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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1076863
I wonder if this'll make any sense at all.

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Thanks tirong ! Asteg ehhh :)

We all need to vent once in a while.
Thank you for listening.

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September 5, 2006 at 3:38am
September 5, 2006 at 3:38am
I've got a scratch in my right foot and it's driving me nuts. It's 11:58 PM here in the Philippines and I'm at home staring at this computer screen... I should be sleeping. I have an early class tomorrow (1 PM class but yeah, that's early for me) and I still have so many things to do! I know, I'm procrastinating big time.

That's the first entry I've ever made in this blog, and I've come a long way (like 99 entries more). Yes, I've come a long way, people! I've made many wonderful friends through this horribly named blog and I'm darn glad about it. Yihee. I love you guys! (sap)

I still remember that time when I asked Equilibrium , "You have a blog in WdC, right?" she said yes and I asked, "Is blogging there any good?" Maricor gave a little shrug and so I played with the idea of creating a blog here in my mind for a while. I think I mulled it over for a couple of weeks, I was too lazy to create a book item and click on "My Blog". Well, I finally gave in one dreary night. A couple of entries and comments later, I was hooked.

Allow me to go down memory lane for a while... among my very first friends here (besides my sister, that's a no-brainer) was Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation . Gabby, she's quite a girl! I'm glad that up to this day she still remains as one of my bestest friends here on this site.

I also remember that among the first blogs I've read was Z.˚rz 's "Invalid Item. If my memory serves me right I think it was an entry all about the DMV... and a horrible woman named Charlotte... or something. I remember laughing so hard that it just made me want to read more blogs. And I did. I made many good friends and I can't go name-dropping til I myself drop but you guys know who you are.

I wrote and shared about many things, my love for the Lord, my dislike of our country's present government, sushi and worms, videoke, critters, school, work, friends... blogging is kind of therapeutic for me, and I want to thank you guys for continuously coming back to read. Also allow me to thank David McClain again for the ribbon he gave this blog. It meant a lot.

SO! I have made this quiz especially for this blog's 100th entry...

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#1152957 by Not Available.

... thank you Kare, Party, and Ami for the idea. You've all been ripped off!

This just in: Thank you to In Your Dirtiest Pants for the friendship badge she gave me just now. THANKS SO MUCH ASH AND YES I AM OVER IT! *Bigsmile*
September 3, 2006 at 7:03am
September 3, 2006 at 7:03am
I just found out that I can't freakin' whistle anymore. *Angry* Well, I can... but it's a pathetic excuse for a whistle, it's all soft and breathy and stupid! I used to pride myself as a good and shrill whistler (haha) but these braces keep cramping my style!

I'm starving for a real meal right now, you know, a real one, a big, meaty, ricey, satisfying one. Not just the bowls of soup I've been having the whole day... this morning I made fried rice and can only stare longingly while Maricor and her friend ate it *Frown* Oh the agony!

Okay, on to lighter stuff. Someone anonymous just gifted me a costomicon (did I even spell that right?) Thank you SO much, Darling Anon! *Bigsmile* For the past couple of days I have been whining about wanting to get a costomicon and now, thanks to you, I have it. Thank you!

Also, this is way late, but a big thanks to Stiggles for the Spiritual MB se gave me three days ago *Bigsmile* Thank you so much Maggie!

So, what else did I want to talk about today? Hmmm... I'm coming up with nothing. My brain needs a real meal to function and since I haven't had one since yesterday morning, then you just have to be satisfied with this totally random 99th entry! *Smile*

Leaving you with a picture now... this is similar to that pink sunset shot, remember that one?

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PS: Zack I'm almost done with my music piece! To whom do I send it, you or Twink?

'Cause this angel has flown away from me
Leaving me in drunken misery. - Orange and Lemons



Download that song, no matter how old or young you are I promise you you'll love it.
September 1, 2006 at 9:29pm
September 1, 2006 at 9:29pm
Last night we had my post birthday celebration and Shiela's going away party. She's leaving for her hometown province in a few days, which is way down south of Manila (and also very near to the Mayon Volcano *Bigsmile*)!

I've got a few pics... here you go. These are gonna be my last metal-free smiles for a long time.

