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by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
The original title of this was "The Oscilloscope"... but too many days passed without a single page view. And then I wanted "Fighting the Current (hey... my canoe's missing!!!)" but no matter what I did to the title, it was at least 10 characters too long -- so I eventually just cut it off. All the titles do have multiple meanings though. This is my journal, as you probably know. We'll just have to see what I can do with it... I might write what's going on in my life, but it will most likely write whatever I feel like at the moment. Kind of like what I use as titles...
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September 26, 2002 at 8:18pm
September 26, 2002 at 8:18pm
I left both of my physics books in school. And guess who has a test tomorrow?

I have a pre-headache headache... Ya know, where you can feel it coming on because your head starts feeling icky... Oh wonderful word choice. And I have to write an essay tonight.

I feel sick. I was arguing with my brother and my mom earlier--probably intensified it.

It's 8 o'clock and I have a college admissions essay to write by 7th period tomorrow, or midnight tonight. I'm going in early tomorrow morning to study physics. And I have to do trigonometry at study.

School has been so easy so far this year, but I am not doing as well as I should be. I guess I've just been apathetic. I'm doing all right so far, but the first part of the first quarter is supposed to be used for racking up A's, lol. (A's on my school's screwed up grading scale are 95 and above. The up-shot? A's all four quarters and you can skip the final exam.)

Listening to a suite from the Harry Potter Movie.

I'm so tired.

My locker is probably the only one in the school that does not have a door that stays open. I have to literally prop it open so it doesn't close by itself. Either somebody thought it was funny to put an extra spring in the door or it's possessed.

I have to get to this essay. It's off the common application, but I have NO IDEA what to write.

Tonight is not a good night. Maybe it's because it's raining. The day was all right, but the afternoon sucked.

I'm leaving now. I have to write this essay. I want to sleep tonight.
September 21, 2002 at 11:29pm
September 21, 2002 at 11:29pm
I was practicing both flute and piano last night (not simultaneously). After playing all of the pieces for orchestra (nothing too demanding) I played an audition piece three or four times through... It's "Concerto in G for Flute and Orchestra" by Mozart. It's four pages long (that's pretty darn long for a flute piece) and fast... My jaw and fingers were so stiff, not quite in pain, but they were vaguely hurting and I was hardly able to move them. But the piece is sounding awesome. I stopped working at piano about an hour before I did the flute, so I was rested by then, lol. But "Moonlight Sonata" is sounding awesome too. My piano teacher also gave me one called "Avalanche". It's pretty, but not as interesting to me as Moonlight.

Speaking of moonlight, I was coming home from a friend's birthday party tonight and my dad and I were talking about night. We don't have night in the area I live in--it's way too bright. We don't have many stars for that matter either. On good nights you can see (at most) Orion, the Big Dipper, and the planets, but that's it. I have never seen the Milky Way, although I want to. Every time I've been out far away from incidental light, it has been cloudy. The closest I've ever come was one night coming back from a ski trip out in the mountains. I banged my head on the window several times as I was looking up.

The moon is full tonight, so we can't see anything but that.
September 20, 2002 at 12:25am
September 20, 2002 at 12:25am
[written 9/20, small edit 9/21]
I set a record for myself tonight. I wrote a ten and a quarter page short story in 6 hours tonight. That is pretty darn good for me. I can write really quickly when I have a framework. I guess I just need to sit down with them more often. Oh, and I have discovered that I am able to write stories on my computer without it eating them! It's never done that for me before! Alright, so I had to restart it once, but I was able to save the file first.

My only worry about that paper now is that it may be too long... She didn't give us a limit (not for shortest or longest) and had I had more time mine probably would have been much longer.

Anyway, it's really late. I should go.
September 16, 2002 at 8:40pm
September 16, 2002 at 8:40pm
I feel sick, but I'm not. I want to cry, but I can't cry now. I want to sleep, but I know I wouldn't be able to.

