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Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#974223 added January 26, 2020 at 3:52am
Restrictions: None
It’s Almost Like I Wrote Twenty-seven Paragraphs Yesterday
It’s Almost Like I Wrote Twenty-seven Paragraphs Yesterday

What do I mean by the blog title above? It means that I barely got the Teaser Act written yesterday at work. And that it took me almost all my shift to write it. I know that all this doesn’t answer my question above. But it’s the best way that I can think of to answer it right now. What I’m trying to write is that I may have only gotten nine single paragraphs written yesterday. It was more like I wrote twenty-seven to thirty, though.

How can I write that? It doesn’t make any sense. I know that it doesn’t. And I’m the one who wrote it. let me try to explain. I re-wrote all nine paragraphs at least twice. And a few three or four times. If you add all those paragraphs together, they will equal twenty-seven to thirty paragraphs. That’s what I mean by the title of this blog entry.

Why did I have so much trouble writing these paragraphs? It’s because it’s the Teaser Act. That’s why. I always have trouble writing this act. Why I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it’s the beginning of this story. I know what I want to write. I’m just not sure how to do it. as a result, I do a lot of erasing and re-writing.

Is that the only reason why I didn’t get more written at work yesterday. No, it isn’t. There were a couple of other things that slowed me down when it comes to writing this first episode Outline for my Water Wars scriptwriting project. The sun was one of them. It was mostly sunny during the first three hours of my shift. And that always slows me down a little with my writing.

What is the other reason? The other reason is that the Teaser Act and the Tag Act are three lines long. I always have trouble writing them because I want more than the three lines. And it’s hard for me to get it down to three. That isn’t as big of a problem for the four regular Acts. But it is for my Teaser and Tag Acts. Especially for my Teasers, because like I wrote above it starts my stories.

How many paragraphs will I get written today for this episode Outline? That is a very good question. The easiest answer that I can give you on that question is, I don’t know. I’m hoping that I can get at least eighteen of them done today. And I may be able to do that. After all, it is Sunday. It’s usually isn’t too busy on Sundays at work. They are also the four and five-line paragraphs. And they are normally not so hard for me to do. Sometimes I do have problems with them. But it’s nothing like the Teasers and Tags. What I would really like is to get at least twenty-seven written. I don’t think that’s going to happen, though.

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A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
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