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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1071680
Being a stay at home mom is never as cut and dry as you think it is.
Originally my pregnancy blog, now continuing on as the life of a mom and her two wacky kiddos thing till I don't want to write in it anymore *Pthb*. So come on in and see what's going on in my world for a bit if you like...Be careful where you step, as the kids have all their Pokemon cards out! Feel free to hug a Hello Kitty plush! Come join in the fun, Super Mario Bros. and Hello Kitty style!

Merit Badge in Parenting
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 Congratulations on your pregnancy*^*Smile*^*. You already are a wonderful mom to your son and I know this baby will be very blessed also 
*^*Heart*^*SS           Merit Badge in Family
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  In the midst of how you are feeling right now, know that it can be fixed & I'm proud of you for writing the poem that reflects how you feel. The love of your children clearly shines through. *^*Heart*^*            Merit Badge in Journaling
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  I'm so glad to be back blogging and reading yours. The kids have grown so much! I'm so glad that you, myself and T are still here journaling together!

the wonderful badges my "Sister", silversara, graced me with. Thanks Sis, I *Heart* you!

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Thanks to all of you for your support, your comments, your love, your generosity and your time! Never met a greater bunch of people then on here! Besides, who else would want to listen to a rambling crazy mom, both during and especially after pregnancy? *Laugh*
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October 10, 2012 at 10:37pm
October 10, 2012 at 10:37pm
I've bought mountains of plastic food. Three tea sets.

She's played with them occasionally. Just parts of them here or there. The plastic food was mostly used to put in her little pretend shopping cart, when she'd pretend to shop.

And the Dora kitchen. She never even used it really.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We're eating dinner, and talking about how our day has been. Journey answers all of her questions with little hesitation; almost as if they've been rehearsed. We finish up, and go about to our own business. Ryan settles down with his library book that's due tomorrow, so he must hurry and finish reading it tonight unless he's going to renew it. Since he's so close to the end already, he decides to finish it. Don goes back to his computer, doing whatever it is that Don does (mostly look at his twitter feed), and I, of course, retreat back to my recliner and my laptop, looking to waste time before I need to give Journey a bath.

Fifteen minutes into poking around on Facebook, Journey comes downstairs and asks me to come eat lunch with her. Not paying attention, I tell her "In a little bit", and continue waiting for my friend to come back and message me. Journey retreats upstairs, only to return back down. "It's a little bit" she tells me. So it is. "Okay, I'm coming," I tell her. I set my laptop on the couch and watch her joyfully bound up the stairs.

"Look, I made us lunch!" She proclaims. Sure enough, she has brought out Ryan's old Cars umbrella table and sitting chairs into the hallway, and has set a place for both of us. I can't help but grin. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but I'm not going to be able to sit in that chair, it's too small...but I can sit right here on the side of the table, okay?" "Okay," she says graciously, and scoots over the play food to put my plate and silverware and cup right in front of me.

And we begin to play.

"Would you like some chicken? It's fried," she offers. "Mmmmm, delicious!" I tell her. We begin to "eat" all the food offered on the table. "Now I'm going to have some waffles," she tells me. "Would you like an ice cream cone?" I ask. We share the mustard for hot dogs, and place cheese on sandwiches. We eat matching bananas, and enjoy our tea with sugar, extra stirs. Anything she hasn't put on the table, she rummages through the box of plastic food that's in her room. We lamented that a plastic chocolate bar could not be found, but we pretended instead that the mustard bottle was really chocolate syrup, and made hot chocolate instead once the tea ran out.

"Come with me to your room, Charizard has lit a fire for us, and I have marshmallow pebbles treats!" She says excitedly. We sit on the bed, and pretend to make s'mores and eat them. She tells me about a little boy in her class who brought Lucky Charms for lunch today. She recites Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles commercials for me, and I laugh at how silly they are. We giggle and talk together like old friends, enjoying one another's company. All too suddenly, I realize it's 7:56, and we're late for bath time. She shakes off her Rapunzel dress and crown, grabs some pajamas and we get ready for her bath.

It was a magical hour that we had together. The first time we've ever had a tea party before, eating all her plastic food, and enjoying tea from her tea set.

I wouldn't trade ANYTHING for the hour that we had tonight. It was priceless. I've waited YEARS for us to have a tea party. I thought she would never play it with me, I was scared that by the time she had figured out what it was, she would be too old to play it, and not want to do it. It turns out it's just the right time for her to learn, and be into it so that she wants to play.