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That's me and Mike... sorry I had no eyes *Smile* But check out more of my funny face!

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Anyway it was a fun night, as everybody was so loud and there wasn't a minute that everybody wasn't laughing. We were all positioned just inside the Davises' gates, just before you enter Mike's house, and Mike's dad was inside, watching some DVD. They have sound surround and some of the speakers were outside, when suddenly we noticed not-so-wholesome sounds reverberating all around us. All of us fell quiet, listened for a moment, then started howling with laughter when we realized that Mr. Davis was watching porn inside! Mike yelled at his dad to turn the surround off, anyway that was just a really funny moment. *Laugh*

The guys got wasted except for Paolo, a friend of us who works a night shift at a call center thing. He was just a little buzzed when he left with German, another friend (German's driving thankfully). We were laughing because he said he was going to have to stop drinking or else he would be cussing at a lot of Americans that night, maybe even at his own boss!

People came and went, our friend Alvin was having his midterms so he had no choice but to leave early. Soc came but he's still looking out for his mom so he left earlier than usual, too. Malou said Soc and I looked good together but we just laughed it off, it sounded so stupid. Soc kiddingly said that he liked guys, not girls (then he would kiddingly cast a meaningful look at Mike) haha!

What else.. Shiela and Christian (her boyfriend) were cramming everything they could do before she's off to Bicol, I mean it was like they were glued together. It was actually pretty sickening to watch, anyway when things were finally winding down Christian was sprawled on the couch, dead asleep. Ramon was outside, lying at a stone bench, totally wasted. We tried waking Christian up, I mean I shook him and hit him and Malou yelled at him and Mike splashed water on his face, all to no avail. Just before I left I yelled at Ramon because he kept insisting on taking me home, so that was a really awkward moment and I hated myself for being so harsh and hard on him but I didn't regret it one bit.

I like this pic... check it out. One of our most popular beers and my cellphone looks good together.

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No, I didn't drink, I just ate, like I always do *Rolleyes* My friends know me and they don't force me to do stuff, so it's all good. The only downside was my eyes started hurting from all the cigarette smoke by the end of the night... when I got home, Mike texted me and said people were still arriving, haha!

So today I'm lacking sleep and I'm off to the dentist in a few. I'm thinking I would look really stupid with braces, but who cares anyway? Have a good day!
August 30, 2006 at 11:36am
August 30, 2006 at 11:36am
This is sick, I really don't want to blog but here I am doing it. I don't even have a decent thing to say.

[Pauses for a couple of seconds shaking her head before continuing.]

This is stupid. I'm out of things to say.



Well I could tell you all about my day. My day was very ordinary. Woke up, did stuff. Went to the bank to pay for stuff. Went to the mall to buy some stuff. Went home to catch up on all your stuff. Hung out with Shiela to talk about stuff. Went to see Soc and goofed and talked and walked around and stuff.

What's that I hear? "Stop it Christine YOU SUCK!"

Oh, and anyway, have you ever had one of those dinners where you ate too much and afterwards feel like you're gonna burst but after an hour or so it's like water is the bestest thing? Like you couldn't get enough of it and you keep drinking and drinking and drinking even though you feel too full and you just want to explode? (or have more water, of course)

No? Oh, okay, so it's just me?

Alright, alright, I'm stopping! Can I leave each and every one of you with a kiss, though? *Kiss**Kiss**Kiss**Kiss**Kiss**Kiss**Kiss**Kiss* No dodging!

Heck I'm off to have some water, even though I think that too much of it have already affected my brain tonight. It's like... everything in it is all floaty and stuff. Floaty and stupid and pointless, much like this entry! *Laugh* Good night!

Edited the next morning..

Wolfedale just sent me a YouTube link, it's a video of one of his favorite Canadian bands, and I think their music is good. For Canadian local talent click on this:


Now I kind of remember that when Equilibrium showed the video "Sweet" most of you liked that last song on the last scenes. So if you want to see Philippine local talent click on this... I used to have this thing for this band's frontman. Haha. Tell me he's not hot.

August 29, 2006 at 2:56am
August 29, 2006 at 2:56am
Jeez, whatever happened to our rainy season! Today is totally hot and disgusting! Much like yesterday, but today is much worse!

