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Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Contest · #1673236
A biweekly prompt-based science fiction and fantasy contest (rd 20 due Dec 15)
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Jul 17, 2012 at 12:23pm
Contest: A Misguided Mission
Aracia entered the room, nervously glancing around, unable to make out the strange words that floated through the air.

For some reason, the Elder Orik thought that somehow the Convention of Races would be able to be held without a working UT, or Universal Translator. Aracia knew better, because she herself had grown up in a community of mixed alien races, and their own UT often broke down.
It was often impossible for anyone to communicate beyond crude hand gestures that were often misread.

Aracia stood on the edge of the meeting, watching the failing attempts at communicating. A large, pale creature lumbered up to her, and started speaking in some odd language.
"What is going on?" it seemed to say. Aracia knew it must be English, or some other language like it, but she only spoke a few words.
"A la shie a fda dag." Aracia replied. I cannot understand you.
The human?, seemed agitated. It spoke some more, but Aracia couldn't make it out.
"Uh saf. Ah moste gah." Aracia replied, attempting to communicate.
"I give up." it said, before lumbering away. It muttered something, and Aracia caught the name of her race.

"Attention, all creatures and races of the universe." the Elder called in Aracia's language, then in many others.
Many faces turned up to the Elder, my father. "Please, will the translators of each race come up here?"
No one came.
Aracia cursed, and fluttered off the ground, and scowled as she floated back down.
I really need to work on that, she thought.
Her father was attempting to do his yearly speech, but it was failing miserably. After all, he didn't know every language perfectly, and couldn't repeat everything.

Soon he stepped down, and integrated into the crowd. Aracia glided up to him.
"Hi, little one." her father said, lifting her off the ground. Aracia let a smile creep onto her face.
"Hi, father." Aracia replied, her feet on the ground.
"Well, that went well." her father chuckled. "So, my little faerie, how have you been faring?"
"Well." Aracia replied. "And you?"
"Fine, I guess." her father replied. "It would be better if I could understand what the Minister of Xacta was trying to say!"
"I know what you mean. This human was talking to me, and I couldn't understand a word he said. But it was kind of cool, in a way." Aracia replied.
Her father gave her a hug, before moving away to attempt to communicate to another important leader.
Contest: A Misguided Mission · 07-17-12 12:23pm
by Emma McCarry
Re: Contest: A Misguided Mission · 11-01-12 12:40pm
by MeganBlackwell

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