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Aug 21, 2009 at 4:35pm
How does that go again?
by NiceGuy
I have three boys; ages 11, 5 and 3. My 11 year old has really gotten into singing this past year through his preparation for and participation in a 5th grade choir that performed at my old high school a few months ago. His constant singing rubbed off on my 5 year old and he started to want to sing more and more. Despite our best efforts to teach him a variety of songs, the only one he wants to sing (because it is the only one he can remember) has been "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree".

This past Sunday, he decided to branch out a little. A returned missionary spoke in Sacrament Meeting and so we sang the traditional "Called To Serve" as the closing hymn. They must have practiced it in Primary as well because he was trying to sing the chorus after church while waiting for his lunch. With great gusto, he was singing "Awkward, ever awkward...".

Whether or not you write well, write bravely.
~Bill Stout

 Thief of the Kingdom - The Journey  (13+)
A thief embarks on a journey destined to change the world
#1013671 by NiceGuy

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.
~Benjamin Franklin
How does that go again? · 08-21-09 4:35pm
by NiceGuy
Re: How does that go again? · 08-31-09 1:40pm
by J. H. Schmidt

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