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Jan 14, 2018 at 12:46pm
I love J.R.R. Tolkien, who do you love?
by Jamie
yeah okay, I know people are like "it's just a fantasy story with a dark lord and stuff, as if we hadn't heard of THAT before" yeah but you DON'T UNDERSTAND! Tolkien was one of those that CRAFTED the fantasy genre. I'm pretty sure all fantasy that came after somehow plagiarise Tolkien and the gang (like CS Lewis). And actually, most fantasy nowadays isn't half as complex or detailed as middle earth!

because lets face it, the hobbit and LoTR were his best works, but also not really, because they are incomplete without his other works. Tolkien didn't just attempt at writing a story, he tried to make a reality, a universe! The silmarillion is a whole theory of creation! it is so complicated you have to read it more than once to fully grasp it. then you have legends like the children of hurin and the rest. stories of tom bombadil and how Sauron was merely a servant of a greater evil. he wanted to create a world, with languages and people and legends, and he did! actual languages that are near completion, even accents! it's not just some geeky magic, it is a foreign world, with people, and gods, wizards, and... just, a history of its own.

that's why i am obsessed with his works... not because of the actual story (which in of itself is amazing and made me cry all the way) but because of how imaginative and limitless he was as an author. he is my ultimate inspiration! i too want to create a universe, not just tell a story with a universe hanging vaguely out of reach. in fact, he said in a letter that he wrote what he wrote because at the time there just wasn't any stories that tackled such fantasy elements like dragons and legends on a scale as big as Tolkien took it! he made fantasy relatable. what a man!

well, that's my favourite author. I write this as i stare fondly at my Tolkien shelf. god bless

what about you, strangers? tell me about YOUR favourite authors :D
I love J.R.R. Tolkien, who do you love? · 01-14-18 12:46pm
by Jamie

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