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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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August 25, 2014 at 1:51pm
August 25, 2014 at 1:51pm
Artist: Blind Melon
Album: Blind Melon
Song: Paper Scratcher
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August 25, 2014 Prompt: What do you like to find in a blog prompt? Do you prefer open-ended or very specific prompts? Is there a particular type or element of a prompt that you dislike? Do you have a prompt that you think would be great? Include it and I'll see what I can do to make that happen.

Psh, you think I'm going to give you my prompt ideas, Mitch? I need those! *Laugh* What I like in a blog prompt is something that elicits different responses and opinions. I also like ones that ask about something personal in the writer's life because I like to hear about where people come from and what they've experienced in their life.

I like both open-ended and specific prompts. Above all, I like diversity in prompts. I like ones that teach us about something and then people can form their opinion about it. As far as one I particularly dislike, I don't really like the ones that ask for a poem or story only because on a lot of days, I'm not creative enough to sit down and think up a poem based off of a particular prompt. It's hard for me to write stories and poems about a subject that I'm not familiar with or don't have an attachment to in some way. That being said, it's entirely because of my average level of low creativity. A lot of times when I see a prompt like that, I just know I'm going to spend the most time on that one trying to think something up for it. I also learn a lot during those ones, so that's good too.

Also, if anyone comes up with a prompt they want to use, I'm so stealing it, Mitch. *Vamp*

*Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev*

August 25, 2014 Prompt: Write a story, poem, or lyrics about The Enchanted Wheelbarrow.

The enchanted wheelbarrow sits high on a hill,
glistening symbol of hopeful dreams.
When passersby see its spellbinding power,
they touch its argent underside feeling
euphoric with the restorative energy.

The sun sets on the enchanted wheelbarrow,
another endeavor enacted while the
lucky few who extracted its sorcery
go on to fight another day in the
shadow of a fortuitous daydream.

*Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev* *Notev*

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August 25, 2014 Prompt: Good morning campers! There's a lot of work to be done after the busy weekend Sharkhorse chasing. Come up with a really good excuse as to why you shouldn't have to lift a finger today, and nominate another of your fellow campers for the chores you don't want to do.

Hey, isn't this every day in my world? I probably sleep later than every blogger on this trip and I hate cleaning and cooking. The most I could be used for is gathering wood for a campfire, only because I like taking walks and I might be bothered to grab a few sticks along the way. I think that's about the extent of my wilderness usefulness though.

One of my go-to excuses is that I don't have the necessary body parts to do something. For example, if someone asks me to run out and get food, I'll tell them that I would, but I don't have any legs. *Sad* I use this one on a regular basis in real life. If Kira tells me to clean the dishes I say, "You know, I'd really love to, but I don't have any hands. Sorry." Then she glares at me and I clean the dishes.

So, my excuse for not doing anything around camp today is that I have a headache and I don't have the required limbs to do any work. I apologize for the inconvenience. Luckily, Finn O'Flaherty offered to take up my portion of the camp chores for the remainder of the trip. Thanks, Finn!

Shuffle can to can nobody really gives a damn
For every living day I give myself a hand
Now I'm scroungy as can be
I got all you normals looking at me
I'll scratch a hole in my life
So everyone can see

August 24, 2014 at 7:50pm
August 24, 2014 at 7:50pm
Artist: Gin Blossoms
Album: Dusted
Song: Found Out About You
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August 23, 2014 Prompt: Today, take some time and send a postcard home. Keep in mind, it's a postcard, so you don't have a lot of room. What'll be the image on the front of the postcard you pick, and of all our adventures so far, which one will be the one you talk the most about?

Ah, I got it, Norb. You want us to keep it short and sweet which works for me after the day I've had. As far as a picture for the front of the postcard, I'd go for any off the pictures on this website of "scary woods".  

On the front, I would write:

My dearest family and friends,

Things have taken a turn for the weird. UFOs, Sharkhorses, and bearded women are plaguing our campsite. At this rate, we'll just be lucky to make it out in one piece. Something is poisoning our minds. We think we have it narrowed down to a hallucinatory fungus in the coffee. Despite that, many of our campers can't give up it's delicious goodness. If this is the last time you hear from me, assume that I was dragged off to a far away planet or eaten by the hole in the tree near our camp. Hope all is as ordinary as ever.

Carry on bravely,


The things you said and did to me
They seem to come so easily
The love I thought I'd won
You give for free

August 23, 2014 at 2:18pm
August 23, 2014 at 2:18pm
Artist: Harvey Danger
Album: Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?
Song: Wooly Muffler
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August 23, 2014 Prompt: Prompt: Some people are embarrassed by____________ but I'm not because_______________________.

