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Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing.Com · #812129
How once woman went from being a SAHM of four to a published freelance science journalist
I'm revising this intro after more than 15 years to better reflect my intention

When I started this blog in 2004, I was a stay at home mom to two small children, a college graduate with a degree in English and Astrophysics. By 2007, I had four small children, ages newborn, 2, 4, and 6. For several years, Writing.com was how I kept my sanity. This blog began, first as a way of staying connected. Later, when I worked on a novel, I used it to stoke the writing fires as I plotted out short stories and the next step of my novel. Ultimately, I moved my writing preparation to "Invalid Item

In 2010, I became a single mom who had homeschooled her children for several years. I had a 2, 4, 6 and 8 year old and had never had a "real" full time job, since I was married while in college. Everyone told me that I would have to buckle down and take on a "real" job.

Instead, I decided to attempt to live my dream: to make it as a writer. I knew that if I didn't try then, I would never really dive in. I counted my money and set a deadline. If I hadn't began making a decent (defined) amount of money after so many months, I would suck it up and get a J-O-B.

After some thought, I decided to play to my strengths. I served an internship at Sky & Telescope magazine while in college and enjoyed writing about space and astronomy. With an astrophysics degree, I thought I would be able to sell myself more easily, and a small niche should be easier to penetrate.

It's been about ten years since I was first paid for an article on Space.com. In that time, writing - journalism - has been my primary moneymaker. I've often thought about setting up a blog on my website - www.astrowriter.com - but just haven't gotten around to it. There are a few things I would like to share for those who are interested in scientific journalism in general.

Now that I'm back on WDC, there's no reason not to combine the two and use the site blog for that sort of interaction. There are certainly plenty of folks on this site interested in the publication process. So while I'll probably meander around some, that's the intention of of this blog: to share some of my struggles as a published journalist and to help answer oft-asked questions.
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April 11, 2008 at 1:11pm
April 11, 2008 at 1:11pm
Well, this is turning into a regular bookselling blog, isn't it now? This week, I've been working hard to list my items in a few more places. In addition to Half.com, I also placed them on Biblio.com. Like HDC, there is no listing charge, but they take a 15% comission. They also have a second-tier option of $x/month (depending on your # of listings), and only 7.5% comission. If I can get some serious selling going on at that site, it would be worth it. Then I listed on the infamous Amazon.com, which charges a bunch of ridiculous fees to sell, but none to list. If you don't have a monthly account, you get hit with a) a .99 per transaction fee + b) a $1.35 per book closing fee, AND c) 15% comission. If you purchase a merchant (monthly) act, they waive the 99c fee. So it's not worth selling anything under $5 IMO, and preferably not under $10. I kept all the $1esque books off the site, and while I have 2 or 3 $3.99, the minimum most times around is $4.99. So we'll see how it goes. And, finally, I went ahead and paid a monthly fee for Abebooks, $25/month, which is supposed to be the biggest bookselling site. So we'll see if that makes it back.

Four sites, and unfortunately, I have only bought 4 books this week. I need a higher acquisition rate. I worked it out:
my weekly sales goal is 5 books/day, or 35 books/week. (Mind you, this is my goal, it might take a bit to reach it, LOL.) That means I need to replace 140 books/month. I'd also like to gradually increase my inventory; we discussed a possible year-end goal of 5000 but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, if I add 250 books/month to the collection, that ups my inventory about 100 books/month, which will put me just over 1200 books after a full year (abt 1000 total by the end of the year). Assuming, of course, I sell 5 books/day. If I don't, then I have a bigger inventory. Ha. Ha. See me laughing?

Now, of course, I need to acquire and catalog 250 books/month, or 65 books/week. Which is a few more than 4. And, these can't just be any books; they have to be quality books that sell for $5+, preferably $10+. But right now, we are very rural, making it difficult to swing. There are about 10 FOL (friends of the library) sales coming up the end of April and all through May, but what to do til then? I can drive to the ongoing library sales, but those things are all an hour+ away. There are three nearbye that I hit weekly, but like I said, I only picked up four books doing that this week. I'm checking Craigslist fairly regularly for any other large orders like that 200+ one from Philly last week. And once summer comes, I'll start traveling with DH and his job and hit some other library sales in other places, which will be even better.

