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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Contest · #1786069
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
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Feb 29, 2012 at 5:58am
February Winners, As Judged by Teff.
Let's get this over with early hey? I did not judge the February challenge. Only Teff did. As for prizes, both Julie D and myself donated 50,000 gift points each to the prize pool for feb - that's 100,000 GP. I can't speak for Julie D, but I made the mistake of donating my 50,000 to Teff and not to the Voice Over & More bank. Without meaning to be too disrespectful to an elder lady, maybe when she comes back from her vacation she will see fit to pay the prizes for this month out of the GP that has been donated to her. I had a hard enough time even getting her to admit that I donated the GPs.

I've posted Teff's reasonings behind each of the place getters because she's not here to defend her judging. I've left out her comments about Fivesixer. Lol.

FEB --- First Place --- Prosperous Snow --- highest marks, without a doubt for acumen on Ambrosia prompt --- when she wrote that one --- she tries to ease the tempers from the complainers at that time. Her fiction excels and I will write directly to her to praise it. Seldom do we see authors outdo themeselves in such a short amount of time.

(BTW --- the Smarty Up aspect of writing is not wanted by Earl & Julie nor WDC --- they might feel it should only be in items such as short stories --- not blogs. However, I think the ability to write one's best is in any spot especially blogs. A blog is like a home.)

SECOND PLACE --- BBWolf-OW! My Feet Hurt! (78) [View alockwood1's Portfolio. [Offline / Private]] Same thing I will write directly to him --- why.

Honorable Mention: Sunny Starr sunnystarr (182) [View sunnystarr's Portfolio. [Offline / Private]] Never outrule the Star, Michael. She takes her prompts, thinks it thru, usually posts early as the entry is up --- and although often brief --- to the point, enjoyabe, etc.

As I now have access to the Voice Over & More Bank - did everyone get their prizes for January? Pipe up and I'll try and organise something. I'll have to try and make sense of all those different prizes offered as I'm relatively new to WDC.

Now, for everyone who still wants to blog every day of March, I am going to post up, in one post, 30 prompts for the month. Consider this an unoffical blog challenge if you want. I consider it a Practice Challenge for both you and me, as administrator. I have a new structure in mind for the 30-Day Blog Challenge - and an unofficial challenge in March is the best way for me to iron out any kinks before the next OFFICIAL 30-Day Blog Challenge in April.

Important to note, there won't be any email prompts for March (just the one list) BUT there will be for April. The official challenge will still be about spontaneous responses to blogging prompts. As I've said before, I plan to do a month on, month off format for the OFFICIAL challenges. Whether there will be unofficial challenges in the off-season remains to be seen.

There will be NO PRIZES for the unofficial 30 Day Blog Challenge/Practice Match in March - but folks are encouraged to donate awardicons and merit badges to anyone who decides to give it a go.

Any questions?


The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

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#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest   (18+)
Horror novella featuring zombies and steam trains. Starring Stacey & Grits.
#1835198 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
February Winners, As Judged by Teff. · 02-29-12 5:58am
by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

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