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Aug 2, 2018 at 11:59pm
Edited: August 2, 2018 at 11:59pm
Let's Create a Communal Story
I kinda want this to be a story where everyone contributes a paragraph, and we see where it goes. Ready?

Ya know, I always wanted to be a writer. I always wanted to write a book someday and become some famous author that was known across the world. It was a weird, really, how this particular desire came into my line of sight. You see, I was always a voracious reader, latching onto whatever masterpiece of literature was sitting on some dusty old bookshelf, just waiting for the right hands to pick them out and turn their pages. The words seemed to come alive as I read them. The wide array of glorious worlds trapped within their pages constantly grappled for my attention. The best ones kept me occupied for hours and days at a time. I could waste no time when there was a particular line of conscious just waiting to be revealed and there was some beautiful damsel in distress to be rescued. But my favorite characters were those who would come out of hiding and become better versions of themselves in the process. I loved those ones who seemed like victims at the time but really were heroes and heroines in the making. They knew the suffering of the underdog and thereby were prepared to overcome enormous difficulties in order to protect others who might have suffered the same fate. Those stories were the most beautiful, the most life-changing and awe-inspiring ones. These characters only wanted what was good for their loved ones. It was nothing less than perfect when they became legends in their own right. And I always wanted to be like them.
I always wanted that chance.

Let's Create a Communal Story · 08-02-18 11:59pm
by zarkianmouse
Re: Let's Create a Communal Story · 08-03-18 12:54am
by Angus
Re: Re: Let's Create a Communal Story · 08-03-18 3:14am
by zarkianmouse
Re: Re: Re: Let's Create a Communal Story · 08-03-18 3:58am
by Past Member 'northernwrites'

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