For now, though, what to do? I was really hoping that sales would pick up today and this weekend, and they still might. But I'm looking at my inventory, and based on the numbers I've seen, expecting to sell 20 (4 books from last week * 4 sites, +4 extra books for 'growth') books this weekend with an inventory of 250 is not realistic. It might work, but not likely. And entering items on Amazon (not to mention moving everything to my new bookshelves and out of boxes) has made me realize that a large portion of my inventory is $1 and under. Out of the 250 books I have, only 100 made it to Amazon at $3.99+. So my "good" inventory is really low, and 25 books is not to be expected.

There is a good booksale next Saturday in Allentown I might hit, but I think in the interim I'll develop a stronger library game plan. I called all the libraries in Berks county (near Reading). Now I'll call the ones up north and see who is having an ongoing book sale, and when their 'big' sales are. Then I'll branch out to surrounding counties. I think today I will compile a list for multiple counties, and then I will start making the phone calls. Tomorrow, I have a church function in Reading, so I might scout out a few of the library sales down there. I'm also going to search the paper online for estate and rummage sales this weekend, which may up my inventory somewhat.

Recapping for those of us who need a list, today's plan, which will begin as soon as I close this blog:
         1. Look for estate and rummage sales held today/tomorrow
         2. Search out this county for library phone numbers, make a list
         3. Search out surrounding counties
         4. If the kids are still sleeping, start making calls.
April 8, 2008 at 10:19pm
April 8, 2008 at 10:19pm
Boo hoo! To talk about my kiddos now...I can't believe my little girl is turning one tomorrow! One year! She is just too tiny and new to be one. It is beyond belief. <sigh> Of course, I also can't believe that my oldest lost her first tooth last week. <sniff> She lost it in the middle of the night, and then she wrote a note for the toothfairy, since we couldnt' find said tooth. Now stuck in my journal. *Wink* That was actually kind of cool. She was all, "Please don't be mad." *Laugh* An angry tooth fairy!

Okay, now to brag. Because I have to. My oldest is going to be 7 in July. My youngest is turning 1 tomorrow. So 4 kids in less than 6 years. As of now, I am 15 lbs over my pre-first-pregnancy weight, from back when I was (shh, don't do any math) 21. I am blessed by good genes, and going up and down the stairs has helped, as well. I am lousy at exercising, and need to change my Oreo-and-M&M diet so that, when I lose said metabolism later, I don't suffer. On the flip side, I am happy with my current weight, since at my pre-preg weight, people kept asking if I had an eating disorder. Note to self: never attend a women's college if you have a high metabolism, because no one believes you. HELLO, I ate a hundred times a day, including tri-weekly Ben & Jerry splurges (man, I miss working in the cafeteria, if only for the free B&J chocolate brownie! which I can never pay full price for now!).

Okay, back to the baby. I am having a dilemna. Guys, if you didn't die of boredom on the weight thing, feel free to check out now. *Laugh* I am trying to decide whether or not to keep nursing. DD2 (or is it supposed to be DD4, since she's my 4th child, as opposed to my 2nd daughter? this net slang is so confusing to us old folks) is the first child we have decided to forgo vaccinations on (long story). So, while I stopped nursing the others around a year, a friend of mine pointed out that continual nursing wouldn't hurt her. (Her granddaughter, also unvaccinated, was born 3 days before DD. She was just saying that her daughter was continuing to nurse for that reason.) Right now, she is occasionally (not consistantly) nursing morning at night, first and last thing. I am thinking that it is about time to start weaning, but I hate doing that, too. I also hate doing it - it is so a "growing up" sign - because she is my sweet little baby! I don't know if we are going to have any more, but we decided that we definitely were not going to until two years after DD was born. So this time next year, we might bring the discussion to the table, but not before. So, she could be my absolute last, but she is definitely my last one for awhile. <sniff>

I can't believe she'll be one tomorrow.

Anyway, I don't know what to do about the whole nursing thing. But I need to go to bed now so I can start getting up at a reasonable hour. Or, at least, I need to get in the tub, with the idea of lights out by 11. I am so not a morning person!
April 8, 2008 at 3:27pm
April 8, 2008 at 3:27pm
Hi, all, I'm back again with more boring bookselling talk. One of these days, I'm going to have to actually start writing again. Or at least babble on about my kids (my baby will have her first birthday tomorrow! <sniff> On second thought, let's skip the kids, my keyboard doesn't need to be soaked...)

So, after my 300% sales, I am actually up to 400% because someone ordered another book yesterday. That is good! My "sales week" actually runs Fri-Thurs, LOL, since I post the first book on a Friday. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, I am excited about the increased sales.