I think people get embarrassed too easily sometimes. There are a lot of things people get embarrassed about that I don't because it's just not that big of a deal. I just went and found a list online of things people get embarrassed about and picked out some that don't embarrass me. Here are some examples:

          *Bullet* Forgetting someone's name. I can understand where this sucks when it happens because the person might think that you don't remember them. If I run into someone I haven't seen in a while and I can't think of their name but they know mine, I just say something like, "Hey man, it's been so long since I've seen you your name is escaping me."

          *Bullet* Someone trying to get into the bathroom while you're using it. Why is this embarrassing? *Laugh* They're the one who's doing something embarrassing. Just be like, "OCUPADO!" in your best falsetto and move on with your day.

          *Bullet* Being honked at by another driver. Really?? Just flip the person off.

          *Bullet* Attempting to join a conversation and having the people not hear you the first time. I feel like a lot of these embarrassing situations are just caused by a lack of confidence. If someone doesn't hear me the first time and I have something to say, I'll just say it louder. Of course, that's assuming that you're waiting for a break in the conversation to jump in. You can't talk over someone else and expect it to go well.

          *Bullet* Tripping in public. This one's all about how good your recovery is. I mean, if it's an epic fall where you end up just rolling around on the ground for five minutes while passersby circle around to make sure you're okay, that would be pretty embarrassing. But if you just trip over the sidewalk and keep going, it's not really that embarrassing. That happens to everyone.

I just think there are so many things that are actually embarrassing, save it for when it's actually needed. You only make the situation worse by making a big deal out of it. You know what's actually embarrassing? When you run into someone you haven't seen in a while and start talking about one of your old mutual friends you haven't talked to in a while only to find out that person is dead. Like this conversation:

You: Hey man! I haven't seen you in like three years. What's up?

Them: Oh wow! This is crazy. I haven't seen you in so long.


You: Hey, remember that time Timmy got drunk and tried to ride on the hood of your car? Man, that guy's such a dumbass. I hope he never breeds. I haven't seen him since your New Year's Eve party a few years ago. How is he anyway?

Them: Oh... Uh... Timmy died last year.

You: Shit.


August 23, 2014 Prompt: Tomorrow is the world wide premier of season eight of the popular BBC drama Doctor Who. In the show, an ancient alien travels through time and space with human companions. If you were given the opportunity to travel through time and space, would you?

This reminds me of that Led Zeppelin song. "I am a traveler of both time and space to be where I have been." *Laugh* No one jump all over me, but I've never actually seen Doctor Who before. It's one of those shows that has about a million episodes and variations. It's hard to get into a show like that, for me anyway. I mean, do I have to start with the sixties version? On top of that, there's like twenty-six seasons. Even I don't have time for twenty-six seasons of a show. I just can't be bothered to get into it.

That being said, of course I'd take an opportunity to travel through time and space! Who wouldn't? I mean, there would have to be certain rules and I don't know if they apply in the Doctor Who show. For example, I wouldn't want anything I did in the past to change the future. I would want my current time to freeze while time traveling. There has to be an instant way for me to get home that's completely failproof so if I get into a bad situation, I can get out of there. Let's see, what are some more stipulations... I'm a picky time traveler. I guess that about covers it though.


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August 23, 2014 Prompt: "There has been a Sharkhorse sighting! They're angry with all of the humans on the campgrounds. We've got to use our campfire time to come up with a plan to either catch them all or befriend them before they destroy us...but how will we do that? Perhaps there's a method to all the madness we've experienced so far..."

First of all, that's the goofiest looking thing I've ever seen. There's definitely something in the coffee. I don't think I could stop laughing long enough to actually think of anything to do about the sharkhorse, so someone else is going to have to take care of it. Look at those biceps! *Laugh* We're tripping out, dude.

I mean, what do you even do with a wild Sharkhorse? It can clearly survive on land, it can probably survive in water too, so we can't drown them. We've gotta catch 'em all like Pokemon. A wild Sharkhorse appeared! Charlie ~ sent Fivesixer . Fivesixer used BEARD WHIP! It was extremely effective.

Do we have any books on Sharkhorse weaknesses? Ah, I know! Kill it with fire! *Fire* A shark can survive fire and neither can a horse. It's genius! All we need to do is make weapons out of fire. Let's start whittling arrows out of wood. We'll need an accelerant for the arrowheads and a bow, of course. Flaming arrows all the way.

While some of us work on that, the rest of us need to make a flamethrowing contraption. Why do I feel like I'm going to get yelled at for throwing fire around in the woods? Remember, only you can prevent forest fires!

