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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Writing.Com · #1949474
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
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Oct 5, 2018 at 8:02am
*Spider*Updated Goals: Spun Tales, Sent Mail Ending 10/5
by Cubby

I accomplished more this week than I expected! *Bigsmile*

*BoxCheckB* Continue to work on my collection of ghost stories for kids. *Ghost* I'm now on my 6th story I began last night (9/30). I like how it's practically writing itself. *PenR*
It's going well! Not sure yet where it will end up, but the journey is underway. *Boat*

*BoxCheckB* Dentist appointment late Tuesday morning. I am dreading this! My dentist has to fill a cavity, grind off the half crown that didn't come off with the other half, and then take an impression of where a new crown will replace the old... plus have a temporary crown put on. Ugh... *Facepalm*
OMGosh, it wasn't that bad at all! *Shock2* Have to go back the 16th to have the permanent crown put on. I love my dentist! *Heart*

*Box* Go on a color tour in U.P. (which will alter my list of goals here, lol) *TreeFall3**TreeFall2**TreeFall* *CarBr*
Had to postpone till next week as we got so many responses to our toy hauler trailer! And we sold it last night... YAY! He's picking it up tomorrow (Saturday.) Hopefully the leaves will still be on the trees by the time we get up there, lol. *BareTree* *BareTree2*

*BoxCheckB* Try getting in more steps. *Sneaker1* *Sneaker1* It's been raining a lot lately, so I'm hoping it will clear up soon. *UmbrellaBr*
This should be more of a half check, though I did get steps in. *Rolleyes*

*BoxCheckB* Write a letter *SnailB* *NotepadY* ) to the elderly man we met at the campgrounds last year. We became pen pals after we helped him set up his tent and take it down. He's 84 years old and uses a walker and he still camps! I really, really need to do this.
Yes! I sent it out yesterday (10/4). *MailO*

*BoxCheckB* I'd like to review more. I've gotten away from it and would like to start back up. I reviewed someone a few days ago and it went really well. *Type*
I'm so proud! I think I did 16 or 17 reviews! YES! *ThumbsUpL*

*BoxCheckB* Practice my violin and/or guitar! My new fingerpicking guitar book should be coming tomorrow from Amazon. Can't wait! *Violin* *Guitar*
My new book is harder than what I thought it would be. *Pthb* But I've been practicing! *Music2*

*BoxCheckB* Straighten up house (grandkids were here this past weekend *Heart*) *House* Change sheets, vacuum, put things away.
Mission accomplished! *Home*

*Box* Work on greeting card jingles. Once I get a dozen or so written, I'll send them all in (the best ones, that is.) *Cards*
Nopers. Didn't happen. *ThumbsDown*

*Box* Get rid of clothes I'll never wear again. Take to Goodwill! *CarV**Left**Shirtg**PantsGr**Heel**PurseP*
No, but it will happen! *Carb*

*Box* Decorate for the season! *Pumpkin2* *Corn* *Leafo* But first, it needs to quit raining! *Rain*
Not yet... *Headbang*

*BoxCheckB* Try to keep up on my blog. I've been doing okay with it, so hope to continue. *Computer*
I think I only missed one day this week. *Proud*

*BoxCheckB* Start a rough draft of children's story for kindergarten picture book contest through Institute of Children's Literature. *Type* I keep putting this off.
I actually started a draft! I don't like it so far, but at least I've got something to work on, change, or replace. *Bigsmile**Pencil*

*Box* Send out a manuscript... *MailO*
Sigh... that's a no. *Whistle*

Got lots done this week, including a few things I didn't even post! I trimmed the lilac bushes along the road and around our mailbox. I also did laundry and cleaned out our toy hauler trailer in case we would sell it (which we did!)
*Spider*Updated Goals: Spun Tales, Sent Mail Ending 10/5 · 10-05-18 8:02am
by Cubby

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