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Rated: XGC · Message Forum · Erotica · #159656
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Jun 21, 2008 at 9:30pm
Greetings & Request for Feedback
Hello everyone,

I hesitated posting but my reason for overcoming that trepidation is that I'd like to learn more about the balance between connecting to my readers and writing what really interests me.

Does anyone have any insights about finding the right audience for your work? I find I do my best writing when I write what I really want to say/share as opposed to what it seems the market demands.

I have had some of my work published including some of the pieces in my port. I have had my erotic poetry, essays and a few short stories published in print. I am most proud of the seven or so pieces I had published in the International Journal of Erotica. I have also had some work published under pen names in other international journals dedicated to erotica and experimental feminist essays and such.

I am requesting feedback for any of the following or anything of interest to you in my erotica folder. Be forewarned that most of my work is not your typical erotica, it is very influenced by my interest in philosophy, sociology and business....so with that said, I welcome your insights *Smile*
 Invalid Item 
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#1441715 by Not Available.

 Who's flying this plane?  (18+)
Unraveling and making peace with romantic ideals and sexuality in the quest for growth.
#1441698 by Cultural_Fusion

 I don't mean to be rude  (GC)
A lesson in marketing erotic fiction and creative writing services.
#1441709 by Cultural_Fusion

Thank you in advance to anyone willing to assist!

"The artist is the person who invents the means to bridge between biological inheritance and the environments created by technological innovation."
- Marshall McLuhan

"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
-- Helen Keller
Greetings & Request for Feedback · 06-21-08 9:30pm
by Cultural_Fusion

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/message_id/1743544