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Rated: E · Message Forum · Writing · #2217132
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May 18, 2020 at 10:29am
Blind Ambitions

Tune into 11:45 mark. Maybe I'm just feeling bad for myself. I have chronic illnesses and can't go all over the world, but maybe I'm feeling bad for myself about what happened to me.

It's not all about that. Even though my part-time library job isn't going so well, I have been there for 14 years and I will miss some of my co-workers, even though I think it's holding me back. I think a lot of things are holding me back, but I'm a slow person and I have to work through them at my own pace. I just hope others don't think I'm being coddled.

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A Sports Trip to Remember  [E]
Genres: Friendship - Travel - Sports
by Future Mrs. B

The writer is the engineer of the human soul.
Blind Ambitions · 05-18-20 10:29am
by Future Mrs. B

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