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August 25, 2015 at 11:12am
August 25, 2015 at 11:12am
"Calcite Springs
This grouping of thermal springs along the Yellowstone River signals the downstream end of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. The geothermally altered rhyolite inspired the artist Moran; his paintings of this scene were among those presented to Congress in 1872, leading to the establishment of the park. The steep, columnar basalt cliffs on the opposite side of the river from the overlook are remnants of an ancient lava flow, providing a window into the past volcanic forces that shaped much of the Yellowstone landscape. The gorge and cliffs provide habitat for numerous wildlife species including bighorn sheep, red-tailed hawks, and osprey."

Bring your binoculars with you today on our hike, we are going to studying the osprey and red-tailed hawks today. It would be really helpful if you brought your sketch pads as well. The ranger service is trying to find out what is impacting the two large birds in this area. So our eyes are very important today. Your keen ability for details is important.
Tell us what you learned today?



We will be here until early Wednesday so if you have things you need to get done before we conclude our trip in Yellowstone at another primitive site, I suggest you get what you need done.

This morning I was hanging out with Apondia and learned some fascinating facts about Osprey! Who knew we had such an ornithologist camping with us! It makes me want to get out there and do some intense watching. I'll be on the lookout for those two special toes the osprey have...I sure hope we see some!

I'm feeling melancholy today. Our time is coming to an end, and although I'll be glad to get home, I will also miss this lovely landscape and these lovely campers very much. Hopefully, we can get everyone rounded up again for another camping trip.
August 24, 2015 at 10:35am
August 24, 2015 at 10:35am
Hopefully, after all the hard work to solve the mystery at Roosevelt Lodge, we can get a good night sleep. We are going to Tower Falls today on a picnic, bring a book, your camera whatever you want to relax. There will be swimming as well by the falls, don't forget your sunblock. What's your favorite way to unwind with out Wi-Fi in the wilderness.
It's a good time to recap all that you've seen because our time is almost up. The rangers are looking for suggestions on what they can do to improve the camping experience.

Can't believe I slept in this morning! I never do that! I think it's because I'm feeling a little drained today. It's been such an amazing experience but for today I think I need to slow down. A day of relaxing and reading and just people-watching sounds like the best thing for me. And when the sun gets warm maybe I'll take a little snooze. Oh boy, I'm already yawning.
August 23, 2015 at 12:46pm
August 23, 2015 at 12:46pm
Everyone is really grumpy this morning, what a night... No one slept at all, the lodge was filled with such racket. We've all heard about the ghosts wandering around the lodge but usually the ghost does not disrupt the guests. Something happened... it's up to you to solve the mystery... weave us a tale with a probable answer.

If anyone is up to going to the Petrified Forest that is where we are going to day. Would love to know your thoughts on what it looks like in your mind.

I'm trying real hard not to be grumpy. Honestly. What happened last night was only an accident, but...well...you'll see what I mean...

Princess Megan Rose 22 Years had gone to the store for a diet pepsi and ran into Yancy! What she didn't know, and honestly, couldn't possibly know, was that I was hiding out behind the vending machine watching Yancy. I didn't want poor Princess Megan Rose 22 Years to get scared so I came out from behind the vending machine to warn her. But alas, she was indeed startled by Yancy and threw her pepsi at him. Well, being a ghost it went right through him and landed all over me!

We both fell on the floor laughing. But later that night I started to itch and squirm. Then I couldn't get comfortable because I kept feeling like bugs were crawling on me. I finally sat up and turned on my flashlight. Ants! They were all over the place! Ugh! All the fake sugar from the pepsi drew the ants. It took me all night to get rid of them!

So...I didn't sleep well last night. Really, I'm trying not to be crabby...but I feel a lot like one of those petrified trees we're off to see today. *Sad*

August 22, 2015 at 5:17pm
August 22, 2015 at 5:17pm
Wohoo, we are at Roosevelt Lodge... showers, awesome food and 61 degrees... sweet!

We are going to Tower Falls and surrounding areas, Petrified trees at Specimen Ridge and Calcite Springs... over the next three days.


Tomorrow, we are going to work on a Buffalo Ranch because storm damage was done to the Ranger Training Center and in exchange for our labor we are going to participate in a study with the rangers tagging the bison.

Work clothes, positive attitude... are you ready? What special ability do you bring to the table? Tell us about your contribution today.

