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Nov 13, 2012 at 8:52am
Aloha, Early Hours-Haven't been to the cave
by Past Member 'richardhead'
*Dollar* 1,000 GPs were sent to "Vigilante Angel Ranger Team with this post.

for awhile. My one man helicoptor was never the same after I de-horned the unicorn and it turned the big piece of scrimshaw
into a unicorn meteor Horn-ite! Man was that unicorn angry? I brought another fruitcake for you to use as a doorstop! Forgot the Nut Case
but am traveling with a nut. His name is wal. His idiosyncrisys is eating paper. It's not that bad. Wals a nut who eats Wal paper. I warned
him about fly paper and reminded him that he could fly Wal paper but keep away from my personal bar, fly paper and the fruit cake next to it.
I poured as much beer into that fruitcake as I could til I set an almost full bottle down on the nut, Walsnut and beer spilled on the Bar, fly paper, and Walspaper,
Grabbing for the beer on the bar, I knocked the fruitcake, just missing the Bar, fly paper but not the nut as the beer laden fruitcake, the nut and myself
tumbled, I found another nut case. This nut case was real nuts and Walnut, with fruitcake all over him asked for two nuts to eat with fruitcake. I said,"
Sure, but it's on you!" With fruitcake and his two nuts in hand, Walnut put fruitcake and the nutcases two nuts in his mouth and sighed with ecstacy, until
he realized he had placed his hand on the Bar, fly paper. The nut was stuck. He felt like a bar fly or even Walspaper.
He was feeling a little nuts but they were all from a nut case. The beer had got to the fruitcake. It looked half baked and to beer soaked to be anything than what it had become," A nutless, beer, battered, bar fly paper, fruit cake, with a nut case, a few other Wal nuts, with one nut eating Walspaper.

Nuts! Early Hours, Since you liked my fruitcake that we turned into a boat anchor last time so much I was going to ask you and of course your crew of
Vigilante Angel Rangers if we could trade, A nut case, Two of my nuts, one, beer soden fruitcake and a ride in my Heliocopter, for a upgraded membership? I've written fifty postings but even larger and just as much fun, I have 471 reviews. I rarely review with just a few sentences like so many people, I've studied, (Not saying that's bad-sometimes good things come in small packages) But it's not me. I did a review yesterday. It's over 11,000 symbols.
I still need to learn how to use all the cool gizmos that WDC provides for those who have taken the time to learn how to use them. Anyhow, I hope this little exercise finds you in good spirits, surrounded by truth and light and the fullness of joy. Aloha, Marlin Spike
Aloha, Early Hours-Haven't been to the cave · 11-13-12 8:52am
by Past Member 'richardhead'

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