Somebody slap me for when it was raining two days ago I would look out the window and pray for a sunny weather the next day. Well I got it and now I'm complaining! What's up with that??? I told ya I need plenty of attitude change *Smile*

Since the weather's been flip-flopping (cold one day, flaming the next) colds are pretty much the thing around here. I think I've got it, I'm coughing and sniffing and my voice has dropped a couple of decibels lower. But I'm pretty much recovering already.


I've uploaded this thing for kicks, and thought why not share it? Yesterday my friends and I were playing around with the video cam, in our oh-so-usual idle days. Shiela's okay now, by the way. She's the loud girl in the vid.

Plus you'll see how hot it really is here right now! You'll also see me (if you're lucky), jeepneys, trycicles, a lot of the Pinoy life! Never mind that you wouldn't understand a thing we're saying... at least you'll hear a totally different language today! *Bigsmile* Oh and yeah, you'll also see my friend Kuku (the one I talked about in my previous entry) accidentally drop his cig. It was pretty funny.


A totally pointless video, huh. But it's the spirit of sharing, people, c'mon!!!

HA HA, E and Papa are watching Star Wars right now and I just heard Pop yell, "THAT'S OWAN KINOLI!" *Laugh*

Somebody save me from this heat!
August 27, 2006 at 9:58am
August 27, 2006 at 9:58am
It's amazing to see how a person breaks.

Background story: E's friend Nicole crashed over here last night. She left their house because she got into this huge argument with her mom and she originally planned on going to her father's house (her parents recently separated). However the weather was not cooperating so she stayed. Today she left and went to her dad, but around 4pm she returned together with him. They wanted Papa to come with them and talk with her mom or something.

We've always known Nicole's dad from her stories, and they weren't really that pretty. He's a regular town drinker and he's jobless, while her mom just got back from the states where she worked. Apparently the couple had some huge misunderstandings so they decided to split.

I was in front of the computer and I was hearing a lot of my father's conversation with Nicole's dad. I believe that my father's gift is ministering to other people- and once more the Lord guided him. Papa told him of God's love and what the Lord did for our lives- at the end of their conversation Papa asked if he wanted to pray and accept the Lord Jesus into his life. Nicole's dad said yes and my father told him to follow him in prayer.

"Panginoong Hesus," my dad began, waiting for Nicole's dad to repeat after him. But there was only silence. My father tried again.

"Lord Jesus," he repeated, but Nicole's dad didn't say anything. After a while Papa gently told him that it was okay to cry. And the man did. It was this deep, broken sobs and finally he managed to utter the Lord's name.

To make the long story short, Nicole's dad accepted the Lord Jesus into his life, and afterwards they went to Nicole's mom where the woman did the same. I was alone in the house all evening and when E and Papa got back I could tell that everything went smoothly. Nicole's parents made up, Papa said he didn't know if they only did that because he was there, but we believe that the rest is in God's hands now.

As I've said it's amazing to see how a person breaks... and then opens his or her heart to the Lord. My father got born again when he was 33 years old, and it was just in the nick of time. He was just about to house another lady without my mom knowing, and our family was falling apart. I wasn't born yet at that time, and if the Lord didn't change my papa? Maybe I never would have been.

Of course, changes didn't happen overnight. Papa had a hard time overcoming his vices and addictions, but the Lord delivered him from them all. Actually it was a funny story cause my father's biggest addiction then was Sauna Baths. He had a hard time giving that up. Back at that time my dad was a man of the world- he was in the purchasing business and he makes really big money. Those sauna bath thingies are the suppliers' way of indulging or gifting him. Anyway one night he was just about to have sex with this girl when the sockets on the room they were in started sparking and having short circuits.

My dad knew it was the Lord's way of telling him to stop, but he said, "Lord, one last time- I'm already here!" The sockets continued their sparking thing but Papa went through with it anyway.