After a library treasure hunting trip today, I now have 250 books listed. I cleaned out my bookshelves and have a few more (less than 10, I don't like to give up books) to list, so that will be helpful. I did some physical reorganization yesterday. We have an extra room with a door downstairs that I wanted as a library. After some thought, I moved half of the existing bookshelves out into the living room (whose only furniture previously was a chair), and moved the new bookshelf dh made into said office. Then I loaded up all of my "for sale" books on it. Originally, we planned to put the books in the basement, but I got to thinking....
a) all I need is for the basement to flood, just a little, and bye bye business! or at least a setback
b) hello! the kids have their bikes and roller skates down there and destroy virtually everything by zooming around. (The basement is unfinished and has been their winter playground; yelling is allowed!) Why, exactly, would I put my business supplies down there to be shredded?
c) lots of stairs with lots of books and a lack of balance...that sounds like a recipe for disaster, eh?

So now the books are on the ground floor (no stairs) with a door I can lock (no kids) and are up on shelves (less water...of course, if we have water on the ground floor, we have bigger problems!). And dh was surprised that I moved all those shelves myself!

I found a new method that works, that helps me purchase less "expensive firewood", as I've heard it described. You know, books that are selling for less than you paid for? (I have several of those from my first trip.) There is a cell phone service, and I am thinking of trying it, but I'm going to start right before a big book sale, and the next one isn't for 3 weeks, so why pay for 3 weeks? In the interm, I've been visiting ongoing book sales at the libraries. Yesterday, during nap time, I called all the libraries in the county and asked, "Do you have an ongoing book sale? A shelf of books in your lobby for sale?" What a thing to ask a library! Anyway, I wound up with several upcoming big sales - all in May, of course, why do I have to wait?! - and a couple of ongoing sales.

For the ongoing sales, this is my cheapskate strategy: first, I go to the book cart and pull the books I think will be good to resale. Then, I go to the front desk and ask to use the computer. THEN, I either carry the books or write the ISBNs (I wrote them today, but I like carrying them better; no transcription errors, but I look weird), and see what they are reselling for. Today, I bought 10 books for between .25 and $1 each (most were hardbacks). If I get my asking price on all of them (granted, it will take a few months, I know), then that will be $99.98. And I don't think I'm asking the highest price in any case; usually, I am several dollars (sometimes $10) under the highest. Okay, just checked the tally; I spent $8 out of pocket. I only have to sell one or two books to recoup my OOP costs. Seriously, I feel like a treasure hunter.

Oh, but here is the best part. I kept 10 books. I picked up 15. That means I am getting decent at identifying "good" books to resell! That made me feel more confident.

Most of the bookseller info I have read seems to point to nonfiction being the way to go, but I am not sure. I get the whole "no profit in reselling mass marketing books" like Stephen King, Danielle Steele, etc. You know, those books listed on Amazon for 1c, or on Half.com for the minimum, with 200 available at that price? But out of my 5 sales (big numbers, I know), 4 have been fiction and one nonfiction. So what does that say? Maybe that I need to have more nonfiction? Or I have just been lucky with the fiction? Or that everyone is lying so I go and stock up on nonfiction and then they sell all the fiction.... *Laugh* Also, almost all of my sales so far have been over the weekend. The last one came Monday at lunchtime, but otherwise, Fri night and Sat day. ???

Alright, time to get the kids up. And check my email. And chant, buy a book, buy a book, to the general throng online at Half.com. And check my email again. This is ridiculous. I have become seriously email neurotic!
April 6, 2008 at 8:21pm
April 6, 2008 at 8:21pm
Well, business picked up this weekend 150%. That means, last weekend, I sold one book, and this weekend, I sold 3. Is that just picking up 100%? *Laugh* Not sure how that works out. Except that it doesn't work out fast enough. LOL.

I'm re-evaluating, and trying to re-strategize my day. I'm thinking about cutting the ezines, but I can still write the reviews and have good ole links. I'll have to decide about the newsletter idea. In email form, it would probably wind up deleted unread, and in paper form, the same would be likely, and I can't link back.

DH and I are trying to make our plan converge. His was to buy books up over the next year and then open a B&M bookstore. I would like the opening, but I am not so sure that is the best plan. Then you have to deal with rent and slow days and utilities and getting there with 4 little kids in tow. That won't work so well for another few years, I think.

