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Dec 9, 2023 at 3:00am
Re: Distraction free writing
by Zen
I have a Windows machine on my desk, and all the rest of my machines (around 18 of them) are varying flavours of Linux. However, for my writing (I am a novelist) I decided to change from Scrivener (which I still adore and use in my writing chain).

I installed DokuWiki on one of my network servers, and configured it as a wiki farm. This is where you install the wiki software once and create as many wikis as you like. The first is the 'farmer' which is used to create new wikis or delete old ones. The other wikis are known as animals, so it's an animal farm - kinda appropriate.

The animals are setup with a treeview down the left side for chapters, scenes, character notes etc - looking pretty much like Scrivener's binder. Each animal contains a single novel. Because i is on my network, I can access the farm on any machine connected to it - including my phone, and I have set up a VPN so I can gain access to my network when I'm out in the world.

When I have finished a novel, I can import it into Scrivener (DokuWiki stores all its pages in plain text files in a folder hierarchy that reflects the chapters and scenes in the treeview) and then export it as an eBook or whatever.

When editing a scene or whatever in DokuWiki, it goes into a distraction free mode. It's all done in a web browser, so I can have other tabs open for research or 'fullscreen' the DokuWiki tab for a more complete distraction free mode.
Distraction free writing · 12-08-23 6:00pm
by geek of the southwest
Re: Distraction free writing · 12-08-23 9:33pm
by Legerdemain
*Star* Re: Distraction free writing · 12-09-23 3:00am
by Zen

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