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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Action/Adventure · #1106100
This is a forum for one of my campfires, so that the writers can brainstorm together.
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Mar 4, 2007 at 9:58pm
Edited: March 7, 2007 at 8:56pm
Hey, it's come to my attention that I forgot to mention I changed the name! *Pthb*  In case you need it, here's the link:

 The Return  (13+)
So the gods are free, the queen is crowned, what's next for our fearless heros?
#1092185 by KC under the midnight sun

So that's it. I've crowned the queen and we're celebrating in front of the City at the Gates. I hope you all enjoyed the journey! Remember, the epilogue is optional, but it's a chance for you to say where your char will be or what he/she will be doing 6 months after the Battle for the Gates.

Here's some questions that might help you to get started:

Will Mordred go back and see his sister, or will he be so captivated by learning his powers that he'll forget?

Will Marguerite stay and rebuild the City or will she call up a new city at Stonehenge?

Will Marius start to rebuild his temple or will he return to Monykom City to let his mentors and the priesthood there know what's happened?

Will Derrick remain at the Gates, or will he lead the troops to the mines and clear out the remaining goblins there?

Will Anglis stay in Vrede or will the gods have a new mission for him?

Will Kiera ever amount to anything?

And I know we're all holding our breath on this one, but is Tai dead or alive?


Blackwillow made this for me!!

BTW, Inari is a Japanese name meaning "the Successful One."
The End · 03-04-07 9:58pm
by KC under the midnight sun

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