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Night owls welcome!! Open 24 hours! Daily activities! Prizes!
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Jul 2, 2019 at 6:38am
Can't find any membership requirements for this "Asylum". It's Tuesday so there should be a discussion but I don't see a topic yet. So I'll just discuss with myself.

Clearly my problem is that I'm an early morning person. But I'm a pretty late person too - although I doubt I could compete with Bobturn since he lives in Utah. And that's a big advantage given away if you live on the east coast.

I see tomorrow is the writing prompt day. This may (or may not) be a chance to air my grievance about prompts. Just tell me if I'm talking too much. I'm very silent in real life so the keyboard is my only serious outlet when it comes to communication and all that.

Anyway, about writing prompts. I hate the ones that write the plot for you. You know, the ones that say something like, "Imagine you're an armchair in someone's living room. You like your family but there's one guy, the old uncle, who weighs so much that he's breaking you down and you're collapsing under the strain. You decide to avoid him in future by entering a conspiracy with the other pieces of furniture. Tell us how it all goes wrong."

That's not a prompt. It's a plot outline. What on earth would be the point of writing anything when 90% of the work has been done for me? Even worse, this kind of prompt always seems to come up in the groups that claim to be encouraging your imagination and blah, blah, blah. That kind of prompt doesn't encourage imagination - it kills it.

Okay, that's my whinge for the day. "Whinge" is an Australian word (most commonly seen in the phrase, "whingeing pom" - a pom being what I am, a Brit) meaning wining or moaning about circumstances. I promise I don't only whinge.
Boo! · 07-02-19 6:38am
by Beholden
Re: Boo! · 07-02-19 5:38pm
by IceSkatingSugarCube

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