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Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Women's · #1050507
An exploration into the lost skills and changing attitudes about being a wife.
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Jan 1, 2006 at 4:23pm
The Siskel and Ebert of Wifeliness
So, The Critic and I were chatting on the phone, as we often do (to the chagrin of our husbands, who suspect we're plotting world domination and other forms of trouble), and the subject turned to "The Womanly Arts" or, "How to Be a Good Wife."

I contend that it helps a great deal to have a good husband, for starters. Kind of makes you want to be a good wife. But couldn't being a good wife also lead to having a happier - and therefore, better - husband?

Somehow, I fell through the cracks; I never had to - or chose to - take a home economics class. I can't sew. I taught myself to cook, and I'm still learning. I don't buy anything I have to iron - not since that "all natural, all cotton phase" I went through back in college. I'm a clutterbug and a mediocre housekeeper. But I've been happily married for almost twenty-two years. Eh, you figure it out...

This probably isn't the place to come if you've turned against men or sworn off marriage altogether. But if you're backing away from the forum right now because you think this is all about "how to be a good little wifey," think again. It's our contention that being wives is an underrated, noble, difficult, and rewarding occupation - half of a partnership between a man and a woman. We're going to explore - from our very different perspectives - the skills and attitudes needed to be a good wife.

Everyone reading this - both men and women - is welcome to throw in their two cents, here in the forum. We plan to incorporate and respond to all feedback, so go for it.

Now, turn to

 Womanly Arts: Book/Journal  (18+)
An exploration into the lost skills and changing attitudes about being a wife.
#1050501 by The Critic

and let us know your thoughts.

-- Jessiebelle
The Siskel and Ebert of Wifeliness · 01-01-06 4:23pm
by Holly Jahangiri

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