Anyway, I need to figure out how often I'm making trips, etc, so I can make things work. A rough schedule. Woohoo. I'd like to get this to the point where dh can not have to work so hard, and maybe even quit his FT job and start his own business. At the very least, it would be nice not to have him gone all the time. I told him, what would be great is if we could make enough $$ to just cover the house payment with the used book sales (mind you, I'm talking about 2-3 years from now). That would be pretty cool.

I think I need to sell more than 3 books/week for that, though.
April 2, 2008 at 10:51pm
April 2, 2008 at 10:51pm
Drove to Philadelphia today - 2 hrs each way. Bought a box of 200 books for $40. We'll see how it goes. An office chair is on my must-have list, as is a desk, although I'll wait for a little more profit. I've been going through and listing the books today, off and on. (I had a meeting tonight, and I'm going to bed in a few minutes.) I'm up to 139 books for sale now! Not sure yet what I'll do with the 50 romance novels I have. I wonder if they would heat the house if I put them in the fireplace...? *Laugh* Then again, they are supposed to be steamy, right? So I'll just put them in the dishwasher and I don't even have to start it.

Books are piled up all over my room. I moved the ones that I finished downstairs, but this new batch has taken over. I'll be working tomorrow to input the nonromance books I have. I figure I paid .11/paperback and .75/hardback. Some of the hardbacks are listed way higher than that. Some of the paperbacks, too.

DH and I are having a pricing philosophy difference. Figures.
April 1, 2008 at 2:35pm
April 1, 2008 at 2:35pm
Well, I am here to brainstorm some more! About the bookstore, of course. I currently have (as I said last night) about 115 books listed, and other 15 that I need to list elsewhere (but Amazon.com and AbeBooks both charge a monthly fee, and I'd like to get some more traffic before juggling multiple listings).

The best way to sell books, of course, is to buy books people want! *Laugh* Man, I should be, like, a marketing adviser.

Okay, so I've stated the obvious. The next best way is to get some traffic to my site. It would be nice to have a real site. (www.reddsreadbooks.com is available) But I'm not sure I want to have to manage traffic, etc. I suppose I don't have to have a shopping cart; I could just have folks email me what titles they want. I'm investigating Half.com's 'snapshot' to see what it looks like; maybe I can post that on my site. Then I don't have to resort and retype every day. I could take payments through paypal. I *could* have a shopping cart, but then I really will have to make sure I stay updated so that someone doesn't buy from two sites at once (of course, I'll have to do that once I start listing on two sites) (of course, since I currently check my email every thirty seconds, it shouldn't be a huge problem).

Okay, so for now I'm sending folks to my address on half.com. (Look, I even listed it on the side of my blog because I know that since everyone wants to buy my used books, they won't have to page through my blog itself!)

* I am going to create a monthly "review" newsletter, which I can send through snailmail and regular mail. I think I mentioned that in a previous post. I will advertise for that newsletter, and also provide links from the book being reviewed back to where I am selling it.

I am going to create a listing on Craigslist in the "free" section for the newsletter. That shouldn't cost me anything to send, so even if no one reads and buys, that is fine. At least it ups my traffic, right? I will also send a paper copy to those who purchase my book, unless they decide to opt in for an email account. One copy in with their order, and then subsequent copies each month. That will cost me stamps but I already know this is a book purchaser who is happy with my services (or they should be, since I intend to make them happy), so they are more likely to repeat business.

Also, I am going to create a listing for books on Craigslist. It will be in the book section and read something like: 100+ books for sale!

Finally, in the 'wants' on Craigslist in PA (all over, since DH is a traveling machine), I will post a desire for information regarding the sale of books. Of course I will have a link back to my site and a 'sig ad' for anyone who wants to read. This will more likely hook me up with suppliers rather than buyers, but you have to have books to sell them!

I am thinking about posting newsletters around town, at the libraries (ooh, now that's a good idea!), etc. My friend has a business and loves books, so I thought she might let me put them there. My librarians love me because we routinely check out 40+ books/week, thus upping their circulation and funding, so I bet they would let me set them out there. Libraries are the best source of funding, now that you mention it, because most of the people there are going to be bibliophiles. Readers. Hmmm. I will have to think some more on that.

I can keep back copies of newsletters to put in new book sales. They won't have read them, so it won't be a repeat. I'll start with the current month, of course, and go from there. Each printed copy will have an invite to subscribe via email.