All I ever thought we might come to was second dates
And flirting eyebrows
Or maybe even psychic friends
And we could share a secret language
And almost definitely make more of it than it was

August 22, 2014 at 1:24pm
August 22, 2014 at 1:24pm
Artist: We Are Scientists
Album: Brain Thrust Mastery
Song: After Hours
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August 22, 2014 Prompt: Your younger self is about to be offered your first job. What would you tell yourself knowing what you know now?

You know I've always got a brother's back and I'd have my own back so hard if I could talk to myself before my first job. I'd advise that you never date the first coworker you meet because when things inevitably end three weeks later, it's gonna be awkward as shit to go to work, especially if they've worked there a lot longer than you. Oh god, all the awkward days of being the only two people working at the hookah bar.

Our boss didn't want us to date in the first place. He actually sat me down the day I met the girl and told me to back off, which I thought was really strange because there was nothing I could "back off" from; I wasn't even hitting on her or anything. We call those red flags now, which I wasn't aware of then. *Laugh*

I ended up quitting the job after a few months for other reasons. I mean, it helped that the work environment became incredibly awkward. It definitely didn't make it harder to quit. After that, I never went into a job looking for someone to get it in with because I knew how it would turn out. Since then, I haven't really had any weird work environments because of something like that. *Thumbsup*


August 22, 2014 Prompt: You wake up and everyone in your family is gone. There's a post it on the kitchen counter. What does it say?

Well, I only live with Kira and I know she wouldn't be gone for any serious amount of time. I'm going to guess that the post-it says something like, "Hanging out with Lauren. Be back later. Love, Kira". I've woken up to that note a few times. It actually isn't rare for me to wake up to an empty house. I mean, we aren't exactly attached at the hip.

We share a phone though so post-its are a completely acceptable form of communication. I always want her to have a phone with her, so I only have a phone when we're together. If she's out, she takes the phone and if I go out without her, I don't have a phone. It's funny because I get in situations a lot more often where I would need a phone, but I'm afraid that something will happen to her and she won't have a phone next to her to call for help.

She broke her phone and I don't want to buy one off contract because they're too expensive. I could get a pay-as-you-go phone. I'll probably suck it up and just get another one at some point though. It isn't a huge deal to me, so I'm being lazy about it. It's funny though because I broke the screen on my phone a little while ago. So now we have a completely broken phone that won't turn on and one that has a spiderweb crack on the screen. *Rolleyes*

Wow, I totally went off on a different topic here. Sorry about that.


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August 22, 2014 Prompt: Yesterday, I asked if anyone noticed anything different about camp. We heard about lights, saucers, flashlights in the lake, beards, crazy drunk teens, even large furry possibly sasquatch and someone keeps drinking my coffee before I do.
What no one noticed is the big hole that is in the tree right next to our tents. Where did that come from? Clearly, there is something hanging from the hole but what is it?

Oh great. Now what's going on? Do trolls live in trees? If so, I bet it's a tree troll. What fabled creatures haven't we run into yet? Who knows what's going on anymore. Maybe the UFO blasted out a hole in the tree and now there are little aliens living in there, plotting their next move.

I think we need to move campsites. Maybe the other side of the lake has less creatures running around. What we really need to do is find out which one of us is the cursed one drawing the attention of these creatures. Where is the demigod who was supposed to save us over a week ago? I have more questions than answers at this point. I mean, who wouldn't? There is nothing normal about this camping trip. It's the opposite of normal. It's abnormal. *Shock*

Should we cut the tree down? Should we try to pull on whatever is hanging out of the hole? I know I'm not going near it. Maybe ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy can go over there with her gun and Noyoki can pull out whatever it is. If it comes to life, ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy can shoot. I think that's the best course of action for now. Finn O'Flaherty and I will go to town and get some gummy worms because I have a craving. You guys just take care of, ya know, all that stuff...

We're finally drunk enough that
We're finally soaking up
The hours that everyone else throws away

August 21, 2014 at 12:21pm
August 21, 2014 at 12:21pm
Artist: Arctic Monkeys
Album: Suck It And See
Song: Suck It And See
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The only good thing about BoM being over? I can pick any song I want without having to worry about the person going after me. This song ends with an E and I fucking love it!! *Laugh* Do you like this one Tiggy ?

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August 21, 2014 Prompt: You hear a noise coming from your book shelf. Your books are talking to each other. Which books are they? What are they saying?

Well, I'm sure The Catcher in the Rye would be causing a goddam problem. You know how many times that word is used in that book? 245, for those of you keeping count at home. I'm sure Holden Caulfield would be bitching about the rest of the characters in the other books.

It would actually be interesting to see how the characters reacted together. For some reason, I can't picture Holden Caulfield, Jake Barnes, and Sal Paradise all having a conversation. All I can imagine is Holden Caulfield saying, "I told you about fifty goddam times to stop falling over on me." *Laugh*


August 21, 2014 Prompt: My friend and I were recently talking about how far back people can remember. What is the first memory you have and how old were you?

