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Aug 3, 2018 at 7:40pm
I am new to this website and figuring out things.


I'm Annie and I joined just a few days ago, I have been a member of NANO for years and received many good ideas for a novel but until last year never got around to do it. Something came up...don't it always?

When I started this a number of years back, I had no idea the length of information that I was able to find for what I wanted to write. Once the aha moment occurred, I was on a roll adding anything to my notes that my brain came up with.

I believe I have enough information for three novels, many of my notes are quite extensive and majority of it is on hard copy, so I don't lose any via electronical mishaps. Been there done that.

After compiling, this past year I began to piece things together with the idea for a film manuscript, but with so much information it became two manuscripts. Then it occurred to me to just write and write and write. It became a 70,000 (climbing) word fictional novel, that had me in circles over the P.O.V. and the Genre for weeks.

Anyway here I am, and after the rewrite, the editing will begin. (Again.) Then I will begin to read the works of others and give reviews.

I am new to this website and figuring out things. · 08-03-18 7:40pm
by Annie Day
Re: I am new to this website and figuring out things. · 08-06-18 12:11pm
by Kimbug

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