Saturday evening's agenda is Grab the saddles and hitch up the wagon for an evening you won’t soon forget. We are riding out to Yancy’s Hole on a horse or in a covered wagon. When we arrive we’ll find those cooks dishin’ up some real cowboy grub at their popular Old West Dinner Cookout.

The coffee’s brewin’ over the open campfire, and the wranglers love talkin’ your ears off over a strong “cup o’ Joe!” When they ring the “dinner bell”,we’ll line up for real western beef steaks cooked to order, our signature Roosevelt Baked Beans, potato salad, coleslaw, cornbread muffins, and fruit crisp. And if all this is not enough, you’ll find your boots tappin’ to old western songs sung by our singin’ cowboy. You may have come here as a city slicker, but you’ll go back as a regular cowpoke!

Working on a buffalo ranch sounds like a lot of fun...and a lot of hard work. Hopefully we'll all get to enjoy hot showers later to soothe all the sore muscles we'll have. I've never worked on a ranch but I'm willing to give it my best shot.

And a cowboy cookout sounds delicious. I'll pass on the cup o' joe, though...for me it's tea all the way. I wonder if they can round up some kind of "cowboy tea"... *Wink* Steak and beans sound good too. You know what they say about beans though..."the magical fruit"...we just might be a noisy camp site later on tonight! *Laugh* And with potato salad, coleslaw, cornbread and fruit crisp there should be no way whatsoever that we'll walk away hungry! I hope I fit in my duds in the morning...it would certainly be embarrassing to stop back at the store to buy bigger clothes!

I mentioned that tagging bison sounds like fun, but now that I think of it I'm pretty sure the study itself will be quite interesting. Just think, we'll be part of science!

My field guide tells me there's some "haunted" areas to check out here at Tower Falls. I think I'll go see if I can round up a ghost or two...maybe I'll even run into Yancy...
August 21, 2015 at 9:45am
August 21, 2015 at 9:45am
Oops, I should have warned you there is a hotel at Mammoth Springs but it is not open at this time of year. It is only open during the winter months December thru March. Sorry, no hot shower yet. after that long bike ride to get here. We are only here for lunch so make sure if you are taking pictures of the ever changing Mammoth Terraces, We will be picked up by a bus at 3:00pm and taken to Roosevelt Lodge. Yes, you will be staying at the famous lodge for three days...hot showers, food cooked by some one else and a real bed.
Does anyone know who Roosevelt is, and what his contributions to Yellowstone were?

Make a choice for the best costume and let Charlie know, please and tell him why.

Oh....so bummed that there's no hot shower here! Because I smell like I just came from the wild and my muscles could sure use some heat. But no matter. We'll just make due and keep looking forward to a hot shower at Roosevelt Lodge. You know, the lodge is reputed to be one of the camp sites actually visited and used by President Theodore Roosevelt. He did so much for preserving the beautiful, pristine lands here in the United States. Because of him we have national parks, like Yellowstone, that will never be sold to the public. So therefore, all generations can enjoy the beautiful landscape. Even though this was a tremendous effort on the part of the president, I've always laughed at how it was done. The president signed the Antiquities Act in 1906. Now why it wasn't called the National Park Act I'm not sure. No...our government called it the Antiquities Act. Even so, we have some beautiful parks thanks to that.

And thinking of President Theodore Roosevelt I'm always reminded of a teddy bear. The story goes that as a child Ted was given a stuffed bear. He called it Ted E. Bear. And that naturally became teddy bear....well, that's the story anyway.

I've been thinking and thinking of a winner for the costume contest. And you know what? I just can't make up my mind. Everyone was so creative. I'm not sure I can pick just one. So...you'll have to award all of them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
August 20, 2015 at 11:23am
August 20, 2015 at 11:23am
Who would have guessed how much fun people would have creating their unique costumes, I radioed the ranger service and let them know we are staying one more night here. So you have more time to prepare your costumes and your stories for the fire ... I know I saw a couple really scary creations, one that could easily be mistaken for a sasquatch aka .

Now, I know they are grown adults but and went to gather what they needed for their costumes and it has been over 8 hours since they've been seen. What do you think... leave them to their own devices, contact the rangers, or should we form a search party?

And I don't want to alarm anyone but the ranger service did say there are brush fires north of us, so we need to be aware of what is happening around us and take every precaution with our campfire. Has anyone seen a wildfire before?

Oh no! More missing people! I'm not sure I can take this! I'm going to worry and bite my nails all day long...or at least until they return or are found! I'm really caught. Should we go look for them? Or do we just go about camping and make the bold assumption they'll return?

