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Marv is calling it quits!
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Jan 9, 2007 at 10:05am
QuitNet Tip of the Day
Dealing with cravings

You've done it. You've made it well into your quit day and you are still smoke free! You're probably beginning to have cravings for tobacco, however, and are wondering how you are going to deal with them. Craving a cigarette can be hard to deal with but remember -- cravings are temporary and pass in a few minutes. Fight the urge to smoke with the Five D's: Delay (until the urge passes); Deep breaths; Drink water; Discuss your cravings; and do something to Distract yourself (like exercise one of the other four D's, for example).


P.S. I got a few D's for your ass!

Drown my sorrows in cigs
Die cuz I want a cig
Dwell on the fact I can't have a cig
Doodle little pics of me smoking cigs
Damn the cig makers
QuitNet Tip of the Day · 01-09-07 10:05am
by -- Marv --

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