numbs me I surrender to the music and drift into my own little world. After a couple of more songs play, Paloma Faith’s song My legs are weak comes on. Griff and I would dance to this as it was one of my favorite songs. I sway my hips to the beat of the music. I feel the tears start to slide down my cheeks as my heart breaks. Of course, it doesn’t help that I’m shit-faced and have been drinking whiskey all night. I usually get a little more emotional drinking the dark stuff. I don’t know what I am doing anymore, somedays it’s all I can do to get up. I miss him so damn much.

With my eyes closed, I imagine Griff coming up behind me putting his warm hands-on hips pulling me closer to him, like he did so many countless times in the past. I can feel his chest pressing against my back and his chin resting on my shoulder with his breath gently blowing across my ear. I feel his hand gently glide across my stomach and up towards my throat, pulling my head back and to the side. I softly moan anticipating his lips on mine.

Suddenly a voice whispers in my ear, “I would give anything to kiss those tears away, one by one”. My eyes fly open, as I realize I’m not dancing with a memory but someone very much alive and very close to me, well within in the boundaries of my personal space. I turn around only to have a wall of muscle in my face. I slowly look up to see the most handsome man I have seen in all my life. His presence screams sex and power. My heart skips a beat as he takes his thumb and brushes away the tears from my face, leaving sparks of fire in their wake. My heart is racing so fast, I think it’s going to fly out of my chest.

I slowly look up at my dance partner and unconsciously lick my lips. My eyes roam up and down the frame of this six-and-a-half-foot man. “Damn. You. Are. Stunning.” he whispers.

“Not as much as you” I say. He groans, his voice sending shudders through my body.

He pulls me closer placing one hand on my hip and the other behind my head as he continues to slow dance with me. “Shush… now. Just let it all out.” He whispers as he pulls my face to his chest and kisses the crown of my head. I sink into his arms as my cheek rests against his chest and I begin to sob. His hand begins to rub small circles on the small of my back. It feels so comforting. As much as I hate to admit it I miss the feel of being held.

I don’t know how long we swayed back and forth on the dance floor. He just stayed there holding me, with me crying all the unshed tears of the past few months. Ashamed of my lack of control of my emotions. But for some unknown reason, I feel safe in this stranger’s arms.

I begin to hiccup and take a couple of deep breaths to compose myself. I am hit with the most amazing smell emanating from the man whose arms I am in. It reminds me of standing in the middle of the redwood forest after a rainstorm. I detect a subtle hint of lemon and sandalwood something else I can’t quite place. Calming and exciting at the same time. How can he, a human smell so damn good, I think to myself. He smells better than anyone I’ve ever met, even Griff. I take another deep breath and seems to calm both me and my wolf. “He smells like our mate” Birdy says as she yawns and stretches. “Oh, My God Birdy really? We don’t have a mate in the first place and besides he’s human.” I mentally tell her as I roll my eyes.

I pretty much have given up on finding my soulmate thing. So much so that Griff promised if I hadn’t found my soul-mate by the time I was twenty-eight, regardless of what our families thought, he would marry me. More tears begin to flow, just thinking that now that won’t even happen. Am I forever going to be alone? A part of me is so tired of the loneliness and the emptiness and the other part of me wants to stay detached and closed off.

Suddenly I feel a hand gently touch the underside of my chin and fingers begin to raise my chin so I am looking at the man holding me, neither one of us blinking. We stare into each other’s eyes searching, for what I don’t know. His eyes remind me of a stormy Irish sea and I feel like I’m looking into his soul and I’m slowly drowning. I let out a small gasp as he moves his hand from my chin and places it on the back of my head. I look at his soft lips and all I can think of is how soft they look and how I want to feel his lips on mine.

As if he can read my mind, I watch him look from my eyes to my lips and back as if asking for permission. Yes, I think to myself. He leans down and gently grazes his lips across mine testing the waters. I hear a small moan escape my mouth. He kisses me passionately pulling me as close to him as he can, running his tongue along my bottom lip. I open my mouth and his tongue begins to explore my mouth. Small jolts of electricity run up my spine and across my body to the pit of my stomach. I began to feel flush and instantly feel myself get wet. Not just slightly wet but dripping.

