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Apr 4, 2017 at 4:59pm
[R7] Day Two
by Tileira
Prompt Two
In Europe we have four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. This is not universal the world over and it does not have to be the case in your world. Even then, the lengths of these seasons and how pronounced they are from each other varies again depending on where on Earth you might be. In some places spring brings bright sunlight and green grass, while in others it means avalanches and melt water floods.

Today I want you to write about Spring in your world and what it means to its people. If your ‘world’ is a high school, Spring might mean exams or Easter break. If it’s an alpine setting, Spring might mean melt-water floods or long awaited fresh pastures. If your world does not have Spring, you might write about an equivalent season of growth or reprieve.

Things to consider…
*Noteb* What is the climate during Spring? What are the effects of that climate on the landscape?
*Noteb* What activities take place in Spring? Celebrations? Precautions? What is your character doing? Is there something he would rather be doing, if duty stands between him and recreation?
*Noteb* How does your character feel about the approach of Spring? How do the people around him feel about it? Is it a good thing? A scary thing?
[R7] Day Two · 04-04-17 4:59pm
by Tileira
Re: [R7] Day Two · 04-05-17 2:36pm
by Tiggy

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