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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1089412
Here's to bloggin' around the block--one word at a time.
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Thanks to lizco252 for my (much needed) Genie of Inspiration
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September 25, 2008 at 9:36pm
September 25, 2008 at 9:36pm
FtL response to "Invalid Entry by Pia Veleno

I try not to stereotype or make broad sweeping generalizations. I’m not always successful, but I try. Some days I just hate people. Working with the public can do that to you. I guess what I really mean is I like people in particular just not in general. I’m rambling here so I’ll just say the hardest part of this wasn’t the title. It was the whole entry. Guess I’m tired.
September 25, 2008 at 9:32pm
September 25, 2008 at 9:32pm
George Carlin

I know it’s been done several times on here right after he died, but not by me.
So, here’s to you, George.


FtL response to {entry: 607718} by Thomas

September 25, 2008 at 9:30pm
September 25, 2008 at 9:30pm
Do you ever wonder maybe if you took a left turn instead of a right you could be someone different?

It’s easy to beat myself up for making a mistake – a bad choice. But I don’t often appreciate the good choices I make. I think I must have made some pretty good choices in my life or I don’t think I’d be where I am today. I love my husband, I love my life. It’s certainly not problem-free, but whose life is?

Today I’m nearly too tired to choose between Pepsi and Coke (I choose neither). But still
I believe that attitude and disposition have more to do with happiness than circumstances. If I made different choices I could be someone different. So I think that in the last few years, I chose wisely.

FtL response to "Invalid Entry by Erika

September 23, 2008 at 10:47pm
September 23, 2008 at 10:47pm
Gratitude…turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.

I didn’t want to write this for my lead, but right now it’s the only thing I can think about.
It’s hard to stand back and watch someone suffer the consequences of their own choices, but that’s what I’m doing. I’m grateful I can detach enough to accept this.

My only sister is a toxic person. Even after all these years and all that’s happened, I hate to admit it. She’s a middle-aged drug addict with the emotional maturity of a twelve year old. She has two grown sons who turned out great in spite of her. She’s been the dysfunctional center and financial burden of my parents’ life for almost as long as I can remember. Rehab after rehab. Bail out after bail out. Every time was “the last time.”

She made quite a spectacle of herself after my dad died, but that’s when I really started to heal. I voiced my resentments and then began letting go of my own misplaced guilt and responsibility for her. She played the victim quite well. My mother chose to continue enabling her, denying her own eyes, trying to control the uncontrollable. I stated my feelings about them moving in together. Mom shrugged me off. Then about my sister getting the power of attorney -- I was worried about her stealing money. I thought I won on that one when she named my nephew who lives in Florida. I found out later that she added my sister, too. Their choices. Their lives.

The tables were turned when my mother got sick and it looked like my sister was jolted into straightening up. Take care of someone instead of being taken care of. My hope was part denial. She did okay for awhile, but I knew there were lapses. I had to accept that it’s what they wanted and if my sister’s awful driving wrapped them both around a tree, or if she burned the house down smoking in bed, I couldn’t do anything about it. Last week my mom got sick enough for hospice. They set up in the house, things looked good. My sister said it would be fine. Mom was in the dining room so she could watch her cook. Neighbors and friends would help. A woman cleaned once a week. Lots of support. I stayed until Friday evening. She had a sitter lined up for Monday – yesterday-- when my sister had a doctor’s appointment. Mom was comfortable. Things looked under control.

I got a call from the social worker Monday. Someone had seen my sister in the yard and thought she was wasted. They called the doctor and hospice was checking it out and she wanted me to know. She gave me the worst case scenario, but later she called back and said the sitter was there. The nurse had checked. Mom was fine. Everything seemed fine. She probably wouldn’t need to call me again that day.

But today the social worker called again. She and the nurse had been to the house. Long story short, my sister was f*cked up and invited her druggie friend over. The doctor ordered Mom to go to the hospital for respite. She was alert and agreed to go. She can stay there five days then most likely will have to go to a nursing home. Helpless as she is now, she had to face her denial. Sad as it is, I’m just grateful nothing worse happened.