My eyes have been watering when they want to for days. It's not allergies. I'm not fighting tears. They just want to water... maybe there's a hole in the dam.

Every day something new to worry about, and some old things reappearing. Everything changing too quickly, without changing at all....

Not a particularly bad day, no specific event at all. Just everything happening within the span of too short a time...

To top it, my music downloader isn't working right and keeps restarting all of my almost finished files. Of course it can't screw up the ones I really don't want as much.

I really wish I had had more of a summer. Although I don't regret having less schoolwork... Not that I've felt like doing any recently anyway.

And in the big wide world, leaders decide what our fate will be...
September 15, 2002 at 11:46pm
September 15, 2002 at 11:46pm
My neighbor is 92 years old. Guess what the number of the last entry was.

Now I'm going to bed.
September 15, 2002 at 11:43pm
September 15, 2002 at 11:43pm
My nextdoor neighbor's in the hospital. Nothing major--if she was much younger. Her skin is almost like tracing paper... I worry about her. She's so headstrong and independent (well, she tries to be--Alzheimer's and age aren't condusive to that) and stubborn. lol, Her Irish side coming out.

On the way over to the hospital there were three herons (one great blue and two night) standing in a stream from a waterfall. It's rare to even see one.

But anyway, on the way over, my mom was talking about my great-grandmothers and how they were polar opposites. My grandfather's mother was an old farm mother with ten children. She was your stereotypical grandmother: white hair, loved sewing, stopped watching soaps when they became racy, possibly never had a drink in her life, extremely subdued. On the other hand, my grandmother's mother was completely different: loved telling stories, liked her drink (not in excess though), and only started watching soaps when they got racy. My neighbor reminds my mom of her "wild" gradmother. lol, My mom said that she "was a Ryan and acted it". Again with the Irish.

Anyway, it's getting late and tomorrow is a school day. Yeah, so it's a half-day, but it's still an early wake-up.
September 13, 2002 at 11:04pm
September 13, 2002 at 11:04pm
...But the battle is not yet won. Now the pile is much smaller. And I haven't done my closet or my desk/dresser-top. I'm scared of what may be lurking in my closet by now. I don't think I've opened it since... um... you don't want to know. My closet's almost too small to hold anything anyway. Honestly, it's too small to fit a bar across the middle for clothes -- the door wouldn't be able to shut because of the hangers. There are two bars on either side of the door, but it's hard to hang anything in there without wrinkling things anyway....

How is it that so many people never learned grammar in grade school? Even at private and parochial schools, apparently some people were never taught subjective compliments, prepositional phrases, etc.

It's supposed to rain on Sunday, yay! We need it so badly. We need a tropical depression or something though to compensate for the dry summer. And it looks like El Nino may make the fall dry too. Just great.

I'm not as tired anymore, now that I've been moving around. I was on the phone for a while tonight too, I think that helped.

"Twilit" is an interesting word...

I have to go. Early wake-up tomorrow. For a Saturday at least.
September 13, 2002 at 7:18pm
September 13, 2002 at 7:18pm
Yesterday I was a little bit surprised (although maybe I shouldn't have been) at how few people still had the flag paraphernalia prominantly displayed. One day after the anniversary, and it's almost like it never happened. A good friend of mine quoted something yesterday with the phrase, "Bandwagon patriot after Septmber 11". How true that is of so many people....

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country... Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."
- Thomas Paine, The Crisis, No. 1

No, I did not just quote that entire thing off the top of my head. I'm not that good at quoting. I only knew the first sentence. It seems so true even now.

I have to write a paper this weekend comparing the values and character traits shown by Revolutionary War patriots and the those shown by the American people on and after September 11. I have only the vaguest idea of what I'm going to write. I hate it when teachers make broad generalizations.... "NONE of you pay any attention to the news..." "NONE of you has any idea what's going on..." "You need to read things other than TEEN MAGAZINES..."

I dunno, it's just been a rough week. I can't imagine what it would have been like had I known someone who died... I know of a lot of people who know someone who did though... And several who almost did. If it had happened three months earlier, I might have lost a family friend. I think she may have lost some friends there though.

