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Sep 3, 2012 at 6:43am
Without Writing...
by A Non-Existent User
In the constitution of freedoms; freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and most of all, the freedom to create, the world would be lifeless without those who have the ability to fully express their thoughts and or creative ideas upon paper. I thank websites such as writing.com in being an outlet in order for all creative writers have the right to share their stories, poetry, and any other creative story lines as so many of us desparately reach out to get our message into the world. The world is not to only revolve around the famous writers, as media regularly believes who deserves all credit and recognition only, but also allowing more people discover their potentials in other areas of life and what they could possibly do and be as either for career or hobby and maybe even, allowing their lives to grow a little bit more than what the basics of life only have to offer. Thank you writing.com for existing and allowing all levels of writers in being able to share their thoughts and testimonials on this website.
Without Writing... · 09-03-12 6:43am
by A Non-Existent User

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