The reason I asked this question is because my friend thinks that no one can have memories before the age of five and, if you do, they're just stories you've heard people talking about and you've taken them in as your own memories.

I very distinctly remember my first memory. I was three years old at the time and my parents were trying to force me to go to preschool. I thought it was the worst thing ever at the time and would cry endlessly when one of them dropped me off. I remember the caregivers telling my mom that I would stop as soon as she left, but I didn't. I cried all day, even during nap time and refused to eat lunch. I have no idea why, but I remember doing it.

My grandfather ended up watching me because I wasn't adjusting well to it. He dropped me off one day and I wrapped myself around his leg and just clung to him. It took him and the two women to pry me off of him and he just said he couldn't do it and took me back home. I never went back.

I do remember that the caregivers were really mean. They had us coloring shapes one day and the boy across from me colored his triangle red instead of blue like they told us to. The woman stomped over, snatched his paper up and tore it into pieces in front of us. Then she told him to put his head down on the desk and not speak.

My family was surprised I remembered the whole ordeal so well when I talked about it several years later. I think they summed it up to me just being emotional and being afraid to meet new people. I'm sure that was partially it, but those ladies were bitches, and my three year old self knew it!


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August 21, 2014 Prompt: There were strange sounds and weird lights by the lake that we haven't seen before last night. Tell us what you think happened? Did you notice anything unusual in camp this morning? Here's your chance to let your imagination run wild. Yay, more tall tales!

I'm happy you asked because I did see something rather peculiar. Finn O'Flaherty and I saw a UFO before dawn this morning. We were doing night watch on the supplies. She might be able to explain it better, but it looked like a hovering object. I thought we had seen it all, ElaineElaine . I guess we're in for another surprise!

Lyn's a Witchy Woman and Fivesixer , I'm starting to get a little suspicious here. Did you really bring us out here for an enjoyable camping trip? There seems to be an awful lot of bogies for a "relaxing bloggers camping retreat". I'm onto the two of you. *Smirk*

I'll try to explain what the UFO looked like. It had lights along the bottom, but it was long, not saucer-shaped. The lights were flashing different colors. It was a rave UFO. I think I even saw a strobe light. There was a serious party going on aboard. I'm not pointing fingers or anything, but I saw ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy and Prosperous Snow celebrating come from that general direction right after the thing zoomed off into the sky. I think they might have been partying it up with some aliens.

The paranoia is setting in. 30DBC Creator/Founder has gone missing. Noyoki says she doesn't know anything about it, but I swear I heard her laugh as I turned to walk away. I definitely have my eye on her. Don't pull any funny stuff, Dana!

For now, 💙 Carly and amy-Has a great future ahead are going to be on UFO watch. That's separate from supply watch. By the end of this, none of us are going to be sleeping. We're just going to be watching various things for potential danger. Such is life.

Suck it and see you never know
Sit next to me before I go
Jigsaw women with horror movie shoes
Be cruel to me because I am a fool for you

August 20, 2014 at 2:26pm
August 20, 2014 at 2:26pm
Artist: The Doors
Album: The Doors
Song: The Crystal Ship
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August 20, 2014 Prompt: Pearls. Anything you want to write about pearls. Serious or funny.

"I'll take 'Things I've Never Thought About' for 400, Alex." *Laugh* I don't know much about pearls. The pearl jewelry reminds me of rich southern women. I think because I saw a lot of customers in the south wearing them. I, of course, wouldn't promote the buying of pearls because most pearls are harvested in an inhumane way from oysters. I don't believe in wearing anything for fashion that could hurt a living creature. Some people say that oysters have a less complex nervous system, so they can't feel pain, which hasn't been scientifically proven.

A pearl is made by an oyster's natural reaction to cover up an irritant and protect itself. So when they're trying to make pearls, they'll make many incisions on the oyster's body and put an irritant into the incisions so the oyster will cover it up and eventually that cover forms into a pearl. It would basically be like getting twenty splinters at a time and having your body try to grow over it to protect it. Anyone looking for more information can check here.  

I mean, I wouldn't wear pearls anyway, obviously. But for me, it's not worth potentially hurting a creature so that you can have a pearl necklace, which is kind of hideous anyway, if I'm being brutally honest.


August 20, 2014 Prompt: August was named after Augustus Caesar in 8 BCE. In Latin the names are Augustus mensis (Month of Augustus) and sextilis mensis (Sixth Month). The Ango-Saxons called August Weod Monath (Weed Month). Write a story or poem using one or all of these name for August. Have Fun.