And, I'm so glad I got away from my computer, and went upstairs with her. I could've easily shooed her off and told her "Not right now," but I decided it was time to spend with Journey. My priorities are my children, my computer can wait for when they're sleeping. I'm proud of myself for giving Journey my time instead. And I'm proud of Journey for coming so far to the point where she wants to play tea party, and understands all about imaginative play.

I love her so very much. *Heart*

October 6, 2012 at 8:44pm
October 6, 2012 at 8:44pm
Many of you have me as a Facebook friend, so you might or might not have seen the post I made yesterday about Journey's amazing talent.

We've known for a while that she's got a knack for things with her ear. She can hear a song 2-4 times and know all the words to it. I once caught her singing the Pokemon theme after hearing it for 4 days, only once a day. I thought it was pretty amazing, but I didn't think anything big of it. Some people have that ability. Nothing to get worked up over, you know?

Well, Ryan has a Uneva region Pokedex on his 3DS. He looks at it occasionally, to check if he has new pokemon on it or not. He's only allowed Journey to see the Pokedex maybe 5 times at most?

We had just spent the last half hour yesterday with Journey recalling 143 out of 163 pokemon just from SOUND on his 3DS.

Some of you may not know what I'm talking about. Uneva region is an area on Pokemon that the main character Ash visited and found new pokemon on. A Pokedex is like a little machine that tells you all the stats of each pokemon, their size, their weight, what type of pokemon they are, etc.

Again, Ryan only looks to see if it's updated. Journey's only run through the Pokedex maybe 5 times, at most. To recall 143 out of 163 pokemon just from SOUND, is ASTOUNDING. She doesn't even realize they go in a certain order. We randomized it, and had her guess, and she guessed most of them with no problems or hints.

It blew me away. I don't know what this means for her "delay". If this is a symptom of something, or if it's a trick that she can do, if it's something on a list of quirks, or what. All I know is, most kids cannot do something like that. Don thinks it's proof that she's on the spectrum. I don't know if Autistic children have this kind of gift or not...maybe? Either way, it just astounded me. I couldn't believe she got nearly ALL those pokemon just by the sound they made on the Pokedex. Amazing.

We'll be taking this information into her appointment as well in November, to see if it means anything. Seriously, just amazed. Still, and this happened YESTERDAY. She is such a special girl!
October 4, 2012 at 2:38pm
October 4, 2012 at 2:38pm
Stuff, stuff stuff and more stuff. Blah.

Anywho, so I was chosen to be the Fall Product Chair for our Daisy troop. I was freaking out because the woman who's the head of it, is a complete and total slacker. I've had to call her four times to get the ball rolling on this thing, and she just barely set up anything this last time that I talked to her. If I would've had the password and username at the beginning of this, I would be a little less pinched. I'm not necessarily "stressed", just more, pinched. Jenn (my troop leader) is a little concerned that I might be stressing over it, but I'm really trying not to. It's just a lot more intensive than doing a school fundraiser. I actually have to input everything that the girls sell, and put down amounts, and make deposits, and all that good fun stuff. Something the school usually does when they do a fundraiser, that I was never blissfully aware of until I asked to be Fall Product Chair. Now I get to know all the gritty little details. Time is of the essence here, which we don't really have much of...there's not really a way to everything back from people on a weekend, so I have to make due with when I see them next, which will be the 15th. There's so much stuff for them to have to turn in too, like a nut/candy card, a submission form from emailing and online purchase of magazines, paper magazine sales, their money...so much stuff. I think there's two other things on top of that list, I don't really remember because I'm being so harried, but yeah, a lot of stuff to be responsible of. *Sigh.*

The biggest reason I took the job is because I want to be a little better prepared when Cookie Time comes. Oh yeah. Cookie Time is going to be HUGE. Mondo big. I still have to learn the ins and outs of all of that. Jenn has put me in touch with the cookie mom from the other troop, and I shot her an email (strangely enough, I know her....), hopefully I hear back from her soon.

But on a good note about the sale, Journey has made her $100 goal for her sale! Go Journey!

Ryan gets interims back today, to tell us how his grades are looking so far. So far, he's holding up all A's. I went in to look at his classwork on the website though, and he's actually pulling a B right now in Math. Someone's going to get a stern talking to, because he's a brilliant mathematician, so I don't know why he keeps pulling sub-par grades on his work. Time to slow down and look closer, and pay attention to what he's putting down on his paper. If his grades start straining, I'm going to make him drop something, either chess club or band. His grades need to be top mark, because I know he's smarter than that. (Yes, I do push my son hard! All I ask is that he does his best, and I know that his best is capable of A+'s. I don't always expect A+'s, but I do expect his best.)

