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Sep 8, 2017 at 4:58pm
[R8] Day One - Top Cats
by Tileira
Good evening and welcome back to round 8 of the World Weavers' Championship!

I ought to have something witty or sincere to say at this point, but it's 10pm here and I'm tired, so I'd be grateful if you could substitute this sentence for something more apt when you read it.

For those of you joining us: good luck. For those of you in Florida with bigger problems right now: stay safe.

Prompt One
Societies function and thrive through a diversity of roles and delegation of efforts. Farmers, soldiers, craftsmen, merchants... each contributes something to the whole, but co-operation needs organisation and that means some form of hierarchy.

Write a scene which shows one of the hierarchies in your world.

Things to consider...
*Noteb* This might be military, corporate, familial or something else.
*Noteb* What are some of the positions in the hierarchy and what are the roles of the individuals in those positions?
*Noteb* How is a person's position in the hierarchy determined? If their position can change, what might change it? Or if positions can't be changed, why?
*Noteb* What are the marks or privileges of rank? Do people dress differently? Do they live or work in different areas?
[R8] Day One - Top Cats · 09-08-17 4:58pm
by Tileira

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