Hm, I've never heard of any of these names for August. I wonder why it would be called the sixth month though when August is the eighth month. I guess the calendar must have been different then or something like that. I like Augustus mensis for month of Augustus just because it sounds the coolest and the closest to what we call it now. Even if it was the sixth month, it should have a proper name instead of just being called sextillis mensis. *Laugh* It sounds like a sexual praying mantis. I guess I learn something new every day!


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August 20, 2014 Prompt: Hi, its a 2 parts this time
1. Review this well known poem and tell Norb and I if you know who the author is.


I think that I shall never see, a poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the earth's sweet flowing breast:
A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.

2. Find a tree that you love and tell us about it whether in a poem or a story.

Yeah, I know this poem. It's by Joyce Kilmer. I usually see it formatted as rhyming couplets. It flows well and has a good rhythm to it. It isn't one of my favorite poems. The imagery in it is pretty amazing. When you first read the poem, it just seems very simple and almost plain, but when you really look at it, the imagery is unique and beautiful. I don't really have any complaints about the poem and I'm definitely not about to give suggestions on a poem that was written almost eight decades before I was born. I'm cool with it. *Thumbsup*

Where I grew up, there were some of the most beautiful trees you could find. The forests are awesome and I felt a special connection to trees as I was growing up because they were everywhere. I love birch trees, which there are a lot of in Maine. They're the ones that have almost white trunks with with brown notches in them. They look really cool in winter with the snow matching the tree trunks.

My absolute favorite kind of tree is oak though. We had a huge one in our front yard that splayed out in all different directions like a smaller version of the Angel Oak  . I used to sit in it during the nice weather months and read or write as a kid. There's nothing more peaceful than that. I so miss trees like that. It seems like everywhere I live now, the trees are all planned and they all seem to be almost saplings, like they've just been planted to improve the community and they'll be awesome a couple decades from now. Of course, once they start to grow too much, they probably just cut them down and plant new ones so there only seems to be perpetually young trees everywhere I look. I assume that someday I'll be surrounded by trees again though, so it's okay.

Before you slip into unconsciousness
I'd like to have another kiss
Another flashing chance at bliss
Another kiss, another kiss

August 19, 2014 at 3:33pm
August 19, 2014 at 3:33pm
Artist: Weezer
Album: Pinkerton
Song: The Good LIfe
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August 19, 2014 Prompt: The first time...

Keeping with the same topic as yesterday, I'll talk about the first time I took Algebra. Be quiet! You're going to enjoy my math talk. *Laugh* I took Algebra the first time when I was in eighth grade and I had this crotchety old teacher who hated me. I mean, she really had it out for me from day one. For no reason at all, she made me move from the back of the room to the front seat in front of her desk on the first day of school. She didn't make anyone else move seats and she told me, in front of the entire class, that I looked like 'trouble' even though I hadn't spoken to anyone and was just sitting there.

It was easy for me to fall behind in her class because Algebra isn't the easiest subject to learn in the first place, and then on top of that, she would constantly yell at me for no reason. If I looked out the window, it was, "Charlie! Stop daydreaming!" It was so annoying. I wasn't daydreaming, I was just looking outside. It's like I wasn't allowed to look anywhere but my desk or the front of the room. Within the first month, I had gotten three or four detentions just from her room. One of them was because I was three minutes later for class. Another was because I had to go pee during class, which I should have been allowed to do. I kept getting detentions from her class too. There were so many pink slips about "talking back" when I wasn't talking back but rather questioning what she was saying. I think schools like that do not want you to ask questions about anything. It's ridiculous.

Anyway, I started skipping her class because I was sick of fighting with her. I was the only one she singled out like that and if anyone tried to talk to me or befriend me in class, she would start attacking them too. I went to the office and complained to the principal about her and I ended up getting lunch duty for a week, which is where you have to clean dishes in the cafeteria after lunch. I told my parents about it all the time and they told me to just keep my head down and behave. I was behaving!

By the time Christmas came around, I was basically lost in that class. I stopped doing any work associated with it because I hated the teacher so much. I refused to take the tests when she passed them out in class and she would send me to ISS, which is in school suspension where you have to sit in an empty room and stare at a wall. I spent almost the entire second half of the school year sitting in ISS during her class and staring at a white wall because I refused to cooperate after everything that happened.

Cinn , you're a way better teacher! *Laugh*


August 19, 2014 Prompt: Write about something that is true at first light, false by noon.

I'm not exactly sure what we're looking for here, but I've got one that I'll use anyway. When I wake up and I'm hungover, I always think that there's no way I'm going to be able to do anything productive that day. I'll just assume that I'm going to spend the entire day in bed feeling like shit. But almost every time, I end up finally pushing myself out of bed and trying to eat something. Then I'll get in the shower and go sit outside and work/read/write for an hour or so. All of a sudden, I realize that I'm feeling better after being up and moving around.

