Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/message_id/2791457
Rated: E · Message Forum · Contest · #1774627
It's pretty simple; write a short story or poem based on one of the seven deadly sins.
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Feb 11, 2015 at 4:00pm
Deadly Sins, Can you guess which one?
by becbec
*Dollar* 200 GPs were sent to Culraven with this post.
Rebecca Shute


February 11, 2015

Deadly Sins

Silently laying upon the bed,

Head resting upon the soft downy pillow,

Hair fastened in a French braid down her back,

Gray eyes closed daintily,

Chin pointed downwardly,

Dimples lit on each side of her cheeks,

Blue satin bathrobe enveloped securely around her,

Blue-black shaded slippers resting upon her feet,

She lay serenely,

For the world to see,

Yet it is only he,

Who stares silently,

At her beauty,

In death.
Deadly Sins, Can you guess which one? · 02-11-15 4:00pm
by becbec

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