Mind blowing, isn’t it? Only our mate would smell this good and feel this good. But you don’t believe me. Besides you gave up finding our mate … before AND after Griff”, Birdy growls at me.

That’s not fair Birdy” I tell her. “You know I’ve been looking for out mate and you know how special our relationship with Griff was. You loved him just as much as I did. And how can we love this person. He’s human. I don’t date humans much less mate with them. I can’t. Besides. I don’t need anyone.” But it’s no use. Birdie isn’t listening. She could careless he’s human. All she sees is a potential mate. All I see is his face between my legs, that wonderful tongue exploring me.

I’m pulled back into the moment as I feel lips travel from my mouth to my neck. He moves down my throat across my collarbone, his teeth grazing my sweet spot. I can’t help but moan. I feel like I’m about to catch fire with the heat radiating off his body and the sparks of electricity flying across my skin. My hands roam all over his chest and back. I slide my hands around his neck as I stand on my tippy-toes, trying not to fall over. I wobble a bit realizing I have had a LOT to drink.

“Woah! there little lady. You okay” he whispers. I manage to nod an affirmative. A second later he grabs my hips with a more than firm grip and lifts me off the dance floor. Instinctively I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling his strong fingers digging into my hips and thighs through my jeans. I feel like I’m floating.

I open my eyes as I feel my back hit a wall and see his stormy green eyes fixed on my eyes. Neither of us blinking. Our lips barely touching as we pant. Both of us getting lost in the others soul.

He leans his forehead against mine and whispers, “I don’t understand why but the second I saw you, a million thoughts ran through my mind but the single one most important was I had to do anything to make you stop crying. It broke my heart to see such a beautiful woman so sad. Please just let me hold you some more” he says. I can see the sincerity in his eyes and nod my head and flash him a small smile.

He gently kisses my lips and smiles back. “God, you smell so sweet. Like delicate white roses with a hint of jasmine”, he moans “and your lips are so soft”. And your neck” he lets out a deep sigh as his lips brush against my neck. He licks and nibbles his way from one side to the other. “Oh, my god, you feel so good. I could completely loose myself in you” he says. I can’t help but laugh. “Really?” I ask as I raise my eyebrow. “I’ve not heard that line before but, I will give you credit for being pretty damn original.”

“So, who are you here with?” he asks.

“No one” I whisper.

He sheepishly looks down my body suggestively then kisses me passionately. I’m not shy but just him mentioning needing me, makes my stomach do flip-flops as I have the mental image of him making love to me very slowly.

“So, you won’t mind if I do this” he whispers as he gently bites the side of my neck.

I shake my head back and forth trying not to hyperventilate. He chuckles and quickly peppers kisses to my shoulders, nipping and biting the whole way. All the while I’m grabbing handfuls of his hair and tugging as I moan. I feels like I have a brush fire between my legs and all I can think about is that talented tongue of his between my legs, the five-o-clock shadow he sports rubbing against my thigh. It feels as if I am blushing all over. This man makes me feel like teenager again, out of control. Something of which I never am.

“If you knew all the dirty things I want and will do to that perky little body of yours, you’d be doing more than blush” he says as a low growl reverberates from his chest.

If I didn’t know any better, I would think he was a wolf from the way he is growling. I instantly feel my panties dripping and my stomach clinch.

Fuck Me” is all I can think.

He begins nipping at my breasts softly through my shirt. The next thing I hear is the sound of fabric ripping and the feel of his mouth on my bare right breast, while he massages my left breast with his left hand. Suddenly it dawns on me, I am hanging there like a piece of wall art, and my legs gripped around his waist the only thing holding me up. I run my fingers through his long dark hair, enjoying the feel of his hot breath on my skin. His hands roam all over my body as though he were trying to memorize every inch of me. I have to admit, I want him to. I want nothing more than for him to take me right here and make me his.

