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Rated: E · Message Forum · Inspirational · #1067535
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Feb 27, 2006 at 8:10pm
My entry: The Secrets of Heaven and Hell
by A Non-Existent User
Once a very short time ago,
A certain old priest all did know.
For though he knew, he would not tell,
All the secrets of Heaven and Hell.

But on one day, it all was told,
On one day, all could behold,
For now the priest at last did tell,
All the secrets of heaven and hell.

For on that day a soldier did walk,
Covered in mud, he came to talk.
“Hey, old man,” his voice did expel,
“Tell me the secrets of heaven and hell.”

Then the Priest stared into straight his eyes,
And saw a rage the man couldn’t disguise.
“A mud-caked soldier wants me to tell,
All the secrets of heaven and hell?”

The old man laughed although he knew,
That the soldier’s anger grew and grew.
Then the soldier could take it no more,
And he picked his rifle off the floor.

Aiming the gun at the old man’s head,
The soldier prepared to shoot the man dead.
But before he shot, his anger was quelled,
For the old man had whispered, “That, is hell.”

Shocked, the soldier dropped his gun,
He thought about what the priest had done.
The priest had risked his life to tell,
This muddy soldier the secrets of hell.

With trembling hands then the soldier did cry,
For the soldier had nearly let this man die.
And the priest touched the man on the head,
“That, is heaven,” the old priest then said.
My entry: The Secrets of Heaven and Hell · 02-27-06 8:10pm
by A Non-Existent User

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