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Aug 18, 2005 at 11:34am
Warped Sense of Humour?
I added this poem to my port a while ago, and it doesn't seem to be very popular.

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I think people are grossed out by it or something. Go figure.

I, for one, find it to be absolutely hilarious. I wrote it during class on Tuesday 22nd of February, 2005, around ten o'clock. I was feeling a little depressed, when something grabbed me, and in turn, I grabbed the paper and pencil out of my best friend Amanda's hand and scribbled this down.

When I read it over, I promptly burst into peals and peals of laughter (luckily, this was a free period). I just couldn't stop laughing. A half an hour later, I was able to calm down to some extent, with Mandy's assistance. Thereafter, for the rest of the day, I would sporadically erupt into fits of giggles during class, only to be quelled by a teacher's sharp look.

I still snicker everytime I read that poem. It's just so darn funny.
Warped Sense of Humour? · 08-18-05 11:34am
by Rastawriter

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