Whenever someone asks me the cure for a hangover, I just tell them that cure is to pretend like you don't have one. If you lounge around all day feeling sick, you're going to feel terrible all day. If you push yourself to do something that gets your mind off of it, it seems to help at least to an extent. Yes, by the way, I know that the best cure for hangovers is to not drink. *Laugh*


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August 19, 2014 Prompt: Write us a short story using as many of these words as you can but still make sense.

axiomatic courant moribund propitious calumny fecund jocose inchoate diaspora guignol antediluvian protean surfeit attenuate legerdemain percipience contretemps quiescent feckless febrile mange vapid assiduous elide antipodal

First of all, I love the url for that website. Pompous ass words, indeed. *Laugh*

"Oh no!" Noyoki screamed, from outside the tents. "The food is nearly moribound!"

"This is not propitious at all," Fivesixer said, shaking his head at the inchoate bags of food.

The coruscating sun rays blinded, amy-Has a great future ahead as she tried to gather her equipoise, stumbling out of the girl's tent. There had been a surfeit of food when she went to sleep, now it was appeared to be lackluster at best.

"Who was on watch last night?" Lyn's a Witchy Woman demanded. It had been a quiescent night as far as she knew. Who could have been feckless enough to allow even more of the food to be stolen?

"I was," Prosperous Snow celebrating admitted, walking toward the circle they had formed around the food. "I was feeling febrile though and went to lay down. Finn O'Flaherty said she could take care of it."

The attention turned to Finn O'Flaherty , who was looked on with vapid eyes. "Whoa, I won't take this calumny! I thought you said for me to go to bed because I looked febrile, not that you were going to bed because you felt febrile."

The group sighed and shook their heads in disbelief. "Aw, come on guys. Let's not get at each other's throats over it!" Noyoki said in a jocose manner.

"She's right," 💙 Carly agreed. "We just need to go back into town and get more food before we attenuate from a lack of nutrition."

"But we need to make sure that whoever is supposed to be watching the food is from now on," ElaineElaine suggested, feeling assiduous.

Lyn's a Witchy Woman nodded. "Fivesixer and I will look into protean rotations in case someone isn't feeling well from now on. Come on, gather up any surfeit food you can find."

Everyone agreed, happy that no more contretemps could interrupt their fun trip. Just then, Charlie ~ stumbled in from the antipodal side of the circle. "I'm happy to elide myself from this conversation. Hey, why is everyone talking so weird anyway?"

I wanna go back, I wanna go back
And I don't even know how I got off the track

August 18, 2014 at 2:25pm
August 18, 2014 at 2:25pm
Artist: Death From Above 1979
Album: You're A Woman, I'm A Machine
Song: Black History Month
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August 17, 2014 Prompt: The last time I ...

The last time I went to school, I was sixteen. I started to try to go early this year, but I changed my mind at the last minute for whatever reason. Now I'm thinking about it more seriously, but it makes me nervous because I've been out of school for so long. I feel like I've forgotten everything I learned. Our system of education is basically, memorize something and spit it back out while you're taking a test, then forget it forever. At least that has been my experience with school.

My ultimate enemy is mathematics, which I'm horrible at, specifically Algebra. I took it twice while I was in school, once in eighth grade and once in ninth because I did so poorly in it the first time around. Even the second time was extremely difficult, but I ended up doing well in it ninth grade year. If I go back to school, I have to take a placement test to determine where I need to be put and I'm terrified of having to take algebra again. Please, no! Three times is too much for one person to take the same class. I just don't have a mathematical mind. I always do fine with English, science, and history. Math just isn't my thing.

They told me to take the online practice tests before I come in to do the placement test, so that's what I've been doing today. It's like, oh God, no, I've forgotten everything. I seriously can't even do basic algebra and arithmetic like multiplying fractions and decimals. I have no clue how someone could forget all of that, but I guess six years will do it to you. I hate when people say that you use Algebra every day. Clearly I don't because I don't go through my daily life confused, but the second I see an algebraic equation I'm stumped. I don't mean the basic ones like x + 9 = 16. I'm talking equations like: 5[3 - (5x - 3)] + 9x = 0

If I recall correctly (and I might not), there's a specific order you have to solve equations like that in, but I have no idea what it is. I don't know if you do the multiplication/division first then do addition/subtraction or if you do the brackets first then the parentheses. There's this whole world of stuff I can't remember, so I'm probably going to be taking Algebra THREE times. *Facepalm* Please, Algebra, go away.

*Camera* *Camera* *Camera* *Camera* *Camera* *Camera* *Camera*

August 17, 2014 Prompt: Write a bad poem.

