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Rated: E · Message Forum · Contest · #2055137
A Contest for Metrical Rhyming Poetry.
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Jan 13, 2017 at 12:19am
Here is my Poem for January, 2017!
This poet has been a musician, since early in life. I have played the piano, since I was six years old. Bach is a great hero of the faith to me, often creating my favorite note in all of the realm of music. The Picardy Third gives me hope as I contemplate the death of loved ones, most significantly that of my father, who has been with The LORD these 15 years, now.

One day I, too, shall end the minor strains of life's often chilly path, stepping through Death's Victorious Door into the warmth of everlasting Life. Please, don't be concerned that I have a terminal illness, other than the condition, known as Human Life, nor have I had some premonition. I have simply come to terms with the Victory, that is Life's End through the wondrous musical device, known as the Picardy Third.

The Picardy Third  (E)
The greatest moment of Joy in life is when the believer arrives at his or her Destination.
#2108602 by Jay O'Toole

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards

*StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* I'm a member of the Rising Stars Program for 2016-2017 *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV*
Here is my Poem for January, 2017! · 01-13-17 12:19am
by Jay O'Toole

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