I injured my lower back somehow. Not sure how. We came back from a relative's birthday party, and I was sleeping that night, and suddenly I felt a *pop* in my back. It was an explosion of pain, and I had to get up and run to the bathroom to throw up because of it. (I know, graphic...sorry!) Now it's just been painful and sore for a few days. At first, they had me on medication that didn't really do anything for it, and I was miserable. Then I went to see one of the physicians in my PCP office, and they prescribed me with a different kind of muscle relaxer and an anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatory has been a GODSEND. Seriously wonderful stuff. The muscle relaxer is good too, but I can't really tell, because I take it before I go to bed. It knocks me out. At first I thought it was something with my kidney, but I didn't have any potty troubles, so they told me it was a back issue. I was really upset last night about it, because I was supposed to give Journey a bath last night, and I just couldn't do it, I had to call Don to come help me. I hate feeling so dependent on someone else, having to do my work just because I'm not functioning properly. Maybe next time I'll just do it, regardless of the pain. I don't know.

So, I think that's all we've got going for now. If I come up with any other stuff, I'll come write it in this weekend. So far, all we've got scheduled is a soccer game. Good thing too, because I have a pile of laundry screaming at me, and I can't very well carry the hampers down from upstairs thanks to my back, so I have to wait till Don's home to help me out. Ack.

September 24, 2012 at 12:02pm
September 24, 2012 at 12:02pm
So, not much to update. Had a busy weekend that included the fair, a soccer game with pictures, and two birthday parties. All enjoyable, so it really was a great, though busy, weekend. Don has a cold, so he decided to stay home today. We both caught up on sleep after the kids were taken to school today. Always going and going is hard on the body sometimes, but rest is good.

Ryan's getting good at the clarinet. He practices constantly, which is good. He says he loves it, so I think maybe buying a clarinet is in order come tax time. Ryan was talking to me about getting a clarinet. "But mom, they're REALLY expensive." "Yes, I'm aware of this Ryan. This is why we have to save up to get one." Silly kid. Glad to see he's watching our wallet along with me though. Fiscal responsibility is never too early to learn.

Journey has a special meeting for Girl Scouts today. She's going to earn the blue center to her Daisy flower by reciting the Girl Scout promise. We've been practicing and practicing, and she's got it memorized. I'm thrilled for her! I'm going in to see it done today, but I'm staying in the hallway until then, because another mom is there today to be girl scout meeting parent, and I don't want to step on any toes.

Other than that, not much to report. Hope everyone is well! I'll come back when there's more to talk about.

September 14, 2012 at 9:57am
September 14, 2012 at 9:57am
So Ryan pestered me into joining band. Damned kid drives me nuts. I asked him ALL summer if he wanted to join band, or orchestra, or chorus, or robotics, or whatever. He told me all he wanted to join was chess club again, so I didn't push any further.

Three days ago he comes home with three sheets and hands them to me.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Stuff for band." He says as if I should know.

"Excuse me? Did you just say 'band'?"

"Yeah, I thought about it, and I want to join,"

"And you couldn't tell me this this summer because...?"

"I didn't think about it till now. And Zack's in band. I want to play the clarinet too, like Zack. I only get to see him at recess, so this is a chance to spend some time with him."

"Ryan, that's not a valid reason to join band."

"I think it sounds fun. I want to try it. And, it only costs you $20 for the entire year, that's it!"

"You realize you'll have to practice every day, right? And you'll have to keep up with the upkeep of the instrument. And there's probably other stuff you need than just the $20 for renting the clarinet...are you sure it's $20?"

"Yeah, it says so on this sheet!"

*Sigh.* "Do you even know how to read the music?"

"Yeah, I've been learning that in music class all these years."

So I emailed the band teacher. Yes, they have a clarinet for rent, just ONE. She'll hold it for Ryan. He'll need a mouthpiece to go with the clarinet, which is about $30. He also needs a music book, which is another $10. Then he needs cork grease. Who knows how much that costs. And reeds. At least five of them. So yes, this venture is more like $80 than $20.

"Are you sure you're not going to get burnt out? Band is a big responsibility. You still have soccer and chess club too, on top of homework,"

"I know. I can do it, I promise"

"You're not dropping out, do you hear me? You wanna start this, you finish it for the year. If you don't like it after the year, then you can quit, but you're going to stay the entire year and play."