Which reminds me, if you want to subscribe via email, send me an email at either Writing.com or at my supercool new Hotmail account, Redds_Read_Books@hotmail.com.

All of my book reviews will become used bookstore promos. I will publish them as content writing (no pay, but they are out there for eternity online) and have a blurb about purchasing said books at my online bookstore, insert link here.

I'm going to have to work on a time management/daily plan so I can get everything done that needs to be done. I will probably be out shopping for books on Saturdays (even when I'm out of town, how fun!). Then I'll have to enter them Saturday night and Monday. The sooner they are entered, the sooner they get sold, right? I will need to write reviews (and, of course, read books so I can write said reviews), so I need to do at least one of those a week. I may shoot for two/week and then use the last week to put the newsletter together. I want an eclectic mix of books reviewed, everything from popular to classics to nonfiction to kids and teen books. Thankfully, I have kids and enjoy reading teen books, so not a problem.

I also need to figure out how I am going to do the newsletter. Do you think just a plain email would be too unprofessional to start? Or should I purchase some software? I think for now I'm going to go with just plain email, and then we will follow from there.

Okay, I am going to go take a break and unwind. I'm worn out. I think I'm going to have to schedule in some 'me' time when I put that together, and it might be nice to have some writing time, since I do still really want to work on my novel. Too much to do!
March 31, 2008 at 10:31pm
March 31, 2008 at 10:31pm
Just wanted to say, I hit two library sales today and just finished entering the books into the system. I was able to enter in the first batch while my 3 yo took a nap in the same room, which sets that fear at ease. I know now why people get excited; I found a few books that I bought for $1 that are selling for $10-35! I'm not listing them yet (they have no ISBN, they are so old, so I can't list them on half.com), but I'm going to watch the price to make sure I don't ask too much or too little. There were a couple others that I paid low that had a higher value. I am hoping to gather more of those.

The bad news: can someone tell me why dh thought me buying books on purpose was a good idea? I have at least 3 books that are definitely keepers for our collection, I put out $5 on Saturday for a set of encyclopedias (1999, good for us because the kids are still too young to go online), I have 132 books laying around my bedroom, around the computer (still trying to figure out the best place to put them to keep them out of the way of the little monsters) (115 listed online, the rest I can't list on half.com and have to figure out what to do with them, LOL). I have several kids books purchased with the "if they don't sell, we can just keep 'em!" idea. Bad idea, I know. I am having fun, which is good. It would be nice to have another book sell. Hey, you, blog readers, why aren't you buying my books?

I think that once I have about 500 books I will start thinking about taking out an ad on writing.com. Where better to advertise used books on sale online? <evil laugh> I am also thinking, since it's an internet store, about all that free advertising on Craigslist. Maybe I'll work on that over the next two or three days. Today, I called the local libraries and asked if they had ongoing used book sales. I found one that did (one of the two I visited; the other I was passing by and just dropped in), and I also learned that there is a big annual booksale coming up on Saturday, just up the road! Woohoo! So I'll have to find someone to watch the kids in the morning.

I just remembered I am supposed to be somewhere early tomorrow morning for a "play date." You should have seen my daughter at church playing with her new friend! (Hard to believe she'll be one next week, let me go cry now...) Anyway, I have to read and relax and go to bed, so good night!
March 30, 2008 at 8:43pm
March 30, 2008 at 8:43pm
Just checking in to give you an update. The novel has blown to smooey. We have been doing something nearly every day, and I have been exhausted at naptime. DH left the day we got home from our long trip (Wed) and came back Sat night, about an hour and a half before a church activity. Got up this morning and went to church, and he is pulling out first thing in the morning and will be gone until at least (and hopefuly only) Wed night. I'm in a chocolate eating, house-is-a-mess funk, and rather than doing something about it, I'm eating M&Ms, drinking a soda, and getting ready to engage in a rousing game of Diner Dash. But I thought I'd post first.

I am really excited about the used bookstore idea. I think we are going to take it nice and slow, get a good online business going. That is ideal for my time and situation (SAHM and homeschooler to 4 kids). Incidentally, my laptop has been virused and needs to have all files taken off and copied, and then be wiped. So my computer time is more limited, because I have to tuck myself away rather than working/typing in front of everyone. Oh,yes, that's why I haven't been noveling (really); my 3 yo sleeps in the room with the computer at naptime. I should do some old fashioned pen and paper. <sigh> I'll try.

