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Apr 30, 2009 at 11:26am
My three Heros
The love of my children runs deep
they are my pride and joy
whether they are awake or asleep
they have lots of loving ways.

Like the way they adore their animals
and their family and friends.
They have their temperments
just like any other child
but they have a unique way
of showing love to
in things that they each do.

There is Christian ,and Charity and Noah
all three are brother and sister
but so different from the other
but I wouldn't have it any other way
because that is what makes them
up to be who they are today.

They each have their own special animals
that sleep with them each night
they cuddle them in their arms
and they all sleep so tight.

Friends till the end they will be
and a love for each one they give freely.
caring for them as if they were their child
gives me warmth in my heart and a great big smile.

I love all my children and it is with pride I say
that I am so glad that God sent them my way
to love them and care for them for all of my days
cause their love is so special in so many ways.
My three Heros · 04-30-09 11:26am
by Simply Sandy

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