Oh, my goddess Birdy. What the fuck is he doing to me” I say to Birdy. The only response I get is her prancing in the background of my mind like some bitch in heat. “Oh, give it a rest already.” I mumble aloud. “We’re just drunk and horny. Besides he’s human so what are you prancing around for? It’s not like he has a wolf for you to show your ass to. It’s my ass he’s interested in. But this will never be anything more. I don’t want a mate and even if I did you know my mother would never allow me to have a human mate. That’s the whole reason I’m back here is to find a suitable candidate for an arranged marriage.” I tell her. I receive no reply.

I’m brought back to reality as he takes one of my breasts and lightly bites the end of my nipple causing me to respond with a small whimper. This only seems to encourage him. I feel the bulge of his cock just below my ass. I can’t help but grind against him a little thinking about how it would feel for him to be inside of me. I let out a small gasp, pondering he does have a very talented mouth. I am definitely effected by him. Not even thinking, I start tugging on his shirt that’s tucked into his jeans which are now very, very tight. I try to unbutton his shirt as he keeps assaulting my breasts with his mouth and growling softly.

The whiskers from his five-o-clock brushing my skin tickles as I giggle again. He grabs my thighs hard pulling me closer to his groan while he makes a blazing trail of fire from the kisses he plants from my now exposed breasts to my mouth.

“I want you” he whispers as his tongue quickly thrusts between my parted lips. Just then he starts to undo the buttons on my jeans.

I quickly realize how fast this is going and where we are. It’s not like I can fuck him right here. I wrap my arms around his neck so I won’t fall, as I start to unwrap my legs from his waist.

Realizing the direction this is heading I start to whisper “No, no, no please.” As I untangle my legs from his waist. “I’m sorry but I can’t do this. Especially not here. Not now. Not with you.” I let out a small whimper while my whole body is screaming for him to take me right here, right now.

I have never wanted someone as much as I do him and I don’t even know his name. I just know with every fiber of my being I want nothing than to please him. Suddenly my brain tells me to run like hell. I’m losing myself to this… this lust. Images of a life spent with him flash through my brain. Then I see Griff in my mind’s eye, shaking his head and I almost choke. A wave of guilt washes through my body like a tsunami.

I continue to try and wiggle free prepared to run. He gently holds me under my arms as I unwrap my legs from his waist. He grabs both my hands and brushes my knuckles over my lips whispering “Shush. It’s okay. We can take this as slow as you want. I’m sorry. I got lost in the heat of the moment” he says as he blushes, “and thank you for not slapping the shit out of me”.
I laugh. “Oh. The thought crossed my mind. Although briefly” I say. “I got a little caught up in the moment myself”.

He looks at me through his long eyelashes and asks “Would you like to go sit down and talk for a bit” he says gesturing at a couch over in the VIP section. “I am meeting someone later but I would…” Instantly a flash of jealousy rips through my brain and before he can finish “Well please don’t let me keep you” I snap as I turn to walk off.

Just then the faint chirp of a ringtone can be heard coming from the phone in his back pocket. He gently grabs my elbow and says, “She’s not that kind of friend.” He leans down and kisses me tenderly on the lips. He lets out a low growl as his phone continues to chime.

“I’m so sorry m'éanín (pronounced, may-neen, like vein- which means my little bird in gaelic) I have to take this call. I’ll be right back. Please don’t go anywhere,” he says. “I’m sorry about your shirt” he smirks. He quickly takes off his white polo shirt and places it around my shoulders. How did he do that so fast, I think. I stand there in a daze, leaning against the wall, breathless watching the muscles ripple under this mans “wife beater as he helps me slide my arms through the sleeves.

For not being a wolf he is fit as shit. Mama likey” Birdy purrs.

I notice he has tattoos on his arms as he tries to button the shirt to cover my now exposed breasts.