September 22, 2008 at 10:50pm
September 22, 2008 at 10:50pm
FtL entry for "Invalid Entry by Frangipani

Well if it isn't the leader of the weiner patrol, boning up on his nerd lessons! -- Homer Simpson Boy-Scoutz n the Hood

I really don’t need to write an entry for this topic. Two of my blogsville friends have already done it – weeks ago.

In"Invalid Entry Special Kay proposed this quiz:

Get a piece of paper and a pen and number two columns from 1-18. Go on. Just humor me here, this is for science. If you are too lazy to find a piece of paper, then just go and open a blank word document.

Okay? Are you still with me?

Now label the columns male and female.

Next, fill in the blanks with as many terms as you can think of for the genitalia of each sex (specifically, the penis and the vagina). Go ahead. I have my paper numbered and I’m making my lists too. Think of as many as you can up to 18.

I flunked.

A little later, Eric Wharton (Mr. Mojo Risin’) wrote this entry "Invalid Entry.

I see no need to be redundant.

September 22, 2008 at 3:26pm
September 22, 2008 at 3:26pm
Rant Alert

Ah, I love it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, people. Need to decide between paying for medicine and paying for food? What are you, a loser? Behind on your credit card because you’re on your deathbed? Not to worry, the bottom feeders will call you every day to remind you.

The “free market” works for everyone, you know. Feel the trickle down? Privatize all the benefits for the wealthy corporations, of course, but let’s socialize their risks. And that deserving casino called Wall Street and the ethically bankrupt banksters? Give them every tax break possible and then leave plenty of loopholes. Pull out all the stops, give them no regulations, and let them hang themselves. But then hurry up, taxpayers, and bail them out!! Greed is good and it must be rewarded!!

Sorry. I’m not in a very good mood about living on the Titanic. Where is that money coming from by the way? We’re already deep in debt to four other countries. This country has had so much potential, but no real vision for a long time. But, hey! Let’s all sign up for more of the same with a 26 year Congressional fossil and a creationist. And let’s just sit back and watch. Who knows? Maybe the iceberg will melt before we hit it.

FtL entry for "Invalid Entry by Susannah Deschain
September 22, 2008 at 3:23pm
September 22, 2008 at 3:23pm
We have a friend who is nearly impossible to have a conversation with. He’s a dear, sweet, big-hearted guy but he’s totally addicted to detail.

A casual conversation turns into something full of strange names, dates, obscure details andonanandonandon. He’ll talk about a class he’s taken years earlier: “I want to say it’s number 435, no 436, no 435…”

His wife laughs, pokes him, and says: “Stop right there. Don’t go on until you think of it.” He laughs, too, but you can see the wheels turning. He still needs to remember that number.

Sometimes he leaves these uselessly detailed messages on our answering machine which usually cuts him off. Once he accidentally left a memo on his own machine and couldn’t even listen to the whole thing himself. Ah, he’s sweet, but he can send you running screaming from the room.

FtL entry for "Invalid Entry by Jenn

September 21, 2008 at 3:36pm
September 21, 2008 at 3:36pm
at least I hope. I had to drop everything and go to my mother’s house last week. She had been weak, but still managing to get around. Rather suddenly she could no longer walk so my sister, who lives with her, called an ambulance. The ER doctor told them that what was wrong was the cancer and rather than be admitted, should go home and call hospice. The oncologist tried to veto that but he lost out. She will not have any more treatment if she can’t even walk.

So now I know first hand how wonderful hospice is for patients and their families. The night before they came was miserable for all of us. The next night, though, she was finally comfortable. The nurses’ aide is absolutely wonderful. She was there Wednesday to help move furniture, set up the equipment and move my mother to her new bed in the dining room. The nurse seemed a little flaky, but she adjusted the pain medicine and did a couple other things that made Mom comfortable, so I’m grateful. The aide, Lisa, came again on Thursday to bathe and pamper Mom, and Friday washed Mom’s hair to have her looking pretty for her visitors.