Not sure on either question. If we go look for them then we also stand the chance of getting lost. And what if they return and we're not here? Then they just might wander off again. And if we stay here I think we should stay long enough for them to find their way back. It could be days before that happens. We might be here another week.

Well, I'll go along with whatever everyone else decides. For now, I'll try not to bite my nails and work on a costume.

And I should probably call home. Spouse tells me that there are currently 100 fires burning in California. And the largest ones are close to us. Last time we talked he said the smoke was making the air hazy and looks like everything is foggy. And the worst part is that the smell from the smoke is sickening sweet. So that's making everyone nauseous and sick with headaches. Hopefully the Delta Breeze will come up strong and blow out the smoke. Hopefully, no more homes are threatened, and everyone is okay. I do know that there are also wildfires in Washington state and three firemen were killed battling those fires. My heart goes out to those families. Just seems like this is a pretty rough summer.

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August 19, 2015 at 10:23am
August 19, 2015 at 10:23am
Last night here and we are going to have an interesting evening before moving on to our next location which is Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace. We will be leaving after a late breakfast, packing up our stuff so it can be transported for us.


But we have a special request, and since I am a volunteer guide and getting fired is not an issue... I am going to take him up on his request.

"Well... then what? I think we should have a costume contest. ~Aino Minako~ may beat us all because she has experience with making her own costumes for stuff like this, but I'm still willing to give it a go. Pretty please, Lyn 30 Day Camp Guide , can we have a costume contest party? I think we should have on where we have to dress up using only materials that you can find in nature. Doesn't that sound fun? I may or may not be trying to see everyone half naked. *Laugh*"

well, are you up to his challenge? It's in your ball park....

"We should totally do this and then have like a campfire where we dance around the fire and OHH we should do like a horror movie costume contest and tell ghost stories or something? The winner should get a prize of some sort. You wanna? Eh? Lyn? You wanna?"

I stayed up half the night thinking about the Sheepeaters boy I created and now his story won't get out of my head! Something is telling me to put his story on paper. I cannot believe that I am about to embark on an adventure with a small Indian boy. Wish me luck because I want to tell it right! *Smile*

A costume contest? Well...I think that can be a lot of fun! Except out here in the wild I'm not sure where I'm going to find a costume. And you certainly don't want me showing up in just my birthday suit! Oh heavens, that would be triple scary!

Seriously, in the spirit of things, I do think a costume contest would be a lot of fun. Maybe we could stay just one more day so we have the opportunity to collect all the great stuff we'll need for said contest. I'm game for that. Well now, let me just start thinking about this...oh for pete's sake...the only costume in my head right now is that of an Indian...go figure...

But if we stay I'll come up with something.
August 18, 2015 at 9:48am
August 18, 2015 at 9:48am
We will be staying put at Indian Creek for another day so we can do some exploring and our tender butts can rest from the ride before we continue on. Today it will be in the high fifties, perfect hiking weather. We are off to Sheepeaters Cliff. There are excellent examples of basalt for those who have an interest in geology. For those who are interested in native wildlife, marmots are native to this area. It is a great hiking experience for all levels, nothing strenuous today.


This video will show you what we will studying today on our adventure, lots of great photo opportunities.

When men and women tell tales around evening campfire, a sure sign of success is when the audience says then what...

Here's your opportunity for a then what moment....

Lyn told us today we are going to Sheepeaters Cliff. Never heard of it! So...I got out my trusty field guide to read up on its history. I had no idea it was named for a group of Indians who were called sheep eaters. I was so engrossed in my field guide that I didn't notice an old man sitting next to me on the same craggly tree seat as me. Wow! Where did he come from?

But he just smiled. When I smiled back he started to talk. No, he never introduced himself, he just started to talk. And his wrinkled old hands made wild gestures as he talked. I was a little shocked by this, but very interested all the same. Sparks were flying around in my head wondering who this was and how he got there.

But then something happened...his story started to draw me in. I listened more closely, until finally I was completely captivated by him. Nothing else around me existed for the time.

His story was about a young Indian boy. He'd been orphaned at the tender age of three. Actually no one in his tribe wanted him...I'm not sure why. That was the part of the story I didn't understand. He was ignored and left to die. But one of the gods knew this was a special boy. It was destined that he grow up alone. Only nature would be his teacher. All else would be provided for this small boy.

So this one god led the boy to a special place. There's a crag in the Sheepeaters Cliff...it's small and obsure...but just big enough to shelter a young boy. And even though he was only three, this one god nurtured and cared for the boy. He did this through nature and the little animals that inhabited the crag.