Suddenly he pulls out his phone and yells “Hold on a second” to whomever is on the other end. I can tell he is aggravated by the interruption. Me? I’m ecstatic. This gives me time to compose myself and lock this shit down. He evokes thoughts and feelings out of me that I have never had. I see Birdy in my mind, with a shit eating grin on her face. “Who’s the bitch now” she growls as she turns her head and licks her chops.

“This won’t take long” he mouths to me as he walks towards the front door of the bar where no doubt he will be able to have a more private conversation, seeing how wolves can hear pretty damn well. And let me just say, the sight of that fine ass has me drooling. Just as he reaches the door, I notice a set of angel wings, barely exposed on his shoulders. As he walks out the door, I absentmindedly, lift my fingers to my lips thinking about how velvety soft his lips are. I can’t take my eyes off the front door, waiting for him to come back.

I stand there for what seems like several minutes. I glance across the bar at the Hell Hounds and figure I will go back and sit with them until Mr. Tall Dark and fuckable returns.

Riese smirks, at my somewhat disheveled look and raises an eyebrow at me as I walk up to the table. I smile at him and say, “Shut it. Don’t say a word.” All the guys burst out laughing when they see the expression on his face. I admit it was priceless. Here sits a man used to giving and taking orders, with a look on his face like his mommy just scolded him. I pat him on the back and said, “Riese. You are priceless. I hope we all can hang out again before you all leave Dallas.”

Riese just smiles and says, “Well lil’ miss, just so happens your dad invited all of us out to the pack-grounds this weekend to do some tactical training as well as some R&R. I also understand there’s some sort of festivities taking place this month as well. And as you know a couple of us have plans to hook-up with some single she-wolves.”

As Riese mentions festivities, I panic. “Shit” I yell, looking at my watch. “I totally forgot that shit was this weekend. Sorry guys but I got to go. I’ll be sure to come find you all this weekend. It was so nice to meet all of you” I say.

With that, I turn and run towards the door. Once outside, I look around for Mr. Fuckable but don’t see him anywhere. I turn to the doorman and say, “Hey Rodger. A man came out about fifteen minutes ago, he was about six and a half feet tall, built like a shit brick-house, dark brown hair, jeans, white wife beater, and on the phone. Did you happen to see where he went?”

“Yes, Ms. Wallace. He hung up about 30 seconds after coming out side, then peeled out of here on a fine-ass Harley. He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Roger asks concerned. I shake my head no as I try and process the fact that he just left without saying goodbye.

Rodger then notices I am standing there with a man’s shirt covering me. “Are you sure he didn’t hurt you Ms. Wallace” Rodger asks with almost a panic in his voice.

“No. No. I um. Well. Um.” I stutter. “I just didn’t get his name.”

“Oh, that would be one of the Conri brothers”, he says with a glimmer of understanding the situation flash across his eyes. I look at Rodger like I can’t be anymore embarrassed than I am now. I slowly start walking to my car upset Mr. Conri, didn’t even say goodbye. But since he is the one of the Hell Hounds, I will do doubt run into him sometime this weekend. Then I can give him a piece of my mind for leaving without saying goodbye. Who does that? I ask myself.

I am pulled from my thoughts by Rodger, opening the passenger door to my car. “I can’t have you driving yourself in your condition Ms. Wallace” he says with a concerned look on his face.

It is then that I notice Winston in the driver’s seat of my car and one of the other Hell Hounds in a dark SUV behind my car. Winston drives me to my parents’ house. Neither one of us saying a word the whole way. I am sure he can sense my discomfort of the situation. Winston parks my car in the driveway and helps me out of the car. He walks me to the door and hands me the keys.

“Pleasant dreams, Ms. Wallace” he says, as he turns to leave.

I feel a sense of regret coming from him. “Winston” I pause waiting for him to turn around to face me. “Thank you” I whisper.

“It will always be my pleasure to serve you Ms. Wallace.” He stands watching and waiting to make sure I get inside the house safely.
© Copyright 2017 Lyrae Duff-Holmes (UN: lyrae31 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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