So there you have it. As of next week, Ryan will be the recipient of a rental clarinet. We'll take him to the music store next Friday to get the mouthpiece and all the other stuff needed. We'll see how this goes, shall we?

Man, I hope when Journey's in 4th grade, all she wants to do is join chorus. Band is costing about as much as soccer. *Pthb*

September 11, 2012 at 9:48am
September 11, 2012 at 9:48am
Yesterday was the first Daisies meeting for Girl Scouts. I got to stay and watch because I was the volunteer mom for the meeting. It was a great meeting, and I was really proud of Journey and how well she did.

She ate snack with no problems, even asked for more politely. They got to decorate daisy leaves with their names on them and put whatever they wanted on it. Journey wrote her name and decorated with hearts. She followed directions very well.

They sat in the Daisy circle and took turns saying their name and one thing about them. I was curious as to what Journey was going to say at this point, because I've never seen her volunteer information like that before. She did beautifully! She said "My name is Journey, and I love kittens." the troop leader asked who else loved kittens, and all the girls raised their hands. When asked if she had any kitties, she shook her little head. Great job Journey! I'm so proud of you for answering!

They then went on to make beaded Daisy necklaces, which she did a fantastic job of. She strung all the beads in a certain color scheme (pinks, blues and purples on one side, red, orange, yellow and green on the other side) and didn't drop a single bead! I tied the necklace for her, and she was thrilled. She said she would wear it every meeting (which is every Monday). She shared crayons great for the coloring sheet, and all in all, I think she had a great time. She kind of was lost on speaking the Girl Scout Promise (though she read it off the sheet great!), and singing the song, Those were the only things she needed help with. I don't know if it was because she was embarrassed, or because she couldn't focus, but all in all, she did a great job! I was so proud of her! She's doing a great job!

I suggested to Don that in October, I start taking the car on Mondays, so that way I can pick her up instead of walking her home. Fall is coming, and her meetings get out at 4:45, which means it's close to 5 pm that she gets out, and it starts getting dark by 5 here in the Fall. I don't want to walk her home in the dark, so I'll be taking the car to get her. The troop leader (Jenn is her name...I know it's confusing to read Jenn, because then you think I mean my best friend Jenn!) told me I could come in any time I wanted to, that she's not going to limit it to only two adults at a time. I like that idea, but I think I'll also let Journey have her time in there by herself. I don't want to crowd her while she starts showing off the skills she has and knows. Plus, it also gives me some alone time with Ryan, which is rare. Ryan gets alone time with Don for soccer practice. Don doesn't really get alone time with Journey though. Soon, I'll get even more alone time with Journey when Ryan starts chess club in October.

My duties as the money manager of our troop are finally coming into play! I'll be making our first deposit on Friday, which will allow Jenn to start ordering the Daisy patches and vests. Very exciting stuff!

September 5, 2012 at 8:49pm
September 5, 2012 at 8:49pm
Today, I'm tired of the "I don't know"s. It's her default answer to everything, "I don't know". Today, I find it maddening, upsetting, convulsive. The more I hear those words run together, the more frustrated and upset I become. There's got to be something, ANYTHING, better than this.

Her speech therapist keeps saying to push her to answer, to tell her that "I don't know" is not an answer. To not accept it. To guide her to something better than "I don't know". I'm trying. Lord help me, I'm really trying. I remind her constantly that "I don't know" is not an answer. I prod her further. She just can't seem to either get to that part of her memory, or she can't articulate what it is she actually did/said/saw/heard. So that's when I start guessing for her. "Did you do this?" "No." "Did you see this?" "I don't know." "No, that's not an answer. Did you see something?" "Yes." "What did you see?" "I don't know." "No, that's not an answer. You know. What did you see?" "I saw..." "You saw...?"

Blank stare.


Why is it so hard for her? Why can't she just open up her little mind, scoop out answers and give them as freely as Ryan does? Why must this all be so hard for her to process? What more can I do? I'm so SICK of hearing "I don't know", I'm at my wit's end. I'm ready to have a really good breakdown and cry. I don't even know if she's seen the speech therapist in school yet this year.