He finally said no the next time the suppliers' invited him. And he told me how driving home that night had felt so good- it was like he was floating in cloud nine, he said. He also said that when he finally gave that addiction up he and my mom became like newlyweds. He said it was only then that he realized how beautiful sex really is- when you're doing it with your wife and you feel the love so strongly that it makes you want to cry. Sounds cheesy, but it happened to my dad. He said that when he was still having sex with other women he avoided doing it with my mom as much as he could because he always felt dirty. But when he gave everything up he suddenly felt really clean- and why not, for the Lord had cleaned him. *Smile* So after all those great sex with my mom I finally got conceived and nine months later- there you go! *Bigsmile*


My long-time friend called me up this afternoon and all we did was laugh. He was the friend I wrote about in my high school short story, that guy who set a classmate's skirt on fire *Bigsmile* Anyway it was great. He said he wanted to get together but nobody was really up for it. Maybe we'll just do it another day, since he's gonna be in town for a whole month or so.

zwisis finally got back from Zimbabwe. Welcome back, Sarah, I've really missed you.
August 25, 2006 at 9:04pm
August 25, 2006 at 9:04pm
I've got tons of things to do, I'm having my final exams this afternoon and I still haven't studied a single page of the exam coverage. It's 8:50 in the morning here and I haven't had breakfast yet, so my stomach is complaining. Anyway, I just wanted to thank a couple of people today.

First off, Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation for the MB she gave me yesterday. Thanks so much Gabby, and about that sig, I'll totally understand if it didn't work out!

Thanks to intuey for yet another badge. You all know she's going through a lot these days, so I'm really touched that despite all that she still thinks of me. Thank you so much, Trace, you and your family will always be in my prayers.

Zack, thank you for the Vlog! I'm so happy about it I want to obnoxiously post the link everywhere! I can do that, can't I? Check out Z.˚rz 's latest Vlog, if you want to see a really good and funny video. Part of it is a birthday salute for me... and the rest is a disturbing blog taste test, if I may add. *Laugh*


Thank you so much Zack that was awesome!


The latest issue of "Invalid Item is out, check out "Invalid Entry. David McClain and all the writers did a great job with it, as usual.

I reformatted this computer yesterday so everything's running smoothly now. My uploading problems got fixed, so I've been experimenting with uploading random vids on YouTube... nothing worth sharing, though. Maybe next time I'll have something good!

Alright, I'm gonna stop now, or else I'm SO gonna fail my exam later!

[Edited 4:13pm]

Exam over. Think I did pretty well even though I only got to study the last thirty minutes before the exam.
August 24, 2006 at 6:08am
August 24, 2006 at 6:08am
I had a pleasant birthday, nothing fancy, but nevertheless a good one. Since my best friend’s still recovering and can’t leave the house, and since Soc’s still nursing Tita Jess back to health, I decided not to go through with their original party plan in Mike’s house. I thought that if anyone wanted to see me, they’d come on their own, so I didn't really invite anybody and just cooked a simple meal and baked a little something (figured the family could always eat it if nobody turned up). Anyway, the moment the clock turned 12:00am, August 23, I received numerous greetings from friends I haven’t even heard from for the longest time. It was quite touching that they remembered. Come morning I was out of the house and went to see some friends, and was back here at around 2pm, starting to get busy with cooking and baking and stuff. I didn’t even dress up, I was just in my house clothes and my hair was all bleh! As it turned out a couple of my friends came, I’ve got a couple of pictures and videos, but as I’ve said this computer’s having major problems and I’m having a hard time uploading them. Anyway what really made my birthday was when Pmay came to see me. She’s an online friend I haven’t seen before and it was cool cause we really hit it off personally. She traveled three hours to come see me, can you believe it? *Smile*

I managed to upload this one pic. That’s me and Pmay, sorry for the funny face.

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Yes, it was a simple birthday, but a really nice one. I received a brand new video camera from my parents and a book from Pmay that I’ve been wanting to read for the longest time. It’s called Bata Bata Pa’no Ka Ginawa? By Lualhati Bautista which means “Child, Child, How Were You Made?” *Bigsmile* As for Shiela and my other friends we just planned to celebrate another day, when she’s all better.

