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Dec 8, 2023 at 6:00pm
Distraction free writing
Hi gang,
While I am a writer / "published author" (Magazine article in the early 1990s - being a "published author" and $5 will get you a cup of good coffee), however, one of my main focuses is notetaking. I have noticed that in the writing community, "distraction free writing" is a common topic. I have also noted that there are numerous devices that implement distraction free writing, and that they generally cost about the same as a mid-range laptop (nominally $500). Now, if you are rich enough to consider that price inconsequential, and are interested in distraction free writing, stop reading, and buy one of these. I am poor(er), and buying one of these devices would be nearly impossible. If that describes you, please read on. Here are ways to for a poor(er) person to distraction free write. Please note, these are cheap but some require some learning / reading to use - if you object to that, please save up and buy one of the dedicated devices (which, by the way, you will have to learn to use also).


1.) Get a bluetooth keyboard (shop hard, some of these are over $100, I got mine for $24) and install a text notetaking app of your choice on the phone or tablet. Get a stand for the phone or tablet (Amazon has them starting at about $5, I get mine at Dollar Tree for $1.25). Pair the bluetooth keyboard to the device, set the device in the stand, and open the text editor - you are writing distraction free.
a.) If you are a bit more "geek", and really wish to go "text" only / no internet interruptions, install something like Termux (Android / from the fdroid android app) or something like a-shell from the Apple store. Install Vim, Emacs, or nano in the app, and open it. You are in a totally text and keyboard environment with no mouse. Note: These apps, Vim, and Emacs ( but not nano - it is easy ) have a serious learning curve unless you are familiar with UNIX like operating systems / editors, however, once you learn them, you will never need another text editor, they are available on almost any computing device / operating system.



1.) In most modern office products both proprietary and free (MS Office, LibreOffice, et al), there is an option to go to "full screen mode", which goes full screen, no menus, and you are just typing - distraction free writing.

2.) for the more "geek", install gvim for windows ( https://www.vim.org/download.php ), go to the search bar on the left side of the task bar at the bottom of your screen, type cmd.exe , and start a console / terminal session. Go full screen. type vim and enter - you are in a distraction free writing environment. Note: Vim and the console / terminal have learning curves (buy a book).


1.) In most modern office products both proprietary and free (MS Office, LibreOffice, et al), there is an option to go to "full screen mode", which goes full screen, no menus, and you are just typing - distraction free writing.

2.) For the more "geek. Unknown to most OS X users, OS X is a proprietary graphic user interface that runs on top of a version of BSD UNIX. If you find the console / terminal under applications, the Vi text editor should be available by typing vi and hitting the enter key. Other text editors should be installable. Go full screen in the terminal - you are distraction free writing.


Linux is a UNIX like operating system which is available free to download on the internet. I will run on almost any new or used Desktop or Laptop. It is a modern, fully functional operating system, however, if you are used to Microsoft Windows, or Apple Mac, there will be a (sometimes steep) learning curve. Linux on the desktop is usually run by "geeks", or those of us who are too poor to go out and purchase a new Desktop or Laptop.

1.) In most modern office products both proprietary and free (MS Office, LibreOffice, et al), there is an option to go to "full screen mode", which goes full screen, no menus, and you are just typing - distraction free writing.

2.) for the more "geek". open a console / terminal, install a text editor, and open it or just type vi and enter. Go full screen in the terminal - you are distraction free writing.
Distraction free writing · 12-08-23 6:00pm
by geek of the southwest
Re: Distraction free writing · 12-08-23 9:33pm
by Legerdemain
Re: Distraction free writing · 12-09-23 3:00am
by Zen

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