*Bangs head against wall*

Does anyone, ANYONE at all have any advice? I'm so lost and upset. Right now, I can keep saying "I don't know is not an answer" all I want, that doesn't mean she'll have any other answers for me. I know if she had answers, she'd give them to me. Just the other day, she came into my room and told me her nose hurt. "Why?" I asked. "Because I sneezed and the boogers got caught," she replied simply. I could've cried and hugged her right there. That's the first time I've gotten a straight answer out of her other than an "I don't know". When she has the words, when she has the situation, when she's in the moment, and it's alive and she's there and it's real and she's paying attention, she remembers, and she says it. When any one of those things is missing, you've got nothing. It's like a fireworks display; you have all the products you need, the colors, the gun powder, the lighter, everything that makes up the firework for it to explode into the night sky. One light of the match, and BOOM! There it is, all over the sky in amazing, glorious color. One, just ONE element is missing from it, and you've got NOTHING. Maybe a big "BOOM".

So maddening. What more can I do? Usually, I'm so patient with this kind of thing. I know she's not being intentionally thick, or that she just doesn't care, or that she's being secretive or doesn't feel like telling me. If she could tell me, she would. She wouldn't hold back answers. When she has them, she never holds back answers. But how can I get her to be in the moment to actually pay attention and realize what's going on around her so she can make a sort of report about it? That's what her special ed teacher is supposed to be doing, and I feel like the reports that I'm getting are just not cutting it. They're as vague and undescriptive as her "I don't know"s. I just want to know what's going on. I feel like that's asking too much.


September 1, 2012 at 11:59am
September 1, 2012 at 11:59am
Got in to Kennedy Krieger finally. I had to do a lot of running to get the insurance to agree with it, and get authorization codes and referrals from the insurance and my pediatrician's office. Finally, when the insurance agreed, Kennedy Krieger took my information down, told me I'd receive a call around September or October for an appointment to see their developmental pediatrics.

A couple of days ago, I got a phone call from them, saying their next available appointment was November 6th. Of course, knowing that spots fill up quickly, I decided to take that appointment, regardless of what school they would be missing. Turns out, the kids have that day off because that's the day of the election. Good news for us, as I really didn't want them to miss too much school. As it turns out, they'll be missing the first day back of winter vacation because Journey has an appointment with her original developmental pediatrician.

I'm bringing all of my information with me, all the evaluations and IEP goals, etc. I'm holding out hope that I'll get some actual answers instead of just being told it's a developmental delay, they don't know what caused it, they don't know what kind of delay, it's just a delay. The diagnosis is very vague. But I guess, it's hard to pinpoint so many things. I want answers so bad, but I'm not holding my breath that I'll get any. I'm pretty certain I'll get the same run around at this place like I did at her original developmental pediatrician's. I hate to sound so pessimistic, but I don't feel like they'll have any real answers for me the same way the original developmental pediatrician doesn't. I guess, a part of me holds out hope that we'll get some answers, and we'll be able to tell what this developmental delay is, and what we can do to help her move along with it, other than what we're already doing. I feel like I'm searching for answers we may never find.

She's grown fixated on things. She spends hours on Pokemon.com, watching the same 3 episodes over and over again. She talks about Pokemon nonstop, and talks like she's a little chinchilla character named Minccino. When she doesn't know what to say, how to use her words, to verbalize her feelings, she says "Cinno cinno" instead. She's getting better at answering questions though. Today she said her nose hurt. When I asked her why, instead of getting the usual answer of "I don't know", she told me "Because I sneezed, and boogers got caught in it". *Smile* I thought that was pretty cute, and pretty astute of her. Speech has been paying off I see. I wish I would write down all the things she does and says. I feel like I've been slacking in that area, that I should be keeping a better record of this. I feel like I'm going into this appointment blind, completely blank on what I'm supposed to tell them, other than hand them all our paperwork. I need to start documenting things better, to present her case to them, with all the little quirks and niches. I remember that she had a meltdown in school around the first week of school. They said they were going to do their show and tell bags during that first week, and Journey was beside herself when she didn't get to do her bag. The special ed teacher had to take her out of the room and try to calm her down. It's so hard when she melts down like that. I wish I could've been there. But she seemed okay when I came to get her; no tears. Not very happy, but no tears. Her new special ed teacher came out and told me all about it. I think she was pretty concerned. Her old special ed teacher had to deal with a few meltdowns, so I'm not sure that she told the new special ed teacher that these were possible. Either way, she handled it pretty well.

Academically, she's doing fantastically. Her math skills are great, and her reading is amazing. Academically, she's a very smart little girl. It's emotionally and verbally that she's stunted. Yesterday, I asked her why she didn't do a report paper with her new special ed teacher. At first she said "I don't know", but then she told me she didn't see her on Friday. What Journey meant to say was, she didn't see her at the end of the day, because she was in a meeting. Sometimes her information is misleading, because she'll say something that happened, or didn't happen, but it may not have been that day that it did or didn't happen, or it may have only been one time that day that that was the case. Sometimes it's hard to tell with her. But her new special ed teacher wrote me a note and let me know why there was no report that afternoon.