Now when I logged in to WdC and found "Invalid Item, I was floored by how sweet and generous and wonderful you people are. (Anway that forum is now in my port haha!) I was surprised with what my sister Equilibrium arranged for me, and opening that forum and reading all your messages made me go all ‘aww’. *Bigsmile* I was really amazed at how Maricor kept all that from me. I mean, we do live in the same house, and every time she’s at the net I’m usually hovering around and stuff. *Laugh* I’m telling ya, that girl is sneaky! Thank you Cor for that and the awardicon and I love you!

Thank you to everybody who left me those sweet messages in the forum and to everybody who gave me badges, cNotes, GPs, and all the other wonderful gifts! partyof5dj gave me a birthday MB at exactly 12:00am August 23 our time here. He said he was really timing it to arrive at our time, but wasn’t really sure if he got it right. Well David, you got it VERY right! *Bigsmile*

I also received a Parenting MB from Z.˚rz *Laugh* If you know Zack you’ll know why! He is such a norm-defier (that a word? *Confused*) that he wouldn't just give any usual badge *Laugh* and he did write a very sweet message along with it. Love ya to death, Z.

To scarlett_o_h, Wolfedale , Lauriemariepea , twinkledee ♥'s you , Chewie Kittie , and kelly1202, thank you so much for the merit badges! To gypsy4evermore , emmyloo, Nada and Voxxylady , thanks so much for the cNotes! For the sigs, thanks to kelly1202 and Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation ! Thank you to windac, serendipity , Nada , intuey , Barbs , and welkerdeb for the GPs! And Debbie, thank you so much for the wonderful poem!

Also thanks to my August SA, I have no idea if you're reading this, but thank you for everything!

I just got this in my mail, so Cookie ~ contemplatingareturn , thank you for the MB, reviews, and ribbon you gave me. You’re wonderful!

You all make me want to cry *Cry* *Laugh*

Seriously though, thank YOU. My birthday couldn’t have been any better. Yihee.
August 23, 2006 at 2:13am
August 23, 2006 at 2:13am
I've only got a few minutes, I don't even have time to check my mails yet, so please bear with me. I just wanted to give you guys a video gift. Haha! This is my lame attempt at videotaping, so there!


They're the video of the kids I was talking about the other day. I love them, they crack me up, so this vid is in honor of them!

I promise I'm going to make a real entry later... or tomorrow, whatever. Thanks for the good wishes in my last entry everybody, and yeah I love you all! *Blush*

Happy Birthday to me!!!
August 22, 2006 at 11:41am
August 22, 2006 at 11:41am
Whatever you read in Equilibrium 's blog today, don't believe her! (Especially the 'Pencils is a Meanie' part) You know that I'm the biggest sweetheart around! Hahaha! *Bigsmile*

I'm scratching my head cause I've really got nothing to blog about. Even though there's lots of thoughts in my head, I can't seem put them into words. Well... I was out almost the whole day with my eating buddy, Jason. T'was cool, as usual I ate more than I should've. Anyway it was a fun day. We dropped by PLDT and school and saw old friends and stuff. I was pissed cause I was trying to access WdC at school but it's blocked. Almost all sites are, it was totally annoying. I think the only accesible ones are Yahoo and all the other lame ones. So when I typed in Writing.Com and pressed enter, this was the message that flashed on the screen:

Sorry, you cannot view this site for it contains audio and video images not apprpriate for Informatics International College.


Haha, can you believe that? WdC is porn! I was like, "What the heck?!" *Laugh* Back in the days we surfed anywhere we wanted to! My guy classmates (well, all my classmates, providing that I'm the only girl in class) was even viewing really naughty sites and got away with it. Everytime they did that I was always like *Rolleyes* and they would just *Bigsmile* or *Laugh* at me.

Tita Jess finally got her operation done this morning. I haven't heard from Soc since then but I'm praying that everything's okay. Shiela's doing good, too... no plans for tomorrow, though. I'm like què será, será.. what with the weather being really sucky lately. Too much rain and stuff, plus this computer's having a major problem right now, and I think that I have to reformat it some time tomorrow.

I just read everything I typed above and thought to myself Oh man, my birthday would suck! *Laugh* Not to worry though, I'm sure I'll find something to entertain myself with.. and if not, I decided that I'm still gonna have a great 21st birthday anyway!


Soc texted just as I was about to post. Tita Jess' operation went smoothly, thank God.

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