Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/message_id/3160765
Rated: E · Message Forum · Contest · #2144029
Come yarn me a tale about a flawed character!
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Feb 3, 2018 at 12:25pm
Thank you to all who entered this contest. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each story!

bobturn: You had the super-awesome idea to turn two people into one hero. Reminded me a bit of Firestorm, from The Flash. I loved how Abigail and Stan worked together to fight crime in an intellectual way.

~ Aqua ~ : Your story was super-sweet. I loved the relationship between the twin brothers. The scene at the prom, where the brothers dance together, had me laughing out loud.

dragonwoman : Soundlessa is a super-superhero name! I love how she has all the gadgets needed to fight crime. I bet she and Batman would get along splendidly! The visual of Soundlessa carving a message into the cement with her heat laser was wonderful!

PureSciFiPlus : The Challenged Avenger is a great play-on-words for a hero with a so-called disability. I enjoyed how this hero specifically helped the blind, deaf, mute, and lame. I also liked how she kept her identity hidden with a costume that made her look like a man. Tricky, tricky!

Alas, as there were only four entries, I was only able to pick a first place winner. After reading each story several times and consulting with my co-judge, we've decided to award:

dragonwoman with the Superhero Merit Badge and 10,000 GPs.
Congratulations, dragonwoman!
by Genipher

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/message_id/3160765