I'll keep this entry as a reference, to remember some of the stuff I want to tell them.

August 27, 2012 at 9:51am
August 27, 2012 at 9:51am
Well, we tried to hold Journey's birthday this weekend. No such luck. The weather decided it didn't want to hold out, and it rained hard all Saturday and Sunday. At first, I was disappointed, and I cried. I worked so hard to put this party together, to get all the decorations and goodie bags set up, to wrap all her presents and all the invites and everything. I ordered a huge cake and tons of pizza. What was I supposed to do with all of it? At least Journey's old special ed teacher came over that day to give her her gift and say happy birthday to her. Journey was ecstatic to see her, which I was glad about.

So, Saturday night, feeling totally dejected, we went over to Jenn's house, and we let the kids play together, and we had dinner there. Journey got ice cream and a brownie that Jenn made, and the kids all sang happy birthday to Journey around the table. Journey enjoyed it, and she loved playing with Jenn's kids, as always. I was glad to be there, I de-stressed at Jenn's house and felt a lot better being with her. I wish she didn't live so far, I would go over her house more often.

Sunday, we woke up to beautiful blue skies, and I thought to myself, why not hold it today? So I got a hold of everyone and switched it to that day. Most of the people said they could make it. But, as soon as we were getting things ready to go to the park, the sky opened up and dumped rain all over us. Sunday, I just shrugged my shoulders, said whatever, and invited people to come to our house to drop off gifts, get a slice of cake, and some pizza if they wanted to. Only two people showed up, but it was more than what was going on for her actual party. We had a good time yesterday. Her friend Bradley came over with his mom, and they stayed for awhile to celebrate with us. We lit the candle on her cake and sang happy birthday to her, and she got to blow out her candle. Then her friend Kaylee came over to drop off her present, and we visited with them for awhile. Journey was happy to see everyone that came, and that's all I could've asked for. I wasn't as stressed Sunday as I was Saturday. Journey got two days worth of presents, so she didn't mind at all. She doesn't know any better to throw a fit that she didn't get a party, she just rolled with it. I was more upset than she was!

I took pictures of all her gifts, and of her blowing out the candle on her cake, and with her friend Bradley, and with her friend Kaylee, and made an album on Facebook. Hopefully, she'll remember it fondly (if she remembers at all!), and we'll just try again next year. Except next year, we're going with a covered pavilion park, or at the Jump Yard. No more rain problems for us!

August 23, 2012 at 12:44pm
August 23, 2012 at 12:44pm
*Balloonp**Candlep**Giftp* *Cakep* *Giftp**Candlep**Balloonp*
*Balloonp**Candlep**Giftp* *Cakep* *Giftp**Candlep**Balloonp*

Today, my Dolly Face is 6 years old. I can't believe how time has flown. She's getting so big now! I remember the day she was born vividly, waking up to contractions, the mucous plug, the bloody show, going into labor. I was so amused that she decided when she was ready, she didn't want to wait on the doctor's terms or mine. 8 days early, just like her brother. Both of them were born on a Wednesday too.

I'll never forget her first cry, sounding like an angry little kitten. It's no wonder she loves kitties! I knew our family was complete the moment she was brought to me. What a special little girl, making Ryan a big brother, and us a family of four. I remember how nervous I was about having a daughter, worried that the chain would repeat itself. That, and I only helped raise little boys. A daughter was so new to me, I didn't know if I was capable.

Now I'm more than capable. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter than the one I have. She makes my life complete. She is my very best friend; we do everything together. There is nothing I wouldn't do to make this little girl smile.

I was a little sad today that she would be spending her special day at school today, instead of here at home with me, like she normally does. School started earlier this year than it did last year. I wanted it to be a day of just her and me, remembering the adventure of birth that we two took together. I'm okay with letting her spend her birthday at school though; I did it when I was a kid (sometimes, not most times. Most times my birthday fell on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so I'd have the day off), and I enjoyed it. I hope she does too. As she gets older, I'll let her decide if she wants to go out and spend the day with me instead, or if she wants to go to school, the years that her birthday happens to fall when school is in session. I don't mind either way. I just want her to be happy, regardless.

I will miss when she's this age. I wish I could've kept her 5 forever, but kids, they grow, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. To me though, she'll always be my baby.

Happy birthday sweet Journey. I love you so very much. *Heart*

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