In history today, the question was brought up on whether September 11 should be made into a movie. That would be horrible. They're still showing the cold slaughter of 3000 people on the television.... Now imagine that fictionalized....

And now for an abrupt subject change:

I have a really good idea for a story I want to work on. It's SF--I haven't done real SF in a long time. I need an ending for it though.

I worked on my room a bit today... And I actually should be getting back to it. It's just one of those mind-numbing exercises. I only started because I was looking for something, but it sort of got out of hand.

End subject change.


I admit that the US is flawed, but it is probably the best that can be done. The founders really did not know that it would be able to last this long. It's one of the greatest gambles in history. They succeeding in obtaining democracy, and in giving the people rights they deserve. Freedom of speech, the press, religion, assembly... etc.

I know a lot of people still take those things for granted, even after the rights have been threatened. We are able to talk about whatever-the-hell we want, and most of us use it. And I can assure you that so many people still don't think about that. It's an incredible right if you look at what people throughout history have had. The others as well. Still elsewhere other people still cannot say what they want---whether officially or just implied by punishment.

But the good things have to end at some point, don't they? Rome was the greatest Western empire for 500 years and that fell. But the circumstances were completely different, weren't they? They had a government unfit for the size of the governed area, too many people to keep happy and little communication. They had a sole leader, a monarchy, and a puppet senate. They had encroaching and rebelling peoples in and around their lands. But it still lasted 500 years. That's pretty much the commonly accepted length of time a government can function... But with everything seeming to move so quickly nowadays (eg. how long did the Gulf War last?....) is our time being truncated?

I am so tired. It's only 8 o'clock...

Dinner is here. I have to go.
September 11, 2002 at 9:25pm
September 11, 2002 at 9:25pm
The date has been so hard to write the date today.

I was fine all through the Mass today. A little teary-eyed, but fine.

They gave out lolly-pops in homeroom. Red, white, and blue stars that said "Remember 911" on them. I thought that that was so... I don't know. A testament, I guess, to commercialism. I don't need a lolly-pop to tell me to remember. Yes, it was a nice thought for them to get those for us, but candy isn't going to make everything better -- especially if it's sour candy (I had green apple...). Apparently though, no one else found anything wrong at all with eating something like that. It just seemed wrong to me...

So I went through the day, all morning looking at my watch. "This time last year we were huddled in Room 8 watching the towers collapse..." and so on and so forth...

I was doing alright until 8th period Theology. We went into the chapel and our teacher (a nun) put in a CD with a chant set to music and for ten minutes had us reflect. It was really windy outside and the trees were moving, casting shadows on the stained glass. The windows were shimmering. Every once in a while (usually at a break in the music) the wind would buffet one of the windows, making loud booming and thumping noises. A plane went over during the meditation, and everyone was looking up or out the windows. Just having nothing to occupy me made it so hard not to start all-out crying... I looked around at the people sitting around me. It looked like they were all fighting it too, even the people I could never imagine crying.

"When we return, 300 people are still trapped..." TV today is awful.

I can still remember a ton of pictures I've seen in magazines and on TV last year. One that sticks in my mind really well is one of a woman in a business suit standing in the middle of a deserted street. She was looking horrified and confused and like she had no idea where to go or what to do. She was covered in ash and blended in with the street and the buildings. I think there was some smoke hanging in the air behind her.

They should not make September 11 a national holiday. Holidays are for celebration. I see very little to celebrate.

I also saw less flags out today than I had expected. Most of the flags on poles I saw today were half-mast--at least people did that. I didn't see half as many flags or flag patterned decorations on houses as I did in the weeks following September 11, 2001.

I should get going. I still don't feel well.
September 10, 2002 at 11:02pm
September 10, 2002 at 11:02pm
Or maybe I'm not unreasonably worried. Which just worries me more.

Maybe I'm just too tired to think clearly.

