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A Terrifying Contest Of Horror And Three Time Quill Award Winner!
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Sep 16, 2019 at 12:31pm
One Entry-No Daily Winner-New Prompts!
by Angus
*Music1* If the illusion is real
let them give you a ride
If they got thunder appeal
let them be on your side

Let them leave you
up in the air
Let them brush
your rock and roll hair
Let the good times roll!

We're gonna miss ya, Ric, but thank you for those great memories!

OK. Well, we only had one remarkable and fascinating entry today by bobturn, so I'm sure he'd like some competition tomorrow!

Which is why I'm asking you to write something so terrifying, so utterly horrifying, so demented and twisted and warped that sugarglider58 will have nightmares for at least 3 days!

Your prompts?

Please use the following quote somewhere in your story:

"I'm just a figment of your imagination."
(I had to ask Angus for permission to paraphrase this from one of his stories, and he graciously obliged! *Bigsmile*)


(remind you of anybody in particular? *Wink*)

You have a little less that 24 hours and up 1,500 words to use, so let's get crackin', cuz time starts

One Entry-No Daily Winner-New Prompts! · 09-16-19 12:31pm
by Angus

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