Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/message_id/1146534
by Kenzie
Rated: ASR · Message Forum · Contest · #1012792
Disabled? Chronic illness/chronic pain? Write a letter to friends and family.
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Oct 7, 2005 at 4:08am
Dearest Friend and World at Large
Wow, this was a toughie. I wrote out what I really feel (a rarity) and in doing such came off fairly hostile for most of it but I ask readers to be forgiving for it took me until the last paragraph to get to my real point. I feel much better now.

 To Those Who Have Left  (18+)
A letter account about experiencing CFS with pain in the viewpoint of a 20 year old.
#1019353 by Purple Cow

Looks like there isn't five entries to reveiw yet so I am going to sit on that until a later date. I shall return though.
Dearest Friend and World at Large · 10-07-05 4:08am
by Purple Cow

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