And the boy grew. He was strong. And he was destined for something great. The one god who nurtured the boy knew the day was coming. He knew the boy was ready.

And then one day...
August 17, 2015 at 9:41am
August 17, 2015 at 9:41am
Indian Creek, here we come... We are going by mountain bike to our next camp location. We will be having lunch at Beaver Creek but as you see on the map ( link I've given you ) we have quite a ride ahead of us so we will be leaving the lodge at daylight. What risks do you think we might encounter on our way. Have you ever done a mountain bike adventure before?


Indian Creek has vault toilets and no running water. Please make sure you have filled your water bottles. Norb and I have made arrangements to have water delivered to our site but while riding the twenty one miles you will want water. Indian Creek is one of the more primitive camp areas in Yellowstone. What do you think a vault toilet is? What is the difference between a vault and an outhouse?

We will be exploring the Gallatin mountain range with breathtaking views of Electric Peak to the north. Nearby Gardner's Hole offers great wildlife viewing opportunities. This campground offers easy access to great fishing and hiking. The campground is quiet, off the beaten path, with great view of the night sky.

A vault toilet? What the heck could that be? I guess it's a good thing I bought another field guide. Give me just a minute and I'll look it up...

Oh! Of course! That's what we call a biffy. At least that's what I learned in Girl Scouts. And my family always used that term. So yes, a biffy. Vault toilet? I have never, ever, in a lifetime heard that term. Well, I guess you learn something new every day.

I'm so glad our camp site will have a great view of the nighttime sky. I really can get lost in all the stars and I will certainly miss this sky when I get back home. We just have so much light pollution that we don't see that many stars. It's been a real treat having the sky on display! I could spend the whole night gazing up at the sky. But I guess that wouldn't be the best thing to do since I wouldn't get any sleep!

So if I'm not at breakfast could someone come and wake me up?
August 16, 2015 at 10:06am
August 16, 2015 at 10:06am
I'm glad everyone is enjoying their time at the lodge, we will be leaving here on Monday morning so if you have laundry, mail to catch up, or shopping to finish... plus it may be helpful if you mail your things home so you don't have to lug them around. We are lucking out tonight 55 degrees... should be a great night outside to watch the rodeo.

Have you ever seen a rodeo? Who gets the worse deal the horse or the rider in your opinion?

Have you ever imagined what a blade of grass feels like on a hot day? What kind of things would the grass be thinking about and why? What if torrential rain started, how would the grass feel and why? Let's see your creativity with this one.

We will be wildlife viewing today on a guided tour with a ranger, another great camera opt in the morning, the afternoon will be yours until we get together for dinner and then the rodeo.

There are more people hurt by bison than by bears each year in Yellowstone. Park regulations state that visitors must stay at least 25 yards away from bison or elk and 100 yards away from bears.

I've lived in California most of my life and I'm embarrassed to say that I have never, ever been to a rodeo! It makes no sense. Here I am in what a lot of Americans refer to as "the wild west". Farm country, horses, livestock, cowboy hats and cowboy boots. Country music. Go Garth! And in northern California there seems to be a rodeo in every county. But little miss fancy-pants over here never took an interest in all that. Nope, not even a spark. So yes, I'm looking forward to a rodeo tonight! It's just sad, though, that I'll have to admit to all my friends that it wasn't a California rodeo. *Facepalm*

On another note I think I'm being punished. For skipping a day in my journal. Because today Ms. Lyn asked me to imagine I was a blade of grass. Huh? A blade of grass? This whole big beautiful landscape we are in with its endless sky and lush meadows and rugged terrain and wild life all around, and she focuses on a blade of grass? And to top it off she's asked me to be creative with it! Doesn't she know I have a huge headache this morning? Doesn't she know I have laundry to do and postcards to write and souvenirs to buy and stuff to pack and send home? Doesn't she know there are, like, a thousand different varieties of grass?

Oh man, so now I have to stress on what kind of grass I am. Am I tall fescue, coarse buffalo, smooth bromegrass, or what? And to boot, I haven't seen any grass here in Yellowstone. Well...maybe I just didn't notice it. I'll just have to get out my field guide to help me with what type grows here in Yellowstone. Oh no! I forgot! My field guide got soaked when we had that torrential rain storm and I was dumb and put my hands all over my tent. It was a soupy, soppy mess in the morning so I tossed it! Well...that's just one more thing to add to my list. I'd better head off to the store. Apparently there's grass research I have to do...*Smile*

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