Dog bites on mailmen and train hopping bandits
Black sky tornadoes and fiery cockpits
Decomposed playgrounds with rusty old swings
These are a few of the most baddest things

Chronic illness for loved ones and credit card debts
False allegations and haunting death threats
Terrible bloodlines that leave monstrous kings
These are a few of the most baddest things

Draft lotteries for war and an asthmatic sneeze
Gruesome murders and disease-carrying fleas
Quadriplegics all wrapped up in slings
These are a few of the most baddest things

When the sun shines
When the doves sing
When I'm feeling glad
I simply remember the most baddest things
And then I don't feel so rad

*Camera* *Camera* *Camera* *Camera* *Camera* *Camera* *Camera*

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August 17, 2014 Prompt: The clouds are rolling in campers. It's gonna rain hard and get cooler. How are we gonna stay warm and entertain ourselves? Someone's gotta cover the firewood and make sure our supplies are safe, but until then, we've got some board games in the main tent...what's your favorite?

I don't know how you guys are going to stay warm, but I'm going to steal everyone's blankets and hibernate inside my tent all night. No one will be able to get them back from me because the guys' tent is no girls allowed and I don't think anyone can wrestle them out of my claw-grip anyway. Hopefully we still have people watching our supplies in case the "raccoons" come back. Seriously, they were Night Children walking on their hands, anyone could see that.

My favorite board game to play is Monopoly, but only when I want the night to end with my friends flipping over the board and stomping away. Hey, you try playing a game for two hours straight with no winner. By the end, you're just hoping you land on Boardwalk and lose all your money. "Oh, I'm in jail? Cool. Hope I don't roll doubles."

I'd say my favorite board game, especially for our circumstances would be Clue. We have lots of mysteries swirling around us, so Clue is the perfect thing to sharpen our detective skills. That game to me has always just seemed kind of sophisticated and mature. It isn't like games like Trouble or Sorry, although both of those games are fun too. I actually like playing board games. I'll pretty much be down to play anything we have available. They all get boring after a round or two, so it's best if we can mix it up anyway.

Can you remember a time when this city was
A great place for architects and dilettantes

August 17, 2014 at 2:20pm
August 17, 2014 at 2:20pm
Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Album: Green River
Song: Bad Moon Rising
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August 17, 2014 Prompt: Hi campers! Bring out the bugles! Toes down, chins up; it's time for Reveille! Sing us your favorite song this morning and tell us why you like it.

Oh, we're doing a sing-along today? How exciting! I can't wait to get caught up on everyone's entries that I've missed the last two days. Am I the only person who cannot get anything done until it's absolutely mandatory and I'm in a complete state of panic? It's like I can only be productive when I'm completely out of any other option. *Laugh* Anyway, you'll be getting comments from me on entries you posted a couple days ago. I know they aren't relevant anymore, but you can just deal. *Laugh*

No trip anywhere is complete without some Creedence Clearwater Revival. They're the ultimate vacation band! All you need is their greatest hits and a repeat button. You'll be set for the entire road trip. This is a tested and proven fact. I don't have a favorite song ever, but I think this song is perfectly ominous and fitting for all the weird things we've been encountering on our travels.

Here are the full lyrics, in italics with quotations so you know I'm singing it. *Bigsmile*

"I see the bad moon rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today

Don't go around tonight
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

I hear hurricanes ablowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers overflowing
I hear the voice of rage and ruin

Don't go around tonight
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like we're in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye

Don't go around tonight
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise"

August 16, 2014 at 6:59pm
August 16, 2014 at 6:59pm
Artist: The White Stripes
Album: Icky Thump
Song: Effect and Cause
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August 16, 2014 Prompt: I met him on the stairs??? Tell us all about it

I hang out on stairs a lot, so I'm sure someone has a story about me that starts this way. *Laugh* It sounds stranger than it is. I always have to live on the top floor of an apartment, so I spend a lot of time walking up and down the stairs. Being forgetful doesn't help much because the second I get upstairs, I remember that I left my phone in the center console and I have to go all the way back down and up again. It happens more than you think it even could.

This is how I meet all my neighbors. My family is always like, "Why do you know all your neighbors? I never know my neighbors!" I'm like, "You don't spend as much time outside of your apartment as I do." *Laugh* When you see the same person ten times in one day, eventually you'll be like, "Hey man, what's up? I'm Charlie." At least I do anyway. I might be weird.

*Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat*

August 16, 2014 Prompt: What's the greatest misconception about you?

I think a lot of people, especially older women, are a little bit put off by me when they first see me. I have long hair and a lot of my clothes are really old, so they probably think I'm either poor and might rob them or I'm just dirty or something like that. I noticed it a lot when I was working retail because a coworker would have someone at their register and a customer (usually a middle age or older woman) would come up see both of us, then go get at the back of my coworker's line instead of coming up to me. Even after we'd both tell the person that I could take them at my register, they seemed a little apprehensive to at first.