The social worker came in on Thursday and she was really nice and helpful. And as they all said, they’re there for the whole family. I won’t get into family dynamics, but I’ll just say I was more than ready to come home Friday night. It’s about a two and a half hour drive. Jack took me and came back to get me so he could see her but not stay. She still had some surprise visitors when we left, and I felt comfortable leaving for now, knowing they have all this great help and support.

So, I came home to the work I dropped, and went to a meeting Saturday morning. I didn’t have internet there so I had to get by with just a couple of quick work related phone calls and forget the rest. And of course I had no WDC. I wrote a long journal entry about this, but kept it private. I’m pretty tired so I’ve just been reading some blogs, but I hope I can begin catching up on Follow the Leader, too. I may chicken out of Tourn-Arounds, though, since the deadline is tonight. Darn it. I wanted to win. *Laugh*

September 14, 2008 at 2:44pm
September 14, 2008 at 2:44pm
This guy found a bottle on the ocean, and he opened it and out popped a genie, and he gave him three wishes. The guy wished for a million dollars, and poof! there was a million dollars. Then he wished for a convertible, and poof! there was a convertible. And then, he wished he could be irresistible to all women... poof! he turned into a box of chocolates.

Okay, I admit it. I didn’t make that up. I found it on a website of famous chocolate quotes.

I’m trying to cheer myself up. I’ve been watching a lonely dove perched on our fence, just sitting there in the pouring rain and wind strong enough to ruffle its soaked feathers. For some reason the sight breaks my heart. I guess I need one of these: Seen recently on a tee shirt ~ EMERGENCY ALERT: If wearer of this shirt is found vacant, listless, or depressed, ADMINISTER CHOCOLATE IMMEDIATELY.

Actually, I don’t eat chocolate very often anymore. It’s nice as a rare treat. Coffee on the other hand…well, I’ll ask this. Is life worth living without coffee?

It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. I bet this kind of thing does not happen to heroin addicts. I bet that when serious heroin addicts go to purchase their heroin, they do not tolerate waiting in line while some dilettante in front of them orders a hazelnut smack-a-cino with cinnamon sprinkles. ~Dave Barry

FtL response to "Coffee and Chocolate by Prosperous Snow celebrating

September 14, 2008 at 12:05am
September 14, 2008 at 12:05am
I’ve been avoiding writing this FtL entry for "Don't go by spidey
She wrote about some young men she knows who were going to Iraq.

I never thought we belonged in Iraq. I listened to the few who were asking the hard questions. I heard Scott Ritter speak - the former Marine and weapons inspector. I wrote to the president. I wrote to the co-chairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee – Lugar and Biden. Didn’t we learn anything from Viet Nam?

But I heard the martial music on the TV and radio, the subliminal messages linking Saddam Hussein and September 11th. I heard “you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists” and “mushroom cloud” and “slam dunk” and “cake walk” and “yellow cake” and “freedom fries.” I knew it was inevitable. I remember “Bring ‘em on.” And saw Mission Accomplished. Don’t tell me I have to respect this president. Now we can’t even remember why we went there, the reasons have changed so many times. And we’re supposed to declare “victory” before we leave. Otherwise we’re “defeat monkeys.” (My god, someone let the air out of that Rush Limbaugh windbag.)

I know a lot of folks don’t like politics. But there’s a saying “If you don’t do politics, politics will do you.” It’s going to take a lot of political will to go up against the pillars of the U.S. military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. If we don’t want endless war, are we going to do anything about it? Or have we already given away too much of our power?

This is a cartoon anti-war story. It’s very hard to watch.
Don’t Go

Wars are…a way for mediocre politicians to monopolize both the news and the media in their partisan favor by whipping up patriotic fervor and by pushing for narrow-minded nationalism. Indeed, to inflame patriotism and nationalism is an old demagogic trick used to dominate a nation. When that happens, there is a clear danger that democracy and freedom will be eroded, and even disappear, if that development leads to an exacerbated concentration of power and political corruption. 1

1  http://www.onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_1241.shtml

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