Or maybe it's not a topic I can think too clearly about to begin with.

Just over an hour and it will have been a year ago.

There were way too many coincidences last year. Who knows about this year yet.

My God, I can still remember September 11 practically to the minute. At least until I got home. Because then I just started calling people...

I'm gonna need more sleep than I'll get tonight. Half of me wants to sleep through tomorrow. The other half is a little too apprehensive to sleep.

I dunno. I just hope (at least) that we won't get instant replays all day...
September 10, 2002 at 10:44pm
September 10, 2002 at 10:44pm
Of course I'm unreasonably worried. When I'm worried that's usually the case. Right now I'm unreasonably worried that some sicko is going to decide to "commemorate" the one year anniversary tomorrow. It's been on my mind all day. No, I don't dwell on things. ::eye roll::

Haven't been feeling good the past few days--so has my mom. It might have been something we ate over the weekend. Right now my ears are hurting. It just started ten minutes ago or less.

I'm ahead on some of my homework. I hardly ever do that. We have shortened class periods tomorrow because of a Mass or prayer service... I'm not sure which. Either way, there's a lot to get through in the amount of time. Memorials for people, a memorial for September 11... and a great irony: the opening of the school year. I hope it's not trying to set some sort of tone for the year.

How could people forget September 11? I still can't figure it out...

I do agree with the First Lady on turning the TV off tomorrow, but not for the same reasons. They'll just keep showing it all again and again. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one station does the minute-by-minute, going through what they did when it happened.

Actually, my ears have stopped hurting now. I dunno. Maybe I'm just a hypochondriac. Maybe I've just been upset for a while about a bunch of different things. I dunno.

Yeah, so maybe I'm paranoid. But I'm still unreasonably worried.

We'll see... You can't exactly avoid the future.
September 8, 2002 at 10:30pm
September 8, 2002 at 10:30pm
I was outside today after Church taking pictures. The only plants left with dew on them were the grass and a little bit of ivy. And the spiderwebs were dewy too; they looked very pretty as shimmering blankets. I was out a lot yesterday taking pictures too. There were some really beautiful ones I took near sunset. It's really really relaxing in its own weird way.

There were too many September 11 shows on today. It's only going to get worse -- they'll be showing that footage for the next week. I can only imagine what they'll grace us with on Wednesday.

Damn sensationalism.

If the TV stations weren't so intent on ratings and actually showed some sort of empathy, they'd stop showing it. I think those who saw it all replayed so many times on that day and the days that followed can't really forget it.

Yes, I agree that it cannot be forgotten, but it does not need to be thrown in our faces like it was nothing, like it was some sort of publicity stunt.

I personally cannot stand watching the footage anymore. I saw it enough. I know what happened. I really don't want to see people jumping to their deaths -- over and over. I really don't want to see thousands of lives end as the towers collapse -- over and over. Let it be. They're gone.

Quiet remembrance seems much more solemn, much more heart-felt, much more real than some colorful CGI "memorial"...

Bottom line: Don't make money off tragedy by playing people's emotions.
September 7, 2002 at 8:36pm
September 7, 2002 at 8:36pm
I was outside playing badminton tonight. (I'm not even going to tell you how long it took me to spell check that word until it gave me any suggestions...) It ended in a tie. The end of the game came when the spotlights we were playing under went out of their own accord.

I'm tired. I think it's from the turkey I had tonight. Or the badminton game, during which I lightly pulled the muscle in my right forearm. I say "lightly" because it is still moveable and barely hurts, but I know I pulled it. It feels a little stiff though and I'm afraid to hold some things in my right hand because it's a little weak.

Started re-reading the second Harry Potter book today. I figured it would be a good idea to know what happens before the movie comes out. Several reasons: 1) Because I love comparing books to movies, not vice-versa. 2) Because then I don't have (as many) predisposed images of the settings and characters and all in my mind.

I was outside with my camera again today. I'll have to upload those pictures. I took some really nice ones I think. I'll have to see when I upload them how clear the pictures actually are.