So, bookstore. I listed a bunch of stuff on half.com, so feel free to stroll over and buy from me. *Wink* Here, a link:

I'm planning to post on amazon tomorrow, I think. Right now, I have 69 books; I had 70 but someone has already bought one! Woohoo! So tomorrow I have to go to the post office and ship that badboy. It went pretty quickly; I posted it Friday night and it sold Saturday at 3ish. I have some hope.

I've also been googling things like "own used book store" and "sell used books online" and reading the multitude of articles that show up. So I've learned what a lot of people think about the business. Whether or not it is true, of course, remains to be seen. Ultimately, I'll put together a website, I think, but for now there is no point in hassling. I'd like to make up some bookmarks to include in my sold books, and I'm thinking about (when I have, like, a customer base) offering a short book newsletter; reviews and such. (Of course, the reviews would be of books I am selling, <insert evil laugh here>.) Funny enough, the book that sold was one I was thinking of using as a recommended book! *Laugh* So I guess that is a good sign.

Okay, I am getting more excited, so I guess I should be glad for blogging. I'm going to go play. There are about a thousand things I need to do, and tomorrow I will not even have time to gripe about how I didn't get them done - like, um, I have a lesson to teach Tues night that I haven't even read over, much less prepared *Blush* - but I am just so not in the mood right now.

And I'm even holding back nasty comments about how well dh manages to do the dishes...working on it...working on it....so tempted...okay, off to play! *Laugh*
March 27, 2008 at 3:19pm
March 27, 2008 at 3:19pm
Just wanted to share that I spent the naptime hour working on the timeline of my novel. Timelines are tough enough without time travel messing them up! *Laugh* So, anyway, you can read it here if you want "Invalid Entry, although basically right near the end I decided to make a few more changes and so I will have to redo the entire thing tomorrow. I want to be careful not to spend too much time planning, but I could use some reviewing of the purpose and such right now. I will continue to ponder, and my tentative goal is to actually write during Monday's naptime. I am not sure I will make it to the computer to write tonight after bedtime - I might - because I'm still exhausted from our great "vacation." I always need a vacation to recoup from the vacation! Also, the house is an insane mess because, for the first time ever, I unpacked the whole car after getting home. It's a no-win situation.

BUT, I am really excited about writing the novel. Or, at least, working on writing it. Which reminds me, I need to request another book on Rome...
March 26, 2008 at 11:01pm
March 26, 2008 at 11:01pm
Well, how was everyone's Easter? I had a great one. My husband's grandmother, who we stayed with for five days and who hates me, chanted, "I told him not to marry you, I told him, but he didn't listen" one day into our visit, my dad wrecked his track bike at Talladega (sp?) and broke his collar bone so we had to drive him home and take care of him for a few days with four little ones running around, and my dh has finally liked one of my ideas for opening our own business!

Since Grandma has hated me from pre-maritial days (she started our engagement off with "you two will wind up divorced"), and since I can't think too long about motorcycles as my mom races her track bike more than my dad (I thought I had until my kids were teens to worry about stuff like that!), I'm going to quickly share with you the good news. (Incidentally, we finally got home today, after leaving last Wednesday).

DH and I have been thinking about opening our own business for awhile, but we are unsure what would be best. The biggest problem is that his job doesn't allow for transition time; he doesn't have time to work a business, and frankly, with four kids, I don't have a lot of inclination. But one business I would love to own is...a used book store. Which we are sorely lacking around here. I still have to do some research and, ultimately, ask myself, do I want to do this with so many little ones, but if I were to do anything (short of writing novels), I would love this best. So, any used bookstore owners, please share some feedback! *Laugh* No, wait, I'm not laughing, I'm serious!

Side note: dh has given me permission to troll yard sales and buy boxes of books. I mean, what is he thinking? The idea is that it will take awhile to amass enough to open a store, but still...giving me permission to buy books?

Since our last name is "Redd", I am thinking....

Redd's Read Books
A Used Book Store

(With read = red, LOL)

DH really likes "Redd's Read Reads" (red reeds), but I think that might be really too confusing, LOL.

Share feedback, and I'll post more later!

Oh, I found a neat site. It's called "goodreads" (uh, www.goodreads.com), and the premise is that you can see what books your friends are reading, and their reviews. If you want, you can email me and I will invite you to be my friend (oh, lucky you!). Or you can just sign up. I don't think there is any kind of referal bonus or anything, you would just get to see what intriging books I am reading, LOL. I know, you are ready to faint in disbelief.

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