I'm really talkative and all that, so after about five seconds, they'd be acting normal. But that initial seeing me from a distance would make them rather wait in line than get rang out right away. And before anyone says anything, I'm not talking about a situation where someone isn't sure if your register is open or not. It was like my coworkers and I had to coax them over to mine with breadcrumbs. My female coworkers were like, "Oh, you just look intimidating so people are turned off by it." Fine by me, I had ample time to go grab a drink or check my phone. *Bigsmile*

*Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat*

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August 16, 2014 Prompt: Hey campers! It's time for another Saturday night campfire! Tell us a little about where you're from, and something that is commonly mistaken about your hometown. And if you don't think your town's big enough, tell us the advantage of your small town.

Bonus: Share a favorite campfire dinner recipe that's quick and easy.

I was born in a small town in Maine. I don't think anyone really talks about where I'm from specifically. At least I've never heard anyone talk about it. "Hey, say that to my face!" *Smirk* I think that each place has its own positive and negative points. Small towns are nice in that they're usually peaceful. There's rarely any crime to worry about and you kind of know a lot of people in town, so there's this friendly atmosphere to it. I remember going to the store and knowing almost everyone I ran into. Not knowing them on a personal level necessarily, but kind of like, "Oh, that's Jim's Mom's coworker, Linda."

I wouldn't really consider that an advantage though, depending on your personality. I actually really love how you can fall through the cracks in a big city and no one knows who you are, where you're from, who your family is, and how much money your family has. I don't want to be known as Mikey's little brother forever. I want to be my own person and make a name for myself.

But, there are definitely advantages of a small town. As a kid, I never felt like I was in danger. I didn't even think about things like being kidnapped, robbed, hurt, etc... Maybe all kids are like that and maybe they're not. I know that my niece growing up in the city knows a lot more of the dangers of the world at age six than I knew when I was even ten or eleven. Growing up in a small town, the world was a really carefree place where I could go play outside with my brothers without having adults supervise us all the time. We even stayed home alone and left all the doors unlocked in the house. I never once thought about things like intruders when I was growing up, and that's something that you can't forget once it's in your head. I'd say that a small town life is a lot more peaceful than a city life. Maybe I'll move back out to a small town someday and maybe I won't, but they both have their individual perks.

The worst thing about a small town is by far that there is nothing to do. I mean, there's nothing! You have to travel to really find something fun to do. But, of course that's just subjective. I mean, what's fun to me might not be fun to anyone else. I like to go to concerts and stuff though and I don't want to travel really far each way to do that. It just isn't fun to me.

As far as a recipe, you guys know I'm not good at cooking. I have a good campfire soup recipe. You start with a can of soup and a fire. You open the can, with the can opener you brought, and pour the soup into the pot that you brought. Bring it to a boil over the fire, pour into a bowl and eat it with a spoon. That's about as far as both my outdoor knowledge and cooking knowledge go. Hey, I like soup!

*Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat*

August 16, 2014 Prompt: BoM Day 14: Ends With E

Ah, it's the last day of BoM. So sad! I've been so busy today from the second I woke up until now. After I finish this, I'm going to get busy again because I have a load of work that I have to get done tonight. Failing to complete the tasks is not an option! I figure that if I start it now, I can have it done by two or three in the morning. That's the goal anyway. Godspeed and all that.

So, for the last song of the challenge, I'm going with "Effect and Cause" by The White Stripes. Who doesn't love these guys? Jack White is a master marketer when it comes to his business, down to the matching color scheme in their albums, clothes, and stage sets. I think it's genius.

Icky Thump isn't my favorite album of theirs, but it's damn good. If one of the worst albums you can come up with is Icky Thump, you're an amazing band. I'm saying that it's one of my least favorite of the band's, but it's better than almost every other album that came out that year.

The reason I went with this song is that the lyrics are absolutely hilarious. Just check out the lyrics I used at the bottom of this entry. I love those tongue-in-cheek lyrics, especially when they're taking shots at other people. There's just something that I've always liked about it. The best band for lyrics like that is The Smiths by far. They have some really funny ones.

Anyway, that brings us to an end with this challenge. We'll miss it, I'm sure. I've had a lot of fun with my teammates, so that's all that matters no matter what happens. I can't wait to see what's next up lizco252's sleeve for us Soundtrackers. Bringing together the love of music and writing is one of my favorite things I've done on this site, so you can bet I'll be there next time around. *Smile*

Well you can't take the effect
And make it the cause
I didn't rob a bank
Because you made up the law

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