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Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Drama · #800895
A forum to discuss dreams. Share your dream with me~
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Jul 7, 2005 at 12:31pm
Carpathian Trio...
Well, one night, after reading myself to sleep, I suddenly felt myself awake. I jolted up and I was ina ruby red old english style bed chamber. My normal sleep wear of a camisole and undies was no more. I was in a emerald green slip, made to match my eyes.

I got out of the bed and went in the hall, and found to room to my left. I entered the first one and found my best friend awake, Lisa, staring around the room like I knew I had. Hers was a deep blue to match her own eyes. We went into the last of our trio's room, only to find a gold and brown room, obviously to match Renata's eyes. We all looked at each other and opened the curtains. It was broad daylight instead of evening.

Then, something flashed and we were in a range of mountains. Somehow I knew it was a french range known as the Carpathian Mountains.

All kinds of vampire stories have come from this region, so I was suspicious. Just then, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found three gorgeous men standing in front of me. Since there was an archeology site rumbling behind us, apparently our operation, I yelled for Renata and Lisa to come over.

The three men introduced themselves as Lucas, (my dream guy), Mathew (Lisa's dream guy), and Zachari (Renata's dream guy). We followed them under the illusion that we were going to discuss business. We ended up in their cabin.

Since we were in the middle of nowhere, I should have been uncomfortable alone with virtual strangers. But all three of us girls felt as if we knew them for years.

In the dream, we all had seperate and supernatural powers. Though all of us had the ability to read and send messages through our minds. On top of that, I could create and manipulate water of any state, Lisa could command the weather, and Renata was able to control the people and inanimate objects around her.

We...uhh...all three had a rather erotic experience with our men. It was rather graphic and uhh...arousing.

We ended up being changed to Carpathian females by exchanging blood three times and the men chanted a devotion ritual.

It was very interesting that the next morning, when I saw the girls at work, they started to explain the exact same dream... to the letter. It was very creepy.

Now every time we each have a day or evening of extreme stress, we tell each other if the dream recurred. And it always does....creepy huh?
Carpathian Trio... · 07-07-05 12:31pm
by Lady Lily

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