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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Contest · #2175732
A New Contest Every Two Weeks!
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Jan 28, 2019 at 3:47am
Edited: January 28, 2019 at 4:23am
New Contest Announced Early!
The current contest will still end tomorrow at the regular time, but I figured I'd go ahead and announce the next contest!

Write a short story or scene that is 500 words or less, that is ALL DIALOGUE. The entire story must be dialogue. Yes, you can include things the characters are doing during the dialogue, and yes, you can include inner dialogue that is happening during the main dialogue. There must be at least two characters.

What you can not do: Don't include info dumps that are not part of the dialogue. Every bit of non-dialogue must be related to the dialogue. A good example of what I'm talking about is found in this very nicely written piece:
Hello?  (18+)
A Man Receives A Phone Call From 'The Other Side'...
#2180923 by Angus

The example piece is 100% dialogue. I am being a little lenient by allowing some non-dialogue as long as it pertains to the conversation being had. If you are confused by my leniency (what exactly is allowed, and not allowed) you can just go for 100% dialogue like Angus did.

The story can be any genre and must be new for this contest. A shiny new award icon awaits the winner!! (or 10k gift points, winner's choice.)

SugarCube's Monthly Random Contest!!  (13+)
A New Contest Every Two Weeks!
#2175732 by IceSkatingSugarCube

SugarCube's Insomniac Asylum  (18+)
Night owls welcome!! Open 24 hours! Daily activities! Prizes!
#2179526 by IceSkatingSugarCube

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New Contest Announced Early! · 01-28-19 3:47am
by IceSkatingSugarCube

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