Great. If it wasn't confirmed by the other things, my hand is now shaking. I should probably stop typing.
September 2, 2002 at 11:30pm
September 2, 2002 at 11:30pm
Ever find a song that you really really like the lyrics to, but the music is awful? Well I just found one, "Perfect" by Eliza Carthy. The lyrics are pretty kewl, but the music sounds like it could be played in an elevator. Just thought I'd share that.

I'm tired and I have my third day of school tommorow. Good night.
August 31, 2002 at 12:10am
August 31, 2002 at 12:10am
I have had several talks with people recently that have jostled my views of certain things which I do not care to discuss here. I've come to many realizations because of recent events in my life. I don't like them at all, but I know they're true. I'm not going to get into it at all, but I'll leave this question for anyone who reads this to ponder: What kind of a friend is not allowed to give advice?

Well, I went out tonight and got the stuff my teachers just now told my classes we needed for school. They should really make up lists and mail them beforehand or something...

Oh! I also picked up from the sales racks at B&N the Poet's Market from 2000 and the Short Story/Novel Market from 2001. Okay, so they're a little outdated, but they were cheap and I figured if any publishers really interest me, I could do my own research.

I should get going.

Oh, by the way, according to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, "Occam's Razor" is "a scientific and philosophic rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities".

Now I am going.
August 25, 2002 at 11:39pm
August 25, 2002 at 11:39pm
Back from the beach. There were too many jellyfish in the water do go in past our ankles, but we found other things to do.

My God, has it really almost been a year since September 11?

I wonder what my school's going to do for it. I bet some kind of mass or prayer service. At least a moment of silence.

I heard the most awful phrase the other day. It was something like "...to celebrate September 11". I know they didn't mean it that way, judging by the rest of the commercial, but people really need to pay attention to what they say.

There was something else I meant to say....

"You seem to have control,
But deep within your soul
You're losing it..."
- "Breakdown," Tantric. The song that's on my playlist right now.

I've been getting non-deja vu deja vu recently. I was calling it deja vu until I found out that it wasn't really deja vu. Deja vu is experiencing something and then experiencing something again. What I was calling deja vu is experiencing something and realizing that you have an exact memory of it happening before although it couldn't have. Like sort of a memory from a half-remembered dream or something...

I don't know if that paragraph made any sense whatsoever... It did to me.

I'll have to look on my para-shelf (honestly, I have a shelf of New Age/fringe science/UFO books...) to see if that sort of a thing has a name besides non-deja vu deja vu.

"Vu ja de - The feeling that none of this has ever happened before" - paraphrased from George Carlin

I have been on a Lord of the Rings thing since I finished the last book and watched the movie again (this was over two weeks ago)... It fades in and out, but I keep getting fan fiction ideas... Argh...

I should go read Dracula. Two days till school starts and three books to finish. This should get interesting...
August 19, 2002 at 9:52pm
August 19, 2002 at 9:52pm
The thing about an online journal is that literally anyone can read it. Therefore anger and other strong emotions cannot be vented, no matter how much they demand to be. So they can simmer for extended periods of time, eventually becoming a dormant volcano.

"Wonderwall" by Oasis is playing.

"Today is gonna be the day that
They're gonna throw it back to you.
By now shoulda somehow realized what you gotta do.
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.

And all the roads that lead you there are winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
And there are many things that I would like to say to you,
But I don't know how.
'Cause maybe, you're gonna be the one
That saves me,
'Cause afterall,
You're my wonderwall.

Backbeat, the word is on the street
That the fire in your heart is out.
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt.
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding.
There are many things that I would like to say to you,
But I don't know how.
'Cause maybe, you're gonna be the one
That saves me,
'Cause afterall,
You're my wonderwall.

Today is gonna be the day
But they'll never throw it back to you.
By now you shoulda somehow realized what you're not to do.
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.

And all the roads that lead you there are winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
And there are many things that I would like to say to you,
But I don't know how.
I said maybe, you're gonna be the one
That saves me,
And afterall,
You're my wonderwall.

No, that had no point. Just felt like doing something completely mindless like writing down the lyrics to a song would clear my mind somewhat. And it has done a little...

Now "Beautiful Day" by U2 is on. I'm not going to write the lyrics, lol, even if I could understand all of them. I love both these songs though.

I've gotten through one of my summer reading books. Four to go.

I wish I could say it was a beautiful night... if only I could see more stars from the window... Not that you can see most of them at my area anyway...

"...has changed the course of history..." I really don't like that statement. Who's to say that history has a set course anyway? Anything can happen and often does.

"A New Day" by Celine Dion is now on... This is my upbeat playlist, lol. Honestly entitled "Upbeat".

"Let the rain come down
And wash away my tears..."

I'm not going to quote that song either.

I'm slowly realizing how many people I have never seen really happy. Many of them I have known for years. There's always something there eating them from the inside out, keeping a true smile from their faces. So many things betray that, no matter how hard they try. I can't believe I've never seen it before. It was so obvious it was hidden. Or maybe I just accepted that fact after a while. Still shocks me though.

"Chim-Chim-Cheree" is just ending. And "Sing, Sing, With a Swing" is on. It's the song they used in the Chips Ahoy commercials for the longest time.

I know a lot of things just do not last, but why do they have to crumble so slowly? Or is the earthquake just testing the foundations?


I have to go because my eyelids are drooping and I have to get back to my summer reading sometime tonight...

I have about a week and two days...

Four of those days I'll be on vacation. Wonderful... I don't mind reading unless I am forced... Then I feel like a caged animal and don't usually like the books at all...

I'm beginning to make less sense even to myself...

And back to "Wonderwall". I did skip a few in between though...

G'night to my corner of the very spherical globe... (No wonder I have so many problems...)
August 17, 2002 at 9:51pm
August 17, 2002 at 9:51pm
Chemistry is officially over, yay! The final wasn't bad at all. Of course, there were a few questions I wasn't sure on, but I think I did well.

I've started working on my summer reading. I have until August 28th or so... I'm about halfway through one book, and a quarter of the way through several of the others.

I was at a semi-family reunion thing today. Half the family stayed inside watching (I almost wrote playing!) golf. The other half was outside. Of course, the people making up the halves constantly changed. They had a pool in their backyard, which had a slight greenish tint. Wonderful. And I'm so intelligent that I went swimming in it.

I'm not really what you'd call a social person, but I love family get-togethers just because I can sit somewhere, half reading, and listen to the conversations and the stories. lol, One of the funniest things I heard the entire afternoon was the short conversation that followed story of how my dad's cousin's son (who has to be in his late 20's-early 30's) used to sneak out. My grandmother was horrified and asked my dad if he had ever snuck out. My dad replied, laughing, "We [my uncle and he] were on the third floor! We would've had to jump down a story just to reach the roof!"

Well, I found that funny at least....

Anyway, I have to now wash pool chlorine out of my hair...


         More than an end to war,
         we want an end to the
         beginnings of all war.

                    - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
August 9, 2002 at 12:17am
August 9, 2002 at 12:17am
There are at least 10 brown recluse spiders living at the end of my porch and it had me freaked out for a bit earlier. In case you don't know, brown recluses are spiders (duh) that have a pattern on their abdomens that looks suspiciously like a violin. I looked out there tonight (after my brothers were running to the window to look at the big spiders. So I look at the spiders, then I do a double-take and look closer and there it was: ... a brown violin ... on each of the spiders. The only reason why I freak out at them is because they're poisonous. They won't kill you, but if you get bitten, the flesh around the bite is eaten away. Very disgusting already and I'm not even going to begin to describe what the wound looks like.

I saw Signs tonight. It was pretty good, very War of the Worlds-ish (i.e. isolated place with little news from outside, and what news they get is terrifying, and lots of hiding and poison gas, and a very similar ending...) In the Spring, I listened to HG Wells's War of the Worlds and The Time Machine in the car on the way to and from school. In the theater, the friend I went with and I ran into three of our friends from gradeschool. lol, I was supposed to see it on opening night, but it was sold out. One of the points of that movie was that coincidences are more than coincidences. If last Friday's show hadn't been sold out, we wouldn't have seen our friends... weird.

"...And all the roads that lead you there are winding;
and all the lights that light the way are blinding...
I said, 'Maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me'..."

That's from "Wonderwall" by Oasis. Listening to it right now...

There was something else I was going to say...

Ah yes!

The play/skit thing that the Readers' Theatre Club did this year went well. We have a quasi-tradition of always breaking some prop. This year, we did it again. It's not on purpose, someone leans a little to hard, trips into something, you name it. We actually broke two things this year (one was fixable though). The first thing was a flower lei, which was okay since we really did not need it anyway. The second was the squeaker out of a bird puppet. The squeaker we could fix. We just had to get it back into its sack inside the puppet. The play/skits went well. We did four performances (I could only make it to three of them) and they (for the most part) went well. We had to ad lib for parts and then just fill in lines for the people that ultimately dropped out. We kept gaining and losing people until the final week when we finally knew our numbers, and by then we all had to just say most of the interchangable lines anyway.... My costume for it was completely insane. I was originally supposed to be two characters (the Meeter and the Greeter) but then I had to merge and become the Meeter-Greeter of a distant planet called Zeem where "nobody's mean to anybody... except for the Horrible Hogglewart". I wore a red-green-and-yellow hula skirt under a black sheer shawl with rhinestones, with rainbow sandals, and a irridescent silver short-sleeved sequined shirt (say that 10 times fast) which I kept calling mithril (Lord of the Rings reference there), and one of those straight wizard hat things with shiny stars and moons on it (and a piece of sheer fabric over my eyes to add to the alien look). Oh, I also had two leis hanging from my skirt.

I did know my lines though! (I finally learned them right before my first performance, lol)

Something else.... something else....

Oh! I got a 94 1/2 on my second chem test. Again, over half the class got C's or lower.

Alright, I'd better go, the lights will be turned out on me soon....
August 3, 2002 at 10:26pm
August 3, 2002 at 10:26pm
My dog is sitting on my lap. I'm trying to keep him from barking. He wants to go outside to chase something, so he keeps trying to escape. I don't know what he saw at the door, and I'd let him out if I was sure it was only a shadow or something, but ...

Anyway, huge storms moved through last night. The sky was almost constantly lit up by lightning. It was so beautiful but it did knock my power out. And then the power company took nine hours to get the power back on. We lost a good deal of stuff in our fridge -- a mixed blessing. The fridge is finally completely clean. It was spotless until my dad went out to the supermarket and got milk and stuff. I got a 2 minute shower by candlelight last night.

Yes, it could have been much worse. Obviously, I have power right now. The freezer did not defrost. We were all sleeping in our back downstairs room. We have an awning up so the only window we could keep open was down there. It was so cool last night compared to how hot and humid it's been recently. I got the best sleep I've had in a while. It was also the first time I've slept on a floor in a while... I don't think they had anything to do with each other though....

The dog is still trying to jump. He's being very squirmy. It must have been something to really interest him. It's been at least 5-10 minutes.

My aunt and uncle have been in a band now for a few years. It's sort of new-wave, but I'm not sure of the exact genre. They were just recently featured in a new music magazine and now have their first fan. lol, Somebody e-mailed them from their site. I thought that was awesome. I hope they do well with it.

The dog is now lying down on my lap with his neck on my right arm. He has either resigned to staying on my lap or he is falling asleep... He fights sleep. It's so funny to watch his eyelids droop and then snap open only to droop again and again...

I rented A Beautiful Mind last night, but for reasons already stated, I didn't get to watch it.

The